Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1971

Chapter 1971

Song Yan was surprised to hear that the king of the stars wanted to stay by his side as a bodyguard. He said with a smile, "I'm the God of heaven. It's not disgraceful for you to be a king of the gods to serve as a bodyguard for me."

But the king of the stars smiled: "from the mortal world to the celestial world, and then to the divine world, I can say that I have witnessed your growth. You have Pangu lineage, and there is a horrible existence in your body.

Now, although you are only a God in the upper part of heaven, you have been able to shake with the king of God by strength alone. If you add your cultivation of array path, few of the king of God can do anything to help you. What's more, you are not stingy to your own people. You forget that the king of silver wing once said that if you had known him for thousands of years, he would have lost face It's estimated that they are all gods, so it's not disgraceful to stay by your side, but great benefits! "

"You are sincere!" Song Yan smiled and said, "but it's not necessary to be a bodyguard. You are also a God King. Why don't we join hands and become brothers with different surnames?"

"Very good! Very good! "

The king of stars laughed.

"By the way, how is the little yellow chicken now?"

Song Yan suddenly remembered that pets are one of the top ten species in the world.

The king of the stars said, "well, these years, it has reached the 18th level of Zuxian in the temple. It can cross the divine robbery at any time!"

"Well, let it go!"

Yushan mansion, an ancient forbidden area.

A one-star God and devil is taking the mission of the God and devil group and coming to the forbidden area for exploration.

He didn't dare to go deep. He only recorded the scene around him with a picture stone ten miles away from the forbidden area.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden roar of terror from the depths of the forbidden area.

"No, isn't it the tide of beasts?"

One star's face changed a lot. He turned around and left. He was in the middle of the divine level. Those who ran out of the forbidden area had the worst power of the superior God. If they were found by the forbidden beast, their only end was to be eaten.


Just as he turned around, he suddenly heard a roar coming from a beast not far behind him. Looking back, almost all the spirits of the one-star demon appeared. Because he saw that thousands of meters away, there was a ten foot tall forbidden beast with two heads staring at him with red eyes.

"My God!"

Exclaimed, the other side uses the strength of sucking milk, frantically galloping toward the exit.


The power of this forbidden beast has reached the peak level of the upper God, not to mention only a few kilometers away, but also a middle God can escape.


The huge black shadow passed in a flash, catching up with the one star demon in an instant and clapping with his claws.


The other side spits blood and flies out.

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight you!"

One star God devil turns over and climbs up, takes out a long gun and kills towards that forbidden Warcraft.

See, taboo Warcraft corners of mouth but emerge a hint of contempt.


Taboo Warcraft again wave claw to clap out, this one star God devil is clapped to fly again, fall heavily to the ground, only feel all the bones of the body are smashed, lie on the ground even lack of the power to move.

"Shit, I thought it was just a very easy task, but I didn't expect to catch my life!"

One star God and devil lamented, and then the black shadow reward, he only felt the black in front of him, and he completely lost consciousness.

When the forbidden beast ate the corpse of the one star God, two monsters appeared behind it.

These two monsters show fierce light and bloodthirsty look one after another.

With the passage of time, there are more and more forbidden beasts in the forbidden area, and the number is almost incalculable.

And now.

In the deep of the forbidden area, the sleeping one suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself, "my emperor's chance to get out of trouble is here. As long as I get out of trouble this time, I will kill him!"

After a few hours.

The forbidden Warcraft army went straight out of the forbidden area, and then galloped in the direction of Yushan mansion.

Forbidden Warcraft is too powerful.

Therefore, these forbidden beasts are tens of thousands of miles away from Yushan mansion, which are discovered by the people of Shenmo group.

When he learned about the number of these forbidden Warcraft, mugao was almost shocked. Although he was a God in the middle of China, the number of forbidden Warcraft reached hundreds of millions this time. If the city was broken, he would not be spared. So, he made a quick decision and ordered the gods and Demons of the magic group to start to gather. At the same time, he sent people to the holy city of light to report to the God and Demons group and asked them to send people to support him.

Not long after mugao got the news, the Lord of Yushan mansion got the news. He quickly sent tens of thousands of soldiers to the city wall to defend, and started the formation of Fucheng. At the same time, he went to the Shenmo group to discuss the countermeasures.

Half an hour later.

Hundreds of millions of forbidden Warcraft troops finally arrived at Yushan mansion.Mugao stood on the wall side by side with the Lord of Yushan mansion. Looking at the dense forbidden Warcraft below, he felt numb.

"Commander mu, do you think this Yushan mansion can hold?"

The Lord of the mansion was worried.

"If you can keep it, you must keep it. If you can't keep it, you must keep it. Otherwise, all the gods in this city will suffer!" Mu Gaohan's voice.

Forbidden Warcraft is near!

Then one by one, they rushed to the city wall, but were bounced back by the big formation.


There is a general command.


A magic arrow shot out of the wall and shot at the forbidden Warcraft below.


The strength of the army is too weak, and the strength of these forbidden Warcraft is too strong. Tens of thousands of magic arrows go down in one round, only dozens of them are killed and hundreds of them are injured.

"Keep shooting!"

"Shoo shoo shoo!"

The arrows are like rain, but these forbidden Warcraft are not afraid at all, and one by one they rise up and collide with the array.

The news of forbidden Warcraft attacking the city soon spread in the city. For a while, people were in a panic.

There are also powerful gods and men who have stepped on the wall to help the war.

The other side.

Song Yan has received the news that forbidden Warcraft is attacking the city.

When he knew how many hundreds of millions of forbidden Warcraft to attack the city, he could not help but change his face. He decided to wait for the little yellow chicken to get through the disaster and rush back to Yushan mansion. After all, his wife and children were still in Yushan mansion.

A day later.

As many as ten thousand forbidden monsters have been shot, but this damage is nothing to the hundreds of millions of forbidden monsters.

However, with the collision of forbidden Warcraft, the cost of protecting the city array is also huge.

Hundreds of thousands of crystal are consumed every hour.

Once the consumption of Shenjing is over, there are so many forbidden Warcraft in the city protecting array. For a while, the heart of the Lord and mugao is covered with a shadow.

"Eh, forbidden Warcraft seems to stop attacking!"

A government army shouted happily.

As expected, the forbidden Warcraft of fierce attack array stopped one after another and retreated.

As you can see, mugao has a bad premonition!

The next moment, the herd split, and a group of taboo Warcraft with a height of more than 100 feet appeared.

At the sight of these forbidden monsters, mugao's face became extremely ugly, because these forbidden monsters were all God level.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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