Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869

Of course, there are many benefits to join the Shenmo group, but there are also barriers to join the Shenmo group. First, one has to reach the later stage of the next God, and second, one has to pay one hundred Shenjing.

"Song Yan, are you going to join the Shenmo group?"

Xiao yu'er asked with a smile.

Song Yan asked again, "after joining the Shenmo group, are there any restrictions?"

Xiao yu'er said: "yes, but it doesn't have much influence. First of all, there are levels in the Shenmo group. One star Shenmo must take three tasks within 100 years after joining the Shenmo group. After completing three tasks, there will be no other constraints. If you promote two star Shenmo, you only need to complete two tasks within 100 years. If you can promote three star Shenmo, you only need to complete one task within 100 years If you become a four-star demon, you can accomplish one task in a thousand years; if you become a five-star demon, there is no limit. The highest level of the demon is nine stars! "

"Then how does the level of this demon rise?" Song Yan asked.

Xiao yu'er replied: "first of all, your accomplishments meet the requirements. The minimum requirement for one star God and devil is the later period of the next God, the minimum requirement for two star God and devil is the middle period of the middle God, the minimum requirement for three star God and devil is the later period of the middle God, the minimum requirement for four star God and devil is the earlier period of the upper God, the minimum requirement for five star God and devil is the later period of the upper God, and the minimum requirement for six star God and devil is the earlier period of the lower God , Seven Star Gods and demons, early days of central gods, early days of upper gods and demons of eight stars, nine Star Gods and demons, divine kingdom!

Secondly, there are also the number of tasks. For example, if one star wants to be promoted to two stars, it has to complete five tasks successfully. If it fails once, it needs to complete two more tasks... "

"How many nine stars are there in the magic group?" Song Yan asked again.

"I don't know. After all, I'm still a two-star demon. I can't touch those things!" Xiao yu'er said apologetically, "Song Yan, I advise you to join the Shenmo group, because there has been a escort task recently, which is very safe, because the accompanying adults are the peak of the upper God in the later period. The task time is about three months, but the reward is 80 Shenjing!"

After a little hesitation, song Yan nodded and agreed: "well, I'll join the Shenmo group. Where can I sign up?

Xiao yu'er smiled sweetly: "come with me!"

Under the leadership of Xiao yu'er, song Yan came to a spacious room. There was an old man in black. Song Yan could sense that this was a superior God.

"Master Gu, this song inkstone is going to join the Shenmo group!" Xiao yu'er said respectfully to the old man in black robe. "I've seen Mr. Gu!"

Song Yan bent to salute.

The other side looks up, then nods, takes out a sacred text contract to let song Yan drip blood. Song Yan knows the sacred text, watches the content of the contract, and directly drips a drop of blood without a trap.

The old man in black put away the contract, and then threw a round medal to song Yan. The medal was black, with sword and shield on it, and a black five pointed star under it.

Xiao yu'er said with a smile: "congratulations to song Yan. Now you are a one star demon. As long as you take this medal and get together not far away, you can sense other members. Besides, when you wear this medal when you go out, robbers dare not bully you. By the way, do you want to take the escort task? If necessary, I will take you to the mission hall! "

"Well, then I'll trouble you!"

After Song Yan and Xiao yu'er left, the old man in black robe, known as the bone man, could not help smiling: "what a lucky boy! Miss yu'er is so warm to him!"

The mission hall is a tower shaped building with nine floors.

One star gods and demons can only receive tasks on the first level. Only when two stars are promoted can they receive tasks on the second level. Of course, two stars gods and demons can also receive one star tasks.

At the moment, there are still many people in the one star mission hall, probably more than 500, and more than 10 of them are wearing the two star God and devil medal.

The task is written on the task wall, which is suspended with many task crystals.

To receive a task, just take down the task crystal.

Xiao yu'er reminded: "Song Yan, you are lucky. The escort task is just one person away. Go and get the crystal!"


Song Yan comes forward and reaches for the task crystal. Then, a task prompt message appears in his mind.

This information includes the time of the task, the number of tasks, and the remuneration, etc., which is very detailed.

"You should have got the information in the crystal. Remember to come here on time tomorrow to join us!" Xiao yu'er reminds me.

Just then.

A tall blonde came over and looked at Song Yan coldly, then smiled and said to Xiao yu'er, "miss yu'er, I heard that qingtianlou killed a group of black crystal fish. Why don't we go to taste it?"

This blonde is a two-star God and demon. His accomplishments have reached the middle stage of the middle God.

Xiao yu'er said lightly, "thank you obi'nei, but I don't like black crystal fish!"

The black crystal fish is a special kind of fish. After taking it, it can strengthen the body and nourish the spirit. Therefore, the price is very high. Each fish needs 500 crystal.Hearing Xiao yu'er's refusal, obi'nei, the golden God, looked a little sluggish, but he didn't give up. "What do you like to eat? The dishes in qingtianlou are very rich!"

Xiao yu'er still refuses: "it's not easy for you to earn crystal without obi'nei. You shouldn't waste crystal on these!"

"For miss yu'er, it's worth spending more money on the crystal," obine said

Seeing obine's thick face, Xiao yu'er was a little unhappy, so her face became cold again: "I want to eat Tianjing fish, please go!"

Tianjing fish is more noble than black crystal fish. It needs at least tens of thousands of Shenjing. Its meat is delicious. After eating, it can wash the shenti and make it more thorough.

Hearing Xiao yu'er's words, obi'nei's face suddenly collapsed: "miss yu'er, I suddenly thought of something urgent, so I took the first step!"

Seeing obi'nei leaving, Xiao yu'er couldn't help flashing a sly smile around her mouth.

For a while, song Yan was a little strange and asked, "is this Tianjing fish very expensive? How can he run away as soon as you want to eat it! "

"It's quite expensive. In the qingtianlou, a piece of Tianjing fish, at least 12000 Shenjing!"

Song Yan nodded: "Oh! After I earn enough money, Shenjing invites you to eat! "

"Then I remember!"

Xiao yu'er said with a smile.

Leaving the division of the Shenmo group, song inkstone went straight to Bai Yucheng's residence. Because he was going to be on a mission tomorrow, he had to tell Bai Yucheng his decision.

Hearing that song Yan joined the Shenmo group, Bai Yucheng was disappointed, but congratulated him.

Go home.

Song Yan called Nanfeng and others together, gave them some Shenjing, and told them that he would leave for several months, told Nanfeng to fly to the shrine every other month!

[author's aside]: after the update of sanguine, thank you for the great rewards of [01 little fish 01], [little dad], [annual surplus], [flame of heart], [little one], [Sanye 5566], [Yufeng], [purple star], [yasvhshad], [Liu Menglong], [td77598991] and [yunlongfenghu]

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