Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2062

Chapter 2062

As for the five martial artists, there are four inborn martial artists and one grand master.

No matter in the cultivation of Buddhism, Taoism or martial arts, as long as we reach the level of master, we can become the existence of the dominant side.

After notifying each other of their names, song Yan said to the eight humanitarians, "everyone, if I have something else to do, I'll take the first step!"

In one step, song Yan appeared at a hundred meters away, and after a few steps, he disappeared into the public's sight.

"I congratulate you, Master Yu. You have a golden immortal. I'm afraid that you will rebuild your brilliance from now on!"

The martial sect envied the Taoist sect.

It's the old slovenly monk who hears the words, but there is some doubt on his face. Before this immortal Jindan claimed to be a disciple of Yunshui sword sect, how could he become a Taoist Jindan?

In the dark, he also felt a light wave of Buddha power from the other side.

"It's hard to believe that this real person is a Buddhist, Taoist and martial artist who can't achieve three accomplishments?"

But then he thought it was absurd. Although the life of the practitioner was longer than that of ordinary people, he spent a lot of time in practice. Even if he only practiced Buddhism for a long time, he lamented that the time was not enough. If he practiced three ways together, I'm afraid even the greatest genius would be wasted.

Returning to normal, he listened to the exchanges between the two wuzongs and daozong, but he was a little sigh.

In the kingdom of Wei, Wudao is the most prosperous. There are only ten great masters and seven martial arts practitioners.

The next is daomen, but it is far from martial arts cultivation. Daomen is only the second of the top ten masters. However, today, there is a golden immortal in daomen, who is afraid to increase his power greatly.

Finally, Buddhism and Taoism.

Among the ten great masters, Buddhism and Taoism occupy only one position.

As for the great masters, there are only a few experts in Buddhism and Taoism. From a thousand years ago, Buddhism and Taoism were the most prosperous, and the combination of martial arts and Taoism could not be compared.

It's a pity that there is an evil spirit in Buddhism, which makes the experts of Buddhism and Taoism all dead. Today, it's not as good as words. Many ruined temples can be seen.


Song Yan went back to the inn in the provincial capital.

Cao Jingzheng stood in front of the Inn and waited. As soon as he saw him, he hurriedly came up and asked, "younger martial brother, are you ok?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm very good!"

Song Yan smiled.

"That's good!"

Cao Jing was relieved. Suddenly, she yawned. Her pretty face was exhausted. Song Yan felt a movement in his heart: "elder martial sister is tired. Go to have a rest."

"Well, well, I'm really sleepy. I'll go to bed first!"

Send Cao Jing to the outside of the room and watch the other party enter. Song Yancai turns around and leaves and returns to his room.

When his mind moved, he called up the system interface to check the qi movement.


When he saw his fortune, song Yan was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, he broke through the golden elixir level of Taoism, and his fortune increased by more than 8000. Although he didn't make up for the consumed fortune, it was quite good.

Put away the system interface, song Yan is thinking about the future road.

Before that, he was going to take the exam of the whole nation and the top scholars.

Now it seems that even if he wins the promotion, he will not be able to provide him with much luck. On the contrary, he will gain a lot of luck by improving his strength.

"So this time, do you want to take the test?"

After thinking about it, song Yan decided to take the exam. After all, he had to work from beginning to end.

He will resign when he is admitted to the top one.

In addition, he had limited understanding of the pattern of Wei state. He had communicated with that Taoist school before and knew that he was the leader of a Taoist temple in the provincial capital. Tomorrow, he could go to inquire about the situation of the practice circle of Wei state.

The next day.

Song Yangang wants to take Cao Jing to visit the Yu Temple leader. Unexpectedly, he takes the initiative to find him.

Song Yan welcomed him into the room, but the other side was flattered.

At first, the Yu Temple leader was quite nervous in the face of song inkstone, but gradually he put down his mind, because he found that the golden immortal was not only without any airs, but also very kind.

They talked for two hours before they left.

Song Yan also had a little more understanding of the state of Wei Kingdom's cultivation circle. Therefore, in the cultivation circle, martial arts are the most important. Among the ten great masters in the world, seven are martial artists, two are Taoist and one is Buddhist.

In addition, there are demons, monsters, ghosts and other forces that do not enter the stream.

But among the martial arts, there are also the good and the evil. Among the seven great masters, the evil martial arts occupy three, and the good four, so to speak, the good way occupies the upper hand.

Moreover, there is still the underworld.

For example, there is a City God in the provincial capital. The City God is the seven Yin officials in the underworld, and there is a heaven in the sky.

And the ultimate of cultivating martial arts is to fly to heaven and become a immortal.

As for those who practice Buddhism to the extreme, they will fly to the Buddha world.

The highest immortal in Tianting is called Tiandi, not the Jade Emperor, the leader of Buddhism, but also called Buddha, but not Tathagata.More than ten days passed in a flash.

Song Yan occasionally reads books and accompanies Cao Jing to hang out in the street.

Tomorrow is the test for the whole people. Song Yan is quite calm about this, and he doesn't see any tension.

In the morning of the next day, before dawn, song Yan got up and went to the Yamen of the Academy for reference when Cao Jing sent him off.

This test brought together scholars from thirty-two counties in Wuzhou, with a reference number of more than 3000 people. Therefore, as soon as I came to the Yamen of the University, I could see lanterns everywhere, bustling and bustling.

Although it is still necessary to search for the body when entering the examination hall, these yamen servants are polite. After all, they come to refer to the scholar masters, who are famous for their merits. Once they are promoted in the middle, they can enter the dynasty as officials. Once they are offended and cruel, they need to get revenge. They may not be able to resist such yamen servants.

At half past six, song Yancai lines up to search for himself and enters the examination hall. He takes the examination card and finds his own examination shed.

The examination begins at seven.

This time, I was in charge of the examination of the learning and administration of a province. Three grades of Dayuan, called Cai Yun, was named Zixiao.

In general, scholars will be given words by their teachers when they are weak. Song Yan has never been to a private school and is not old enough, so there is no word.

For examination, song Yan can be said to be familiar with the road.

Five o'clock the next afternoon.

Song Yan walked out of the examination room with the current. Some of the examinees were happy, some were worried, and some even cried. It was obvious that the examination was poor.

He shook his head secretly, found Cao Jing in the crowd, and went back to the inn hand in hand with him.

Back at the inn, he simply washed and changed his clothes. Unexpectedly, the housekeeper of the Wei mansion sent a post to invite song Yan to the Wei mansion for dinner.

It's a high standard to invite the housekeeper himself, so song Yandao didn't refuse either.

That night, he took Cao Jing to Wei's mansion.

It was only later that he found out that master Wei invited more than one person this time. Among the more than ten people who arrived, there were some young scholars with extraordinary looks. As for why he knew that these were all scholars, it was very simple, because he had been with them for reference.

For a while, he was puzzled: "what did Lord Wei invite him and these scholars to do?"

All of a sudden, he thought of Wei Xiuyun. He seemed to be 16 years old. He had already arrived at the age of leaving the cabinet. Was he to choose his husband for his daughter?

Just call him up. Does Lord Wei want to be his husband?

He was amused at the thought.

"I'm Zhou Qi from Yushan mansion. What's your name?" At this time, a scholar nearby came to song Yan.

"Hello, brother Zhou. I'm song Yan from Huangshan County!"

You need to add place names to your name these days.

Hearing that song Yan was only from a small county, Zhou Qi didn't show any disdain. He continued to talk with song Yan.

Talk for a quarter of an hour.

There was a voice outside: "master Wei is here!"

Soon, Lord Wei came in under the support of the housekeeper and two guards, and a group of scholars got up. Although Lord Wei had no fame, he was the master after all, and he was also the largest household in the provincial capital.

"Have seen master Wei!"

"Master Wei is polite!"

In the face of the greetings from all the people, master Wei raised his hand and pressed down with a smile: "you don't need to be polite, please sit down quickly!"

Then, he looked at Song inkstone again and said, "son of song, I didn't expect that you were also the new scholar this time. Before you were so rude, please forgive me!"

"Where is master Wei?" Song Yan smiles.

A little exchange of pleasantries, we are all seated again.

Although master Wei has no fame, he talks very well. Then he takes out an ancient inkstone to show that the best poet can get this inkstone. If master Wei takes money as a reward, people will be embarrassed, but the ancient inkstone is elegant. For a while, these scholars have contributed poems one after another. As for what they do now, they don't know whether they did it before.

Two of them also wrote well.

"Young master song, don't you do one?"

Master Wei looked at Song Yan and asked.

"I'm not good at poetry!"

Song Yan shakes his head. To be honest, he is not a pure scholar and has no interest in that inkstone.

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. You're not good at it!"

A disdainful voice sounded, but it came from a royal prince.

Song Yan smiled, but didn't notice.

In the end, the inkstone was obtained by the Royal Prince.

Master Wei said again, "I have a daughter, who is 16 years old. She is particularly admiring of scholars and likes to play the piano. Today, I would like to offer the piano for you. What do you think?"


"Please welcome Miss Wei!"

The crowd pandered.

After a while, there was a movement behind the curtain, but two beautiful servant girls came with a white dress girl with a white veil. The girl was holding a Guqin in her arms. It was Wei Xiuyun."Wei Xiuyun, little girl, has seen all the princes. She has made a fool of herself!"

Put down the guqin, Wei Xiuyun also squats down, fingers move between, there will be a clear sound from behind the curtain.

Wei Xiuyun's piano skill is very good.

The pop-up is very pleasant.

But a cadre of scholar is to listen to infatuate with.

Five minutes later, Wei Xiuyun stopped playing, got up to salute the crowd, and left with his servant girl.

"What do you think of the little girl?"

Asked master Wei with a smile.

When song Yan heard this, he immediately smiled. Master Wei really wanted to recruit his daughter.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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