Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931

"Uncle land, uncle tiger, come in."

At the next moment, Sikong Mingyue called out.

Suddenly, two middle-aged men, one fat and one thin, came in and bent over to salute Sikong Mingyue: "I have seen Miss."

"Two uncles don't have to be polite." Sikong Mingyue nodded lightly: "I just received the news that the Shenmo group sent another person to Devil Island to arrest me. The other person's name is song Yan. Now, he should still be on the sea of stars. Two uncles, go and take care of him. Don't let him go to Devil Island!"

Wen Yan, both eyes flash a fierce light, and promised: "don't worry, miss. They promise that song inkstone will never come back!"

"Then bother uncle Er!"

"You are welcome, miss!"

After seeing the two people leave, Sikong Mingyue no longer takes this matter to heart. Both of them are servants accepted by her father. Although her father is missing now, these two people are still loyal to her. They both have the strength of the upper God. It is not easy to kill a lower God. Therefore, this matter doesn't need her to pay much attention.

Above the sea of stars.

Song Yan stood on the boat and watched a group of fierce animals in the sea.

It has to be said that there are many fierce animals in the star sea. He has only been in the star sea for a few hours, but he has encountered dozens of fierce animal attacks. The most serious one, he has encountered three central gods.

According to the map, he will arrive at Devil Island in another hour.

In half a quarter of an hour.

They finally solved the fierce beasts in the sea, all of them returned to the body, and the ship continued to move forward.

But in less than a quarter of an hour, suddenly two figures came, floating in the air, into a fat and thin two middle-aged men, and both have the upper heaven realm.

"What can I do for you?"

Song Yan realized that these two people were not good at coming. He controlled the ship and went to the front of the deck to ask questions.

"You are song Yan, the five-star God of Shenmo group?"

Asked the fat upper God.

"Two wrong people, I'm not song Yan!" Song Yan smiles and shakes his head.

"Seriously not?"

The fat upper God frowned. The young lady just sent them to kill song Yan. They only knew that song Yan was a five-star God, but they didn't know anything about other looks.

"Yes, no, no, why should I deceive you!"

Song Yan pretends to be a living airway.

"In that case, let's go the old way!"

As soon as the voice fell, they turned into a streamer and flew back.

"I'm leaving now?"

Song Yan was a little shocked, then he continued to urge the god boat to move forward, but he secretly speculated. It seems that the news that I went to catch Sikong Mingyue secretly has been leaked. Most of the two upper gods came to kill me.

"In that case, I'll have to change my face!"

Thinking of this, he changed his divinity and became an old man, and changed the divinity in his body into the law of water attribute. At the same time, he put up this divine ship and flew out of thousands of miles horizontally before releasing another divine ship and landing on the ship. He manipulated the divine ship to continue to the Devil Island.

Half an hour later.

Devil Island is already in sight. Just then, the two fat and thin upper gods appear again.

"Are you song Yan?"

They look suspiciously at Song Yan and ask.

"I don't know who is the song inkstone among the two big people, little old Chu fan?"

Song Yan pretends to be in a panic.

"What did you do when you came to Devil Island?"

The thin upper God asked in a cold voice.

"Back to the adults, the little old man offended a fierce person. He came to Devil Island to avoid killing!"

"Give us your residence permit!"

The fat one said.


Song Yan hands over a residence permit in a hurry, and the soul breath and portrait match perfectly. They can only reluctantly return the residence permit to song Yan and come to arrest the daughter of the God King. Song Yan naturally dare not to be careless, so they have many hands to prepare.

They gave back their residence permit to song Yan, but they were upset. They were ordered to kill song Yan, but there was no trace of song Yan on the channel leading to Devil Island.

Take back the residence permit, song Yan continues to operate the god boat, and then boarded the Devil Island.

The Devil Island is very large. As for the comparable one mansion, the whole island is covered by a huge array. On this island, there are nine cities. The owner of the Devil Island lives in the largest city, the devil imperial city.

And Sikong Mingyue, the daughter of snow sun god king, also lives in that city.

On the Devil Island, song Yan goes straight to the devil city. In order to live in the devil City, he needs to kill two fierce beasts that are equal to his own strength. In addition, he needs to pay a certain amount of God crystal.On the way to the city, song Yan killed hundreds of fierce beasts whose strength was comparable to that of the lower gods. He took out the heads of two fierce beasts, and after paying a thousand God crystals, he was able to enter the city smoothly.

The magic imperial city is very prosperous, even Yushan mansion can't match it.

Song Yan did not rush to investigate Sikong Mingyue, but directly rented a set of courtyard to live in the city.

Song Yan, the king of snow sun, is still curious.

Why should he betray the Shenmo group because his majesty is also high in the Shenmo group?

Moreover, he disappeared soon after he came to Devil Island. Would his disappearance have some connection with the emperor of Devil Island?

A few days after renting the courtyard, song Yan Shi ran walked out of the courtyard, boarded a restaurant in the city, and asked for a box. When the second child came in, song Yan activated the spirit of fantasy, and asked about the news about Sikong Mingyue from the second child.

According to the narration of the second child, the snow sun god king and the owner of Devil Island have a good relationship, which is the reason why he came to Devil Island after betraying the God devil group. At the same time, the daughter of Sikong Mingyue and the owner of Devil Island is also a good friend. They often travel together, and Sikong Mingyue is naturally protected by the owner of Devil Island.

After learning the news, song Yan couldn't help but scold him again. Is it easy to catch people who are protected by the God Emperor? Besides, the other party is the daughter of the God King. There must be many self-defense weapons left by the God King.

It's no wonder that more than a dozen people ahead will fail.

The good news is that the owner of Devil Island doesn't always stay on Devil Island. Now, he hasn't appeared for hundreds of years, and he is estimated to travel to the holy land.

Otherwise, the Shenmo group dare not send people to secretly arrest Sikong Mingyue.

Even so, this task is not easy to complete. After all, Sikong Mingyue is surrounded by experts at the level of God.

After several days of collecting information and spying in the dark, song Yan found that Sikong Mingyue lived in seclusion and rarely left the place where she lived. Moreover, the place where he lived was not only equipped with a large array of defense, but also guarded by many gods.

In other words, he had no chance to get close to Sikong Mingyue.

In this case, it can only be done from the people around her.


Song Yan just came up with the idea and saw that two fat and thin upper gods who had come to kill him had also boarded the restaurant.

In his heart, song Yan hurriedly stepped forward and saluted them: "little old man has seen two adults!"

"It's you!"

Fat upper God of heaven looked at him carelessly: "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. I just saw two adults come to say hello again!"

"Say hello and go!" Thin upper God impatiently waved.


Song Yan salutes again and leaves.

And the fat and thin two upper gods entered the box directly.

As soon as you enter the box, the fat and thin gods directly order two bottles of God Wang Zui, and then you can drink one cup of me.

Today, they got a picture of song Yan, which made them wake up. Song Yan was the first young lower god they met in Xinghai.

But the place slipped away under their eyelids, which made them very depressed. Although the young lady didn't scold them, it still made them feel bad.

Two bottles of God King drunk, two people are more intoxicated.

"Grass! Don't let me catch that kid, or he will try my tiger's method! " The fat upper God slapped the table.

"Not bad! If you catch him, you must torture him severely before you kill him! "

The thin upper part of the God agrees.

An hour later.

The two brought in the waiter to check out, but they were told that their wine and vegetable money had been settled.

"Who gave it?"

Fat upper God asked.

"That's the one they ran into in the hall!" Little two.

"It was him!"

They didn't pay much attention to this matter, but their impression on Song inkstone was deepened.

For some time to come.

Both of them searched for song Yan's whereabouts in Devil Island. Unfortunately, they didn't get anything. It seems that the boy didn't come to Devil Island at all.

For a while, they couldn't help wondering, was it that kid who knew the news leaked and fled back?

"Tiger, I don't think that kid really came to Devil Island. Why don't we report to the young lady and go to drunk tower for a few drinks?"

"Well, listen to you, my wine bug is also acting strangely. Report to the lady first!"

When they came to the tavern.

He also ran into song Yan, who became an old man. Song Yan still saluted them. Before he left, he also helped them pay for wine and vegetables.

"This old boy is quite sensible!"

Fat upper God of heaven smile way.

"Nothing to be courteous, no fraud to steal!" The thin upper part of God alert way."He is a lower God of heaven, and what storm can he bring!" The way that fat upper God doesn't think so.

"Better be careful!"

Thin upper celestial way.

In a flash, two months have passed.

The two upper gods came to Zui shenlou to drink eight times, five of which hit Chu fan, the incarnation of song Yan, and paid for them. The price of Shenwang Zui is not cheap. A bottle needs tens of thousands of Shenjing. Several times down, song Yan helps them to settle up more than a hundred thousands of Shenjing's wine and vegetable money.

So, after encountering song Yan in the restaurant again, they directly called song Yan to the box.

"I've met two adults!"

Song Yan has some panic salutes.

"Old boy, are you so attentive? Do you have something to ask us?" Fat upper God with doubt, eyes are twinkling with a shred of fierce.

[author's aside]: it's two changes today.

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