Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2065

Chapter 2065

Soon, the news that CAI Zixiao was about to accept jieyuangong as his disciple spread all over the provincial capital. Those who raised his son were envious and envious. They also lamented that song Yan had gone through the bad luck.

Because it's totally different to receive students and have teachers and students.

Originally, song Yan planned to leave the provincial capital to return to yunshuijian sect after visiting Cai Zixiao, but now he can't go, because five days later, Cai Zixiao would accept him as a disciple under the witness of a group of powerful and famous people.

Therefore, he must stay in the provincial capital for several more days.

Wei Fu.

Master Wei sighed, and Miss Wei was silent.

In xuanyang temple, the Master Yu's face was blustered and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that the elder generation was the Jieyuan Gong of this year. It's really..."

The next day.

When the housekeeper of the Wei mansion arrives, song Yan has a key and a deed of house.

Because the other side's attitude is firm, if song Yan doesn't take it, the other side won't leave, and song Yan takes it.

The next few days.

Song Yan's great name has spread to the provincial capital, and he will be invited every day.

After attending several times, he used the excuse of reading with his eyes closed, mainly because he felt uninteresting. After he went, he either drank or accepted flattery from others.


Five days time, today, song Yan will worship Cai Zixiao as a teacher.

After a process, song Yan finally completed the ceremony under the witness of all the people. Then Cai Zixiao called him aside and said, "Ziyu, you have done a good job these days and are very satisfied with your teacher!"

Slightly a Leng, song Yan suddenly understand that CAI Zixiao means that he is not lost and keeps his heart.

Then Cai Zixiao gave him a letter.

This is a letter of recommendation, recommending him to study in Beijing taicollege.

Tai college is the highest college in Wei state. Generally, only the whole people can enter the school. Of course, if the descendants of the powerful go through the back door, the scholar can also enter.

Under the scholar, even if you have more power, you can't enter.

"Thank you very much, teacher!"

Song Yan said solemnly after receiving the letter of recommendation.

The next day, song Yan personally came to Cai's mansion to say goodbye to CAI Zixiao, and then left the provincial capital to send him to Yunshui sword.

If there are magic weapons such as flying swords, they can travel faster. Unfortunately, such good things as magic weapons are rare.

Is it easy to get it.

Early in the morning, in the evening, song Yan appeared in the sphere of influence of Yunshui sword school.

He slowed down, but spread out his identity and rushed to the mountain gate.

"Younger martial brother song is back!"

The disciple guarding the Mountain Gate said hello politely. He is a legitimate disciple with noble status, which is not comparable to these disciples.

"Several senior brothers are working hard!"

Song Yan replied, strode into the mountain gate, and then went to see his master Chen Yuniang.

"Inkstone, I can't believe you won Jieyuan!"

As soon as they met, Chen Yu Niang said with a smile on her face, as if she was very happy.

"Good luck!"

Song Yan said with a smile.

Accompanied Chen Yuniang to say a few words, song Yan said: "master, I go to find elder martial sister!"

Hearing song Yan's mention of Cao Jing, Chen Yuniang's eyes darkened and said, "you don't need to find your elder martial sister. She's no longer in Yunshui sword school!"


Song Yan was shocked: "where did she go?"

"Your elder martial sister is the left behind daughter of Lord Yan's mansion. Now, she has been taken back to Lord Yan's mansion!" Chen Yuniang said, then she took out a letter and handed it to song Yan: "this is the letter she left for you."

Song Yan was shocked. He didn't expect that Cao Jing was the princess of Prince Yan's mansion. King Yan was one of the four princes of Wei state. At the beginning, the Prime Minister of Zhou succeeded in usurping the country and granted five princes. Later, one of the princes rebelled and was taken back by the royal family. Now, the four princes are king Yan, King Zheng, King Han and King Zhou.

The surname of King Yan is Cao.

Back in her room, song Yan opens the letter left by Cao Jing. Cao Jing's handwriting is quite beautiful, and there is a strong reluctance between the words. However, she notes in the letter that she will return to yunshuijian sect when she returns to the Lord Yan's mansion to recognize her ancestry and return home, and let him not forget him.

After reading Cao Jing's letter, song Yan couldn't help laughing.

Although Cao Jing is a little naive, she will become Princess Yan after she confesses her ancestry. How can she marry someone he already has a wife if she becomes a princess.

But song Yan didn't think it was a problem.

He wants to marry Cao Jing. No one can stop him. Who calls him immortal Jindan?

With his ability, don't say that he is just a king of Yan. Even if the Wei state, it's not difficult for him to change his ways.

So he decided to go back to Songjia village first.

After staying in Songjia village for a while, he went to Cao Jing directly and married him.

After staying in Yunshui sword school for two days, song Yan got another title of younger martial brother Jieyuan.Two days later, song Yan returned to Songjia village.

It's only a week since he was elected. It's estimated that he hasn't reached the county. People in Songjia village won't even know.

"Xiao Lang!"

I haven't seen song inkstone for more than a month. When I saw song inkstone, Chen youniang rushed directly into his arms.

I learned that song Yan came back.

People from the village came to inquire about the news and asked him how he got on this test.


Song Yan smiled at the people.

"My God, there is a whole family in Songjia village!"

"Ha ha, my song village is going to be famous!"

Less than an hour.

The father-in-law's family rushed in, smiling. Chen Chong was still on duty in the county and didn't receive the news.

But that night.

Chen Chong rushed back to the village. Not only that, but also the county Zun came and sent a congratulatory gift. Because this afternoon, there was a good news to Huangshan County, and the news that song Yanzhong had Jieyuan had been spread all over the county.

Don't think it has nothing to do with xianzun. In fact, this is his achievements. Besides, song Yanzhong's or Jieyuan's is a great achievement. Maybe his position will change in the next year.

Although he won Jieyuan, song Yan was still very polite. He set up a banquet to entertain the county Zun and his party. At the same time, he gave the village head a hundred Liang silver, which made him put a water table in the village. Not only the people in the village could come, but also several nearby villages were invited.

January time flies by.

Even so, song Yan's family has guests to visit every day. As for the invitation, there are more posts, but he refuses many invitations because he takes the entrance examination as the people.

"Xiao Lang, I've cultivated my inner Qi!"

Chen youniang pleasantly runs to song Yan's side and says.

Song Yanyi explores that Chen youniang has really cultivated her inner Qi. During this period, he bought many medicinal materials to nourish her body. Therefore, now Chen youniang is more and more beautiful.

After staying in Songjia village for several days, song Yan is ready to leave again, because it's not far from the date of Taixue's application. He must hurry to Taixue's application as soon as possible, so as not to disappoint Cai Yun's kindness.

In Chen youniang's reluctant eyes, song Yan drifted away. He first went to Yunshui sword school, and when he knew that Cao Jing had not returned, he went straight to Yan Wang's fiefdom.

Two days later, song Yan appeared in Panyang mansion, which was the fiefdom of Yan Wang.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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