Martial God Regressed to Level 2

Chapter 575

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 575

As Yggdrasil blamed the Black Administrator, glaring at the void, Seong Jihan seized the opportunity to infuse Blue and Red with void.

And when his strike once again reached Yggdrasil,


Cracks began to form on the World Tree.

[…You’re becoming quite bothersome.]


Even after suffering a blow from the void, Yggdrasil, like always, began to regenerate.

However, her regenerative speed was noticeably slower than when previous attacks were made.

‘The void indeed seems to be effective against the Cosmic Tree.’

In that case, it should be actively utilized.

A Taiji pattern emerged behind Seong Jihan,

And after a long time, he drew out the Dark Sword Eclipse and infused it with void.

Then, as he retrieved his hand,


A colossal black sword, several times Seong Jihan’s size, manifested in his left hand.

The Taiji Sword, greater in scale than him,

When it appeared, infused with the essence of void,

Yggdrasil reacted violently.

[To use even the black sword… Black Administrator, the involvement of the master of void like this is unprecedented!]



Above the World Tree pattern,

A massive message window appeared.

[The Black Administrator clearly declares he is not personally intervening.]

Instead of speaking directly, the Black Administrator conveyed his intentions only through message windows.

‘Indeed. he only showed up to meddle.’

Although unintentionally revealing Yggdrasil’s vulnerability to void,

The Black Administrator, after all, did little besides warning him against utilizing Hell's power.


Without bothering to correct Yggdrasil’s misunderstanding, Seong Jihan earnestly wielded the Taiji Sword.

With a mere wave of the sword,


The form of the Cosmic Tree split simultaneously.

While the light normally reconnected instantly once cut,

‘Regeneration is definitely slower. No…’

The void in the Taiji Sword delayed the adversary’s regeneration significantly.


To be precise, during the regeneration process,

The void spontaneously emerged at the severed edges.

Boom! Boom!

Causing strong explosions.

This wasn’t the Taiji Sword’s void creating explosions,

But rather the void residing within Yggdrasil itself reacting.

‘Come to think of it, she was always so dedicated to void disposal or something…’

Perhaps to manage the enormous void possessed by the prime elf, Urd,

The World Tree Alliance was always earnest about void disposal.

Even the ancient elves of the alliance bore half-masks and regularly dealt with the void.


It wasn’t just the elders, even Yggdrasil herself had this much void stored within her body.

‘Did she accept Urd’s void as well?’

And now, the accumulated void in her body was causing explosive reactions as it was severed by the Taiji Sword.

‘She’s not even counterattacking anymore.’


The green light emitted by Yggdrasil, previously pressing on Seong Jihan,

Since being cut by the void, she wasn’t finding it easy to regenerate, unable to counterattack.


[Kuh. No. This… you say you haven’t intervened?!]

[The Black Administrator solemnly swears upon its position that he indeed has not intervened.]

Instead of genuine engagement, she seemed merely to verify the possible intervention by the Black Administrator.

Due to the void reacting internally, Yggdrasil continued to be overwhelmingly repelled.

Her once enormous World Tree pattern simply…


Finally lost connection.

‘Ultimately, the appearance of the Black Administrator helped me out…’

Although Blue and Red possesses much greater power than the void-infused Taiji Sword, he hadn’t thought to employ it.

Yet, here he was benefitting from it.

Choosing to overlook the Black Administrator’s earlier warning with a generous heart, Seong Jihan decided to bring this matter to an end finally.


With a single slash, the Cosmic Tree split into tens of thousands of branches.

Green light emitted solely for regeneration,

[Ugh… the void. Why must it react at this moment…!]

Upon the severed edges, the void bloomed.

Gradually breaking the form of the World Tree into pieces.

Continuing in this manner,

He could surely bring this matter to a conclusion.

He could finally settle this longstanding grudge with Yggdrasil here and now.


At the moment Seong Jihan intended to infuse even more void into the Taiji Sword to finish it,


From the upper section of the severed World Tree form,

A pure white light burst forth.



There emerged the original elf.

Urd appeared.

* * *

[Lady Urd…? It’s dangerous here!]


Yggdrasil’s urgent voice resounded.

Quickly wrapping Urd in green light.

Because of this, the regenerative power of the Cosmic Tree noticeably waned.

‘No way. Urd… could she really act this freely?’


Though once said to inhabit an administrator-level existence,

She had been barely holding onto life stored within the rainbow-colored tree.

When Seong Jihan contacted her, she somewhat recovered.

But could she truly move so freely like this?

“I felt troubled just watching. I am here to show you the way.”

[The way…?]



Urd looked at Seong Jihan.

“He revealed himself for humanity’s sake. In that case.”


Screens popped up all around.

From the sky above the major human cities,

It showed green portals opening.

“What might happen if the alliance’s army invades Earth?”


“Even if he is an administrator, he might waver a bit, right?”

The army of elves from the World Tree Alliance.

Though Seong Jihan easily subdued them,

They were far too powerful for humanity to oppose.

Should the invasion occur, humanity’s slaughter was as clear as day.

While Seong Jihan’s expression hardened significantly.

“Perhaps, he might retreat for humanity’s sake.”

Urd smiled deeply, watching him.

‘Goodness, she’s quite something too.’

Though he thought only Yggdrasil was bothersome,

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Urd was also unabashedly asserting her presence as soon as she appeared.

Telling Seong Jihan to retreat to protect humanity.

Deploying the alliance’s army so broadly and swiftly.

‘…Could it mean I have to retreat?’

Though it felt as if he could capture Yggdrasil if he kept pushing,

Should he retreat now?

Such an opportunity, once the main body fled to its planet, wouldn’t come again.

However, should the World Tree elves invade, humanity would surely be massacred swiftly.

‘…Even if I must return, I must catch her.’

Urd, quickly overturning the situation by threatening with the World Tree’s army.

This woman, needed to be subdued while she was in her weakened state.

Seong Jihan held the Taiji Sword and Blue and Red in both hands.


Launched an all-out assault on Urd, whom Yggdrasil protected.

[Ah. No! Lady Urd is…!]


The green light encasing Urd strengthened, blocking Seong Jihan’s several attempts, yet…

‘Urd must be dealt with now.’

Seong Jihan was also desperate.

The opponent was at her weakest now.

If not eradicated here, the aftermath would certainly be grim.


With the Taiji Sword and Blue and Red crossing, smashing onto the green light barrier.


Urd’s body, locked within, exploded.

[A. A…! No. Lady Urd…!]

After Urd burst apart, Yggdrasil screamed in despair.

Though her body was sliced and reformed hundreds of times, causing agony initially, she merely endured.

But once Urd exploded within her protective barrier, she lost her sanity.

‘…We must finish off Yggdrasil too quickly and return to Earth. In that condition, she can’t hold on for long.’

As Seong Jihan watched the Cosmic Tree, preparing to swing the Taiji Sword anew.


In the air, a white halo suddenly erupted.

Tick. Tick.

A clock of white light emerged, and its second hand began to reverse.



The unharmed Urd manifested therein.

“Oh my.”

Holding her hands together, Urd regarded Seong Jihan with a curious expression.

“Though void and all, that red and blue sword… is quite fascinating?”

“You… did you survive in that state?”

“Yes. After experiencing new power, one doesn’t die so easily.”

[A. Thankfully… Indeed, Lady Urd…!]

Relief washed over Yggdrasil at Urd’s survival.

Her voice full of self-assurance, she spoke to Seong Jihan.

[Blue Administrator. Will you calmly stand by as Earth’s people are massacred? Let’s return. I particularly assure you I won’t interfere.]

“Indeed~ Look here. Even innocent civilians would be slaughtered, but will you, the guardian of humanity, look away? We, the weak ones, can be captured anytime, after all, can’t we?”

Buzz. Buzz.

Urd pulled up several more screens showing the summoning of the elf army, zooming in.

With Yggdrasil and Urd provoking him in unison like this,

‘Agh. These damned ones really.’

For the first time in a while, Seong Jihan felt his blood pressure rising to the peak.

Just having one Yggdrasil was annoying enough.

But an even more vexing woman appeared.

‘Ha… is it inevitable then?’

Despite Seong Jihan’s overwhelming assault, Urd revived too easily.

Judging from the clock reversing while she resurrected, it felt like time reversal, but,

Given that only visible aspects appeared like so, her exact resurrection method remained unclear.

Should he get too delayed here battling them, humanity could indeed face extinction at the hands of the World Tree elf army.

‘…I must go.’

Swallowing his regret, Seong Jihan attempted to return.

At that moment.


A message appeared before Seong Jihan’s eyes.

[Uncle! Uncle! That’s fake! The illusion created by that woman!]


[Elves haven’t been summoned to Earth yet!]

He didn’t know how she knew what was transpiring here,

A message delivered via the Void Messenger from Yoon Seah.

Seong Jihan, after reading it, widened his eyes in realization.

The screens Urd displayed.

They were all a fabrication?

‘Was it crafted to urge my return to Earth, an illusion?’

This woman, she must be a target for elimination at this place.

Feigning a retreat, Seong Jihan opened a portal.

Infinite Annihilation God

Taiji Sword

Galactic Sword Scar

Using the Taiji Sword, he executed his strongest martial arts technique.


Accompanied by green barriers, Urd split in half along her frame.

Tick. Tick…

The clock of light reemerged with its hands turning backward, but,

“Oh my.”

Revived, Urd remained split in two.

“The sword’s mark. It leaves a trace even as the clock turns back….”

Thudd. Thudd.

With both hands pressing on her face to attach,

When her body refused to reconnect, Urd smiled brightly.

“Oh my. This can’t do, can it?”

[Lady Urd… I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop it…]

“No, you’re vulnerable to the void, it’s unavoidable. It’s largely because of me.”

Tap. Tap.

Attempting to reassemble her head several times, she gave up.

She nodded toward Seong Jihan.

“Did you let go of humanity just fine? Your choice to abandon them and attack me. I commend you for sacrificing the small for the greater.”

“Stop spouting about humanity, won’t you? It’s already been revealed that the image was an illusion.”

“…An illusion?”

Peering at the screens she displayed,

Urd grinned heavily on either side of her split face.

“Oh. This is intriguing… How can I die when it’s getting so amusing?”


Despite the bluff being called out, she reacted like that?

Seong Jihan sensed inexplicable foreboding and attempted to strike her again, but.

Before being cleaved, the clock of light emerged anew.

Tick. Tick…

Sword Scar became continuously misaligned, unable to hit Urd.

‘This clock. What on earth is it…?!’

While Seong Jihan’s strikes were being warded off like this.


Urd knelt, caressing the green light encompassing her.

“I always thought of you like my child. Amongst my children… you were my pride and joy.”

[Lady Urd…! I also. Though I couldn’t say, I’ve always revered you as a mother…]

"Hehe. We understand each other, don't we? Then..."

Urd's smile took on a benevolent light.

"Do you remember what I said about the relationship between parents and children?"

[Yes... You said children should live for their parents, right?]

Children living for their parents?

Wasn't it... the opposite originally?

"Oh, how sweet. You remember well."

Urd gently stroked the light of the cosmic tree.


On her hand,

Purple patterns slowly appeared.

"Then, shall we put what we've learned into practice?"

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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