Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2016

Chapter 2016

Soon, the three men were escorted back to the army of Dongyu.

To song Yan's slight surprise, no one interrogated them, but Fan Yi took them to a camp, then gave them swords and armor, and reminded them not to try to escape or walk around.

This camp is called pioneer camp. In short, pioneer camp is used as cannon fodder when both sides fight each time. According to the rules of pioneer camp, as long as they survive three battles, they can escape from pioneer camp.

Soon after Song Yan came to pioneer camp, more than a dozen hostesses were sent here.

As for the remaining hosts, some of them ran away. Some of them chose to fight with the soldiers of Dongyu state, and finally were killed. Some of them escaped, and some of them went to Xiyue state.

There are more than 10000 people in the whole pioneer camp.

The powerful even have the level of emperor, these are officers who have made mistakes and have been demoted to the pioneer camp.

"Whether we are competitors or not in the future, but when we are on the battlefield, I hope you can cooperate sincerely!" Song Yan to the other 14 host road.


All of us are smart people. We all know what song Yan means.

Time goes by.

"Aung! On! On! On! "

There was a bleak howl, but the armies of Dongyu and Xiyue had been together for less than 100 Li, and they would soon collide.

At the same time.

A thousand commander at the level of Creator came with a warlord, but he urged the vanguard battalion to attack. Anyone who dared to retreat would be killed by them.


In a quarter of an hour.

There are only ten li left in the two armies.

"Pioneer camp!"

"Pioneer camp!"

The commanders of both sides gave orders almost at the same time.

Then, under the urging of the supervision teams of both sides, the pioneer battalion killed each other.

Song Yan saw that there were also some hosts in each other's pioneer camp.

However, to his surprise, Jiang Fan was not there.

This guy integrates the bloodline of nightmare demon. The power of the spirit is extremely powerful. If he wants to hide, it's hard for anyone to find it.




The two vanguard battalions collided on the battlefield.

Song Yan and his party of 17 formed a small joint attack array and rushed to the front.

"Poop poop!"

Blood shot, one by one emperor soldiers fell on the battlefield.

However, the joint attack formation formed by song Yan is like a small meat grinder. Less than half an hour after the war, more than 200 emperors were hanged by them.

And more than 20 hosts who entered Xiyue state were also fierce, killing many soldiers in Pioneer camp of Dongyu state.

However, both sides avoided each other quite tacitly.

Because we are all hosts, absolutely comparable to ordinary gods, but with a certain background card, now it is not to the point of killing each other, so there is no need to fight.

Although it avoids the host of entering Xiyue state.

But three saints noticed song Yan's team.

Then the three emperors joined hands to kill them.

"Go, move to the left!"

Song Yan drinks low, presides over the array, and moves quickly to the left.

However, the three saints were determined to take song Yan as a knife, and they actually chased them to death.

This made song Yan rather angry.


With his strength, he can sweep the emperor, but he doesn't want to expose too much strength. After all, every host on the scene may become his enemy in the future.

So they chased each other and song Yan fled.

Blink of an eye.

Several hours passed.

At least half of the more than 10000 vanguard battalions sent by both sides have died, which can be said to be equal.

Then, both sides are very tacit to accept the gold.

Back to the camp, song Yan and his party were assigned to the rear of the camp. Today, they don't have to fight anymore.

At the same time, after the vanguard battalion was withdrawn, the two armies began to fight, which was extremely tragic.

The battle lasted six hours before it ended, with tens of thousands of soldiers each killed.

That night.

A thousand commander led the supervision team to the pioneer camp, and then gave song Yan a reward.

It's a crystal.

The pale yellow crystal gives off an attractive smell.

"What is this?"

Song Yan asked a soldier of the camp.

"You are such a bumpkin. You don't even know Hongmeng crystal!" The soldiers of the vanguard battalion who were asked laughed.

"Hongmeng crystal? What's the use? " Song Yan didn't care about each other's sarcasm, and continued to ask."Hongmeng crystal stone is a special understanding of Hongmeng continent. After absorption, it can increase the spirits!"

Explained the pioneer battalion soldier.

"Thank you!"

After thanking each other, song Yan tried to absorb the energy contained in the Hongmeng crystal stone. After more than one hour, he absorbed all the energy in the Hongmeng crystal stone, and the spirit also had a small growth.

"This Hongmeng crystal is really amazing!"

Song Yanyin praised that his spirit has now completed 16 transformations. Even if chaos spirit liquid is used, his spirit can no longer increase by half. Unexpectedly, this Hongmeng spirit stone only increases his spirit by a little. If there are a large number of Hongmeng crystal stones, maybe he can undergo 17 transformations.

The next day.

Nearly half of the lost pioneer camp has been replenished, filling in more than 5000 new people.

After a battle, song Yan and others became old people.

Then, the battle between the two sides began again, again led by the vanguard battalion.



With the sound of the killing in the sky, the pioneer camps of both sides hit each other on the earth of hell, and the fierce fighting began.

Song Yan and his party still take the joint attack array as the unit. Moreover, at the beginning, they deliberately avoid the old man of yesterday, but fight against the new man.

And the old people who survived yesterday in Xiyue also deliberately avoid the old people in Dongyu, but kill the old people.

But not for long.

Yesterday, the three saints who were chasing and killing song inkstone appeared again.

And straight to song inkstone.

"I'll go! We are sick cats when tigers don't fight! "

Song Yan is angry. He is not afraid of you, but he doesn't want to expose his strength. However, if you want to die, you will only succeed!

"Kill them!"

Song inkstone.


Dream zero, become evil and so on all have no opinion.


The group of 17 no longer dodged, but waited for the arrival of the emperor.

"The cubs die!"

Soon, the three saints approached, and one of them swung a huge long knife and hit it hard.


Song Yanqing had a drink. Seventeen people formed a whole in an instant, and then shot out.

"Poop poop!"

Blood fog splashed, and the emperor was hanged on the spot.

For a while.

The two saints were stunned and turned to run.

Seeing this, song Yan can't let them escape. He directly urges the array to chase them. At last, he strangles them one after another.


When the reward was given that night, song Yan and his party each got three Hongmeng crystal stones.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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