Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2034

Chapter 2034

Although the ancient books read by the scholars of Wei state are not so-called four books and five classics, what they pay attention to is that they don't touch yangchunshui. If they work in the field, they will be sneered at by other scholars.

Song Yan is not even a child now, but he is just a scholar. How can Chen youniang, who was born as his wife, let him carry firewood? If people in the village see him, song Yan will be a joke.

Seeing Chen youniang's insistence, song Yan had to give up the idea of carrying firewood for her. She was ashamed to say that Chen youniang had never enjoyed a day's happiness since she was married to song's family. She had to worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt every day, and was despised by him.

You know, even now, the other side is only a 14-year-old little Lori. On the mercury, such a girl is still playing coquettish in front of her parents.

He was ashamed to think of it.

According to the memory before awakening, although there are no four books and five classics in this world, there are also five histories and six theories, the full name of which is five nation history and six saints theory.

The so-called five histories mainly include the historical records of the five countries of the previous dynasties. The so-called six sayings are the wise sayings left by the six sages.

And the science examination is the knowledge in the five histories and six theories. Although it's only eleven books, it contains a lot of contents. Song Yan began to read books from the age of five. After eight years of reading, he barely finished reading the five histories.

Besides, the fame of reading is the same as that of water blue star in ancient times. They are children's students, scholars, scholars and scholars.

As long as you are admitted to the school, you can get the salary from the county government. Although it is not much, there are two yuan in a month.

If you are admitted to a scholar, you will get 12 yuan a month. If you find another job as a private tutor, you will be able to live a very happy life.

Therefore, before awakening, song Yan's biggest wish is to be admitted to the scholar.

Unconsciously, the couple returned home.

Although it is an independent courtyard, there are only two houses, one kitchen, and the toilet is behind the kitchen.

Because it rained for a long time ago, the room was a little wet and dark.

"Xiao Lang, I'm hungry. I'll cook for you now!"

Chen youniang put away the firewood and said to song Yan.


Song Yan nodded and didn't offer any more help. Even if he did, Chen youniang would not agree.

But when the rice bowl was opened, Chen youniang's face was worried. There was only a thin layer of corn in the jar. Even if you only eat porridge for each meal, I'm afraid you can't last for three days.

For a while, she couldn't help wondering whether to go back to her mother's house in the neighboring village to borrow some food. She just thought of her sister-in-law's face, but she couldn't help sighing.

Looking at Chen youniang's changing face, song Yan thinks that the most important thing at present is to improve the situation at home.

After about half an hour, Chen asked song Yan to eat.

Rice is a clear soup porridge made of corn. There are still some wild vegetable leaves floating in it. It looks very light. As for the next dish, it's a developed salt dish. Song Yanjia tasted it. It's not bad.

After a bowl of porridge, song Yan felt that the whole person had a lot of spirit.

"Xiaolang, I'll give you a big meal."

Chen youniang took his wooden bowl and filled him with a bowl of porridge, but she put down her chopsticks.

"You're not eating?"

Song Yan asked.

"I'm full, Xiao Lang, please!" Chen Niang chuckled to him, but in her heart, she felt that today's Xiaolang was a little different, and she didn't dislike her as usual, which made her very happy.

Song Yan didn't say anything. After eating half of the porridge, he put it down. Then he said to Chen youniang, "you've eaten the rest. I can't finish it. I'll read first!"

After that, song Yan got up and came to his room.

Yes, he and Chen are sleeping in separate rooms. This room is not only his bedroom, but also his study.

"System out!"

When he returned to the room and sat down, song Yan meditated in his heart.

As expected, as soon as his voice fell, the system interface appeared in the void in front of him.

Host: Song inkstone

spirit: 90 (average value of ordinary people is 100)

physical strength: 55 (average value of ordinary people is 100)

skill: none

supernatural power: none

Qi Yun: 5 points

when you see your data, song inkstone has only one feeling, it's too dreary, it's even worse than war five.

When he came to reincarnate, he discussed with Master Li about how to seize the eternal world. In the first step, he wanted to seize Qi Yun and become the son of Qi Yun.

And everyone has it. People with strong Qi will do everything smoothly. Even if they fall off the cliff carelessly, they will not die. They will only get adventure. People with poor Qi will be unlucky.

Ordinary people's fortune is between 0:10 and 5:00, which is better than ordinary people in this life. It's doomed to be difficult to achieve great achievements. If he doesn't wake up, song Yan is sure that he can test a scholar at most in his life.Put away the thoughts, and song inkstone sink the mind and spirit into the system.

Now, the system has been completely controlled by him. If he does not reincarnate now and has the power of creating the peak, the system is almost useless to him, but now, the system is still very important to him.

Of course, all the magical power bloodlines and so on in the previous system were filled in by Master Li bad. Therefore, in order to obtain the skill magical power and even bloodlines, he needs to fill in by himself.

The method of filling is also simple. As long as you can find the skill or the magical skill and the lineage, the system can receive them on its own, and then they can integrate them directly, thus saving the time of his cultivation.

During this period, he also needs to collect Qi continuously. Only with enough Qi can he quickly integrate his skills and practice successfully.

So, the current system, that is, the role of a cheat.

Stow the system.

Song Yan picked up a Book of Zhou history on the table. Zhou was the former dynasty of Wei state, living together for more than 800 years, and Wei state was only founded for more than 100 years, but now Wei state has begun to decline.

It's mainly because the Wei state was not granted the right, but was usurped. It's said that the present Wei royal family was the Prime Minister of the previous dynasty before usurping the right.

It's too easy to get the country, it didn't cause much confusion.

Therefore, there are many gate lords in the present Wei state, and the imperial court's control over all parts of the country is seriously insufficient. Moreover, after the successful usurpation of power, the royal family of the present Wei state has also granted a meritorious official as the Lord.

Over the past hundred years, apart from one of the five kings who had been taken back for rebellion, the other four princes covered the sky with one hand, just like China.

As for taxes, the four vassal states only paid some symbolically. Even the officials gave their orders, and the royal family of Wei could not interfere. As for military power, let alone, if the four kings were against each other, Wei had no way to take them.

The Zhou Dynasty lasted for more than eight hundred years. Therefore, there are more than more than 30 volumes of the history of the Zhou Dynasty. In addition, there are more than 100 copies of the history of the other four countries. It is no wonder that it took him more than eight years to finish reading the history of the five countries.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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