Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2039

Chapter 2039

"What do you want to bet on?" Asked the fat boy.

Song Yandao: "bet on whether I can be a middle-aged boy. If I win, you lose five liang of silver. If I lose, I will give you five liang of silver!"


The fat boy could not help showing hesitation. Five Liang silver was not a small amount for him.

"Dare not bet? That's all! " Song Yan smiles and shakes his head.

"Who said I didn't dare to gamble, but I was worried that you poor boy couldn't bring out five liang of silver!" said the fat boy with his neck tied


Song Yan directly put a few pieces of silver on the table: "not many, just five Liang."

All of a sudden, the fat boy became a horse and a tiger.

"And you?" "Song Yan forced:" you laugh at my poverty, I took out five Liang silver, you will not take out it

Hearing that, everyone looked at the fat boy in a different way, while the other side's face was full of embarrassment. Five liang of silver could be saved, enough to live in a family of three for half a year. Although the fat boy has a small amount of money, it is impossible to carry five Liang of silver with him.

"I just forgot to carry my purse!"

Although he can't take out five Liang silver, the fat boy still refuses to admit defeat.

"Brother Huang, since you don't have a purse, I'll lend you five Liang first." Xiao Yu took out a ingot of five Liang silver and put it on the table.

"Thank you, brother Xiao!" Huang Xian said gratefully.

"It's just a small matter, just don't want to see some people too arrogant!" Xiao Yu looks at Song Yan like a demonstration, and then says, "what's your name, so that you don't pretend to be one!"

"Ha ha, don't change your name if you sit or stand. My name is song Yan!"

Half an hour passed.

Another red list was posted, and 30 children were also admitted.

Chen Chong is going to see the list, but song Yan says, "don't be impatient, elder brother. Don't hurry to go!"

Just then.

A young man ran up to the teahouse and said to the fat boy, "young master, you are in the middle, fifty-nine!"

"Ha ha!"

Smell speech, fat youth can't help laughing, a satisfied look, suddenly, a stem of students in the teahouse, have opened their eyes to congratulate.

Then, there are several young people have come to the teahouse, but there are also a few students in the children, for a while, the teahouse has become lively.

"Go and see if there is a man named song Yan on the list!"

Huang Xian said to the boy.

Within half a quarter of an hour, the boy came back: "young master, there is no song inkstone!"

"Boy, you wait to lose five Liang silver!" Smell speech, Huang Xianda was relieved, looked at Song inkstone disdainfully.

"Isn't there another list?"

Song Yan calms down.

"Huang Xian sneers:" depend on you, also want to be in the top of the list, beyond measure

"It's natural to know when the red list is posted!" Song Yan took a cup and took a drink.

Time goes by.

Finally, the last red list was posted.

"Big brother, go down and have a look!" Song Yan ordered.


Chen Chong excitedly went down the teahouse, and then squeezed into the crowd to see the red list. He started from the last one.



"Still not!"

After reading more than ten names, he didn't see the name of song Yan. Chen Chong was flustered. He continued to look down.




When he saw the third place, there was no song Yan's name.

Second, Xiao Yu, a student of Hongyu township.

"That kid actually won the second place!"

Chen Chong felt that he didn't make a mistake. The boy was able to win the second place.

With luck, his eyes fell on the first chief of the case. When he saw the name of the chief of the case, his breath suddenly tightened. It was

In the teahouse.

Song Yan is drinking tea safely. With his eyesight, he has seen that he is on the list and still

Huang Xian, on the other hand, sneers at himself.

Just then.

A young man rushed up to the teahouse and shouted excitedly, "you've won the second place, young master!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu was not only unhappy, but also a little gloomy on his face. He thought that he was the first among the young generation in Huangshan county to learn, and that the head of the case was also a thing in his pocket. Unexpectedly, someone robbed him of the head of the case.

"Who! Who robbed me of my crime! " Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, then he asked coldly, "who is the head of the case?"

"It seems to be song Yan."

Said the boy.

All of a sudden, Xiao Yu, Huang Xian and Yigan students stared at Song Yan, who was calm.

After a brief silence, a group of students came to congratulate song Yan.At this time, Chen Chong's voice also came: "Xiao Lang, you have won the case!"

Song Yan smiled, but he was not proud. For him, the desk was nothing. Then he got up and went to the table of Xiao Yu and Huang Xian. He put away the ingot of silver and said: "today is really a double happiness. He won five liang of silver after winning the desk. Huang Gongzi, thank you very much. You are a good man. By the way, Xiao Gongzi also thank you. If it is not you If you lend money to Mr. Huang, he will not gamble with me! "

After saying this, song Yan turned around and left, regardless of Xiao Yu and Huang Xian's face.

The so-called head of the case is not so simple.

Because according to the rules, as long as in the examination of children, so long as the scholar does not answer too badly, they will generally be in the scholar, so the name of the desk will be so loud.

"Xiao Lang, I didn't expect that you were killed at the head of the crime. Haha, your song family is proud of their ancestors!"

"Big brother, you've said this ten times. Isn't it the first case? I'll make the first place when I'm a scholar!" Song Yansi said rudely.

When you know you've won.

Song Yan and Chen Chong left the county to go to Songjia village.

On the way, Chen Chong still didn't return to his mind, and his face was full of excitement.

It looks like two o'clock in the afternoon.

Song Yan and Chen Chong returned to Chenjia village together.

Chen is standing at the door looking up, as if waiting for song Yan to return.

"Xiao Lang, did you win?"

At the sight of song inkstone, Chen youniang asked.

Before Song Yan could speak, Chen Chong said, "if you win, you are still the head of the case. You can't run away from a scholar in the future!"

"Really, my young man is so good!"

Chen youniang's adoring way.

Song Yan turned to Chen Chong and said, "elder brother, go back and tell my father-in-law the news first. I will go to visit my father-in-law after a little cleaning!"

"Well, I'll go back and tell Dad the news!"

Chen Chong nodded his head and then galloped to the next village.

When Chen Chong returned to Chen's house, Chen Dacheng, his father-in-law, was chopping wood with his bare arms.

"How did you come back?"

Chen Dacheng's unexpected way.

"I told the constable a few days off!" Chen chongdao.

At once, Chen Dacheng glared: "bastard, it took me so much money to get you into the Yamen. In a few days this time, you actually left my job!"

"It's not Dad. I came back with good news for you."

"Pick up the silver!"

Chen Chong said with a smile, "it's better than picking up silver. Xiao Lang won the examination of children!"

"What?" Chen Dacheng is stunned: "that boy can also test in children."

"Not only did he pass the examination, but he was also the head of the case!" Joan Chen is even more proud.

Chen Dacheng laughed: "the chief of the case! ha-ha! I'm really wise. I know that this kid is promising. Otherwise, I won't marry his daughter to him! "

"By the way, Xiaolang said that he would bring his young mother to visit you later!" Chen Chong said again.

Chen Dacheng stares at Chen Chong: "you son-in-law, why don't you say it earlier? Let your daughter-in-law clean up the house quickly. Xiao Lang is a scholar. By the way, I'll clean up too. I'm sweating all over, so as not to smoke my good son-in-law. By the way, you can inform the people in the next village that my son-in-law Chen Dacheng's son-in-law has passed the examination and has to put on a feast!"

Half an hour later.

Song Yan came to his father-in-law's house together with Chen youniang, but he didn't think that his father-in-law's house was full of people. At that time, he was a little confused. How could there be so many people.

And Chen Dacheng is wearing a very happy Dahongpao son to welcome up: "good son-in-law you come!"

"My son-in-law has seen his father-in-law."

Song Yan hurriedly saluted, but there was no hypocrisy.


Chen youniang also shouted.

"Ha ha, hurry up, hurry up, you are the head of the case, how can you give me a butcher's gift!"

Chen Dacheng quickly helps up the song inkstone.

"What about the head of the case? It's not the father-in-law's son-in-law." Song Yan got up and smiled.

Hearing song Yan's words, Chen Dacheng was greatly gratified.

Then he was led to introduce them to him.

Everyone in the room was smiling, and everyone had to praise song Yan for a few words, but they were all those words.

But song Yan is not impatient, they all return one by one.

That night.

Chen Dacheng set more than 30 tables at home and invited all the villagers to eat.

That night.

Song Yan lives in Chen Dacheng's house.

Before going to bed, he called out the system, and his eyes fell on the column of Qi Yun, but he was surprised. Unexpectedly, in the first case in the exam, his Qi Yun reached 13 when it rose directly by 8 o'clock.

The next day.When song Yan left, Chen Dacheng gave him ten liang of silver and two pieces of fat meat. Poor people like to eat fat meat, because fat meat is rich in oil and water.

Song inkstone also has no affectation, accept directly.

Unexpectedly, just came home for a while, someone immediately came to visit.

All of them are from the village, and all of them have brought gifts. However, Chen Dacheng's banquet last night has spread to the village, and let everyone know that song Yan has passed the examination of children, and is the head of the case.

At first, some people didn't know what the head of the case represented. When the village head told everyone that he had won the head of the case, the chance of being a scholar in the examination was more than 90%, and everyone shouted loudly.

When almost all the people in the village came to visit Song Yan, the village head came, and he also brought a six or seven year old kid, his grandson stone.

The village head not only gave the gift, but also wrapped three liang of silver for song Yan.

At night.

After supper, song Yan went to the yard, and his mind moved, and his communication system made him turn a pile of sand into glass.

As he expected.

The sand and gravel that is sucked into the system become glass.

Since it can be turned into glass, there is no problem in turning these glasses into glass crafts.

At his command, all these glasses have become glass crafts.

"Very good!"

Looking at these ten pieces of glass crafts, song Yan grins, and there's no need to worry about silver.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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