Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2056

Chapter 2056

This mountain is called Niushou mountain, and the scale of the village is not large, only more than 100 people.

Song Yan said to Cao Jing, "elder martial sister, just wait for you to fight for me, and don't bother you to do it, so as not to dirty your hands."

"Well, I'll wait for you." Cao Jing nodded, to be honest, she was not interested in bullying a group of mountain bandits who even the martial arts master did not reach. As for song Yan's request, it was natural to harvest Qi luck. Otherwise, if Cao Jing killed her, the Qi luck would be gone.

The guards of this stronghold are very lax. There is no guard at the gate of the stronghold.

It was not until song Yan and his wife stepped into the Shanzhai that they were discovered.

"Eh, where are the two cubs from!"

A fierce bandit shouted, but when he saw Cao Jing's face, there was a flash of obscenity in his eyes, and he licked his lips: "I didn't expect that I was so lucky to have a pink girl come to the door!"


Song yanlenghum, green frost sword suddenly scabbard, into a lightning stab out.

"Poof" sound, that mountain thief's eyebrow on the heart more a sword mark, next moment, his eyes gradually loose, and then poof Tong fell to the ground.

"No, someone's coming!"

Not far away, there is a bandit running here. Seeing Lao Hei being killed, he turns around and runs, shouting as he runs.

Song Yan did not stop him, but let him shout loudly, and attracted all the bandits in the village.


All the bandits in the village came together, under the leadership of a middle-aged man with one eye and a machete, and came to the place where song Yan was.

"You are so brave, little rabbit. Are you tired of running to my place to kill people?"

"Eldest brother, this kid is born so white and tender. It's a pity to kill him. After catching him, how about giving him to play?" A little behind the one eyed middle-aged black strong man stared at the back of the eye song inkstone.

"Ha ha! OK, I will award him to you, but you need to catch people yourself! " One eyed middle-aged laughed.

"Thank you, boss!"

The black strong man was very happy. He came out against a huge axe and said to song inkstone, "boy, Grandpa advised you to surrender, so as not to suffer less!"


Song inkstone eyes a squint, suddenly burst out.

"Poof" sound, the green frost sword passed through the chest, stabbed the black strong man in the opposite direction, and the huge axe in his hand couldn't fall to the ground. At the moment when song Yan pulled out the long sword, the strong body of the other side fell back.


The middle-aged one eyed man made a exclamation, and then his face became a little dignified. The five leaders were no weaker than him, but now they were killed by a sword. It can be seen that this boy is very powerful.

"Up, together, kill him for me!"

The next moment, the middle-aged one eyed man waved his long Dao.

"Kill him!"

"Kill this kid!"

A group of mountain bandits came to song Yan with shouting and waving weapons.

"Step back, elder martial sister. Don't get stained with blood!" Song Yan reminds me.

When Cao Jing retreated, song Yan suddenly turned into a shadow and broke into the crowd.

"Drizzle sword!"

The sword Qi is like silk. When shooting, it pierces the body of mountain bandits. In an instant, nearly half of mountain bandits fall to the ground and lose their life breath.


Seeing this scene, the rest of the mountain bandits are confused.

"Run away!"

I don't know who shouted. The rest of the mountain bandits fled in all directions. They killed more than 50 people in one move. The rest of them could block others' swords.

"I wipe, so fierce!"

One eyed middle-aged also ignorant, dark scold a sound, turn around to escape.


Song Yan once again put out his sword, and the sword burst out. In a moment, he didn't enter the body of the escaped mountain bandits, and then exploded inside them. Then they all fell to the ground.

Then he cut them out of the air toward the middle-aged one eyed man who escaped.

A huge sword force suddenly splits, directly splits the one eyed middle age into two parts.

The heart read a move, song inkstone out of the system interface, found that the air was up 180 points, which made him very satisfied.


Song Yan then raided the village and found hundreds of Liang worth of property, which he then gave to Cao Jing in front of him.

"Younger martial brother, you Where did you get those things? "

Cao Jing asked with a confused face.

"Elder martial sister, have you heard of Xumi space?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes. Is there a space for you, younger martial brother? " Cao Jing is more curious.

"Not bad!" Song Yan nodded: "please keep it secret for me. You are the first one to know my secret!""Don't worry, your elder martial sister's voice is the tightest. She will keep it secret for you!"

Cao Jing patted a large-scale chest way, a face of pride.

After a fire burned the stronghold, the two men went down the mountain and ran to another stronghold 30 miles away.

For the inborn expert, the journey of 30 Li is nothing. Within a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the black bear mountain.

Compared with the previous Niushou mountain stronghold, the guard of this black bear mountain is much tighter. There are not only secret sentries along the way, but also more than ten strongholds at the gate of the stronghold.

But no matter how tight their guards are, they can't stop song Yan.


The sword is like electricity. A lot of mountain bandits died under his sword. In less than half an hour, nearly 300 mountain bandits of heixiong mountain were burned.

In the next day, song Yanxian killed 17 shanzhais, more than 25000 mountain bandits died under his sword, and the Qi luck gained exceeded his imagination, reaching more than 3200 points.

In addition, after killing these strongholds, he also impolitely raided their property and got more than 20000 liang of property.

At the same time, after killing the mountain bandits, he burned the mountain strongholds with a fire, so that no one else could occupy the mountain strongholds and become the bandits.

After hundreds of miles of running and killing, even with the cultivation of song inkstone, Cao Jing felt a little tired. Although she didn't have much practice, her cultivation was not as good as song inkstone. In addition, the woman was born weak, so song inkstone, who had planned to return to Song family village that night, decided to have a rest in Huangshan county.

No words for a night.

In the morning of the next day, song Yan and Cao Jing set out together and headed for Song family village.

When he came to the entrance of the village, he found Chen youniang standing at the entrance of the village and looking up at the road leading to the village.

"This silly girl!"

Song inkstone whispered, but his heart was warm. He knew that Chen youniang was waiting for him here.

"Xiao Lang!"

As soon as she saw song Yan, Chen youniang's face showed surprise. She ran to him quickly, probably because she ran so fast that she forgot to pay attention to her feet, tripped over something and went straight to the ground.


Chen youniang let out a exclamation and then closed her eyes. She could have expected that she would fall badly.

But soon she found that she didn't fall at all, but fell into a warm embrace, opened her eyes, and found that Xiao Lang was looking at her with a smile.

"Xiao Lang!" Chen can't help shouting.

"Why are you so careless?" Song inkstone tone with a little blame, and then put out his hand in her nose a scrape: "later careful, you fell, I will also be distressed."

"Hee hee, junior brother, your husband and wife have a good relationship!" Cao Jing's voice sounded, but with some envy in his tone.

"I'll introduce you, young lady. This is my elder martial sister Cao Jing!"

Song Yan lifts up Chen youniang and says, "elder martial sister, this is my wife Chen youniang!"

"You have seen your elder martial sister."

"You don't have to be polite, young sister!" Cao Jing hurriedly helps Chen youniang up.

Next, the three returned home together.

Soon, the news of song Yan's return to the village spread. Chen Chong, who came back one step earlier, spread the news that song Yan was the scholar or the top one.

At one time, the villagers came to see the scholar.

Although he was a scholar, song Yan's attitude towards the villagers was still the same, but he found that most of the villagers became cautious when talking to him, and also changed their address. They used to call him song Xiaolang. Now, they have changed their names to song master.

But the village head is the same as before, still call him Xiaolang.

The village head said: "Xiao Lang, I have discussed with everyone, and we are going to raise money to run a production line to celebrate your success as a scholar!"

Song Yanbai waved and put two ingots of silver into the village head's hand: "village head, you don't need to raise money. This is twenty liang of silver. You will be responsible for the assembly line!"

"How can I do it!"

The village head hurriedly declined.

"Listen to me, village head, I feel everyone's feelings, but everyone's life is not very rich. How can I ask everyone to raise money? Therefore, this money must come from me, but I will bother you and everyone when I do something!"

See song Yan said firmly, the village head is not good to refuse, take the silver to purchase food materials.

That night.

Songjia village has set up assembly line, and the father-in-law and uncle-in-law Chen Chong and his wife, the butcher, have also come. It's very lively. Moreover, tonight's dishes are very rich, and every villager's mouth is full of oil.

At nine o'clock that night, Songjia village returned to tranquility.

The next day.

Song Yan is going to build a new house.

The main reason is that the house is too small, and it is located in a low-lying area with too much moisture. Therefore, he chose a new foundation for construction.He designed the house himself, and there were bricklayers and carpenters in the village.

So song Yan went directly to the village head and asked him to be a supervisor. Then he led the village's masons and carpenters to help him build a new house. As for the wages, he also paid higher.

Most of the time.

A large courtyard rose in Songjia village.

The whole village came to congratulate when they moved into the new house.

So, song Yan once again placed a water mat and invited the whole village to eat.

The days passed by so slowly.

Song Yan has been back to songjiacun for nearly one month. There is still one and a half months left for the test, which requires a provincial examination.

Song Yan decided to set out ahead of time, just on the way to clean up the Shanzhai along the way. On the one hand, in order to earn air luck, on the other hand, it is also to kill the people.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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