Magi’s Grandson

Vol 1 Chapter 15

Various Unveiling

Sicily and grandma came back. Sicily seemed to have calmed down. Im glad.

Sicily, have you calmed down?

Nn Im really sorry s.h.i.+n-kun Im sorry to have involved you with my circ.u.mstances and gave you trouble

Thats why I said dont worry about it. I got involved because I wanted to. Understand? Now, lend me your uniform.

The uniform Sicily took off was now in her hands. Now, it was time for me to enhance it with magic. For that purpose, Sicily handed me the uniform.


What is it, grandma?

When you use enchantment magic on the uniform, do it in front of everyone.


What youre about to do, do you even know how preposterous it is? Let everyone see it.

Preposterous? Is it really?

Look at the reaction of the people around you; see for yourself how absurd what youre doing is, and gain some awareness of it.

What a cruel thing to say. I am not doing anything outrageous, I think.

So, I immediately began the enchantment process by using Nullification on the enchanted uniform.

To start, I took out the cane used exclusively for nullification magic. The cane was narrow and short, specially made for precision work.

Then, I covered the uniform with magic power and imagined the characters used as enchantment emerging from the uniform.

Wha, What? That is?

Magic Protection? Shock Mitigation? Anti-Fouling?

No way Are those the characters used as enchantment?

This is the first time Ive seen this kind of spectacle degozaru.

When I started, everyone also started making noises.

Then, I activated magic using the cane, tapped the floating enchanted characters with the tip of the cane. When suddenly

The characters theyve disappeared

No way the Magic Enchantment have been nulled!?

Thats right, the effect will disappear after the characters have been erased. At this point, everyone was already stupefied with their jaw hanging open. However, the performance has just started.

Haa~ Even though Im seeing it myself, this spectacle is ridiculous

Hohho, its not something anyone can think of easily. He has really matured.

Its because of you! Its because of you that s.h.i.+n is s.h.i.+n is!

Grandpa and grandma are flirting with each other.

They should really just get back together.

The enhancement granted on the blazer, s.h.i.+rt, and skirt has all been removed. Now, its time to grant them my own enhancement magic.

First, I imagined the effects of Absolute Magic Defense. Any magic with malicious intent will be dispersed by the magic barrier. Then, I transfer that image into the uniform. I went ahead and did it for three of the clothing because it was tedious if I imagine one image at a time.

Did you perform the enhancement for three items at the same time?

Because its tedious if I do them one at a time.

That is amazing

Huh? Is it really!?

Next, I envisioned the effects of Complete Physical Impact Absorption. I maintained the image of kinetic energy being dispersed once it touches the uniform, and also sequentially transferred the image to the three pieces of clothing.

Followed by imparting Anti-Fouling and Auto Heal.

During this time, n.o.body said a thing.

Im such in a state of shock where I dont know what to say

Such a thing shouldnt happen at least, I think.

And so, the uniform which had been imparted with magic enchantment was now complete.

By the way, s.h.i.+n. Although you seem to have used characters youre familiar with, but what sort of effects do they have?

The effects of the four enchantment are Absolute Magic Defense, Complete Physical Impact Absorption, Anti-Fouling, and Auto Heal.

I just announced the names of the four enchantment but didnt bother explaining what they do.

For some reason, think I just heard some disturbing words.

Is that so? You should just think of the enchantment as an upgraded version of what the uniform originally had. However, Auto Heal is an addition.

So? What does the other respective enchantment do?

Absolute Magic Defense disperses all magic completely. Complete Physical Impact Absorption nullifies the kinetic phenomenon behind the physical impacts. Auto Heal can heal any injury, however, it cannot cure illnesses. And Auto-Fouling is the same as before.

With a somewhat weary face, Uncle Dis asked me once again.

Can you explain the effects in detail? To what extent of magic can the Absolute Magic Defense defend against?

Absolute Magic Defense causes magic itself to disperse. So, all kinds of magic.

All kinds of magic

That enhancement magic is a controversy to the existence of Magicians

And, what about Complete Physical Impact Absorption?

It is similar. Physical attacks or rather, it defends against attacks with any form of kinetic energy, such as physical objects.

Even physical attacks

Really, anything goes degozaru

I wonder, how much healing power does Auto-Heal have?

Itll heal to some extent, such as cure minor wounds or replace any damaged cells. However, it doesnt work on illnesses.

Up to a certain amount of damage

Wait a moment how does that work out?

Somehow or another, everyone was muttering, but this is far from perfect, okay?

Well even if I said this, because this is a magic tool, right, it wont work unless its imbued with magical power. And on top of that, it needs quite a bit of it. Therefore, you should take caution because its not something you should always be using. It also wont necessarily trigger to protect you during a surprise attack. Nevertheless, I think it should prevent the situation of receiving an attack in the middle of chanting because arent there plenty of magic made to gather on you when trying to use magic?

This is something I want them to understand. A uniform is a magic tool and it needs magic power to activate, and, therefore, cannot be used continuously. Its similar to the saying although lamps and candles produce light, firewood is still necessary for a fireplace.

One can think of magic power as a form of an energy source coming from a battery, and without it, the magic tool cannot be activated. With this theory, I tried to come up with something that can store up magic power, however, I couldnt think of anything. I wonder if theres something out there?

I see, now I understand what Melinda-s.h.i.+ was talking about. Certainly, it this was to be released to the public, without a doubt, it would be an item of a national treasure level. And to be able to able to easily grant this kind of enchantment, I guess I should say, it as expected

It is an amazing item, no doubt. However, Father, this is

Ah, I understand. s.h.i.+n-kun, do you mind?

What is it, Uncle Dis?

s.h.i.+n-kun, the magic enhancement youve imparted it amazing. No, its actually too amazing. However, it would cause a serious issue if it was to be sold in the market. Thats why, you must absolutely not reveal it to others.

Its not like I had that kind of plan to begin with, however, what would happen if the word gets out?

Its about that. When that happens, if the word about this enchantment gets out to the military

If the word gets out to them?

There is a high possibility that our military will voice their desire to declare war to nearby countries.

Declare war!?

They wont have to fear any magic attacks, and also, bow, spear, and sword attacks will be rendered ineffective. They also dont have to wear heavy armor, nevertheless, as long as they are not heavily injured, they will receive immediate healing. If a ma.s.sive amount of soldiers wearing armor with such enchantment were to gather Dont you think it will be possible for them to overwhelmingly trample over armed forces of other countries?

Tha-that is

Human beings are susceptible to temptation. When they think they have an overwhelming advantage against other countries its highly possible that they will declare war. A person who gives into that temptation will surely appear.

Tha-that is!

I was thinking that it would have the power to defend everyone However, didnt have thoughts apart from that I didnt think thoroughly about its capabilities of being a tool of war

War is an act most modern j.a.panese people repulsed. Thus, I didnt think about it.

Somehow I wasnt aware of the differences between the reality of this world and my thoughts

I see That should be how it is I really didnt think of such possibilities.

Ah s.h.i.+n has s.h.i.+n has reflected for the first time!

Grandma looked like she was impressed with something. How rude; in the past, I have reflected on some things! So that I wont make the same mistakes again

Nn, nn, its good as long as you understand. About this

To be honest, I also wanted to do the same for Gus uniform However, itll be bad if it becomes widespread.

Eh? s.h.i.+n-kun? Wait a minute..

Im sorry, Gus. I cannot grant these enchantments on your uniform.

Wait a minute, s.h.i.+n-kun! Certainly its bad if it gets revealed, but it doesnt change the fact that its very useful. Dont you think itll be alright as long as he doesnt misuse it?!

What you said is true. It is not originally made as a tool for war.

Thats right, thats right; its nothing more than a tool meant to use for self-defense. And also, I think it is necessary for a royalty to have a decent amount of defense. Yup.



Uncle Dis was desperate However, since I originally had the intention of granting the enchantment on Gus uniform, it saved me the trouble of asking for permission

I never wanted to see Father with such appearance

Gus had a complicated expression on his face. Ah, I see; inside the Royal Palace, the only appearance he ever saw was one of dignity. However, whenever he escapes to my house, this kind of expression is often seen.

Gus, it would be good if you start getting accustomed to it. Since this kind of appearance is often seen in my house.

Is that Is that so?

In the end, it was decided that the same enchantment would be applied to Gus uniform. When it was suggested for the others to have their uniforms enchanted as well, Maria refused.

I dont want to bear the responsibility of keeping the features of the uniform a secret

It seemed like she genuinely hated the idea. As for the two guards, after having stressed that it was absolutely necessary for them to have it, it was decided to be applied to their uniforms as well.

And thus, I enchanted three additional uniforms. When I finished Sicilys uniform and tried to pa.s.s it onto her, she said it was not permissible for her to receive one before Gus, and so, I gave one to Gus first. How troublesome!

Thank you, s.h.i.+n-kun. Although its a little scary I can see that s.h.i.+n-kun is seriously trying to protect me. This makes me really happy.

Sicily gave me her thanks while smiling.

As I thought, shes really cute I want to personally protect this child somehow However, I wont always arrive on time to do so

s.h.i.+n, with this, are we all done?

Nn. But as I said before, this tool is not perfect. However, as long as its not in a state of an emergency, there are other things that should be done

Hoho, if thats the case, I have an idea in mind.

Eh!? What is it, Grandpa!?

But before that, I wish to confirm something with the young lady. Young lady, how far is your house from this place, and also, could you tell me how you commute to school?

My house is about ten minutes away from here. As for commuting to school, I plan on walking there with Maria.

In reality, there arent any problems with walking to school since the security of the Royal City is good however, the commute to school would still be the most dangerous time for the young lady. The possibly of being attacked during that time is high.

No way

Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to have s.h.i.+n meet the young lady at her house, and commute to school together with her every morning.

Merlin! You you really said something good!

Hohho, I think so too, I think so, too.

Grandpa said proudly. Since grandma dominated the discussion a while ago, he wanted to somehow redeem himself.

What from!?

But wouldnt that become a big burden on s.h.i.+n-kun? To have him come to my house every day before school I cannot ask for such a thing.

Because Sicily was worried about burdening me, she wanted to somehow deal with Cart alone. She really is a gentle child.

Fufu, if thats the case, theres nothing for you to worry about. s.h.i.+n has some kind of magic he can use to pick you up.

Melinda I was just about to explain that

Grandpa is losing ground.

In that case, explain it quickly.

Then, Ill explain it now Young lady, theres nothing for you to worry about. s.h.i.+n has a certain convenient magic he could use. And the plan consists of him taking advantage of it.

Convenient magic?

Ah, that magic

Uncle Dis suddenly had a distant look in his eyes. Although I understood why, he didnt have to make that of expression.

s.h.i.+n, why dont you show them that magic?

Sure, but where is our destination?

Hmmm, let me think the house in the forest would be fine.

I understand.

I imagined the house we used to live in, and then


A magic name easy to understand was cast.

And suddenly, a glowing gate appeared in front of our eyes.

Puzzled, everyone approached the gate while looking at it skeptically. I then instructed everyone to walk through it and went ahead of them.

On the other side of the gate, was a nostalgic sight. It was the home which I have not seen for several months.

Then, everyone came out of the gate one after another. As soon as they got out, they were all wide-eyed.

This magic is amazing as ever.

Its been a while since we came to this house, but appears that the barrier is still fully functional.

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Of course, it is. Who did you think made this large barrier.

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