Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1867

Chapter 1867

"Your Majesty, it's a great honor!"

Seeing song Yan coming back, Nanfeng and his party rushed to meet him.

Song Yan nodded with satisfaction: "well done, but don't call me your majesty later, just call me boss!"

"Yes, boss!"

The eleven said in unison.

As for other gods, they are more afraid when they look at Song Yan and others.

In the divine realm, there is no state, no laws and regulations to protect the lives of ordinary gods and human beings. Therefore, in the divine realm, the implementation is the naked jungle law, typical of weak meat and strong food.

If you are strong, you will live well. If you are weak, you will live miserably.

Therefore, it's normal for the gods to be afraid of them after seeing the strength of song Yan.

"Thank you for killing the blood wolf, my Lord. Otherwise, there will be many casualties among us!"

After a while, the two lower gods who had stood out to intercept the disaster came up to express their thanks to song Yan, and at the same time, they also sent wine and meat.

To this end, song Yan was very happy to accept their good intentions, and at the same time, he took the opportunity to chat with them and learned a lot about the situation of Yushan mansion.

Yushan Prefecture governs thousands of cities, many of which are inhabited by millions of gods and few of which are inhabited by tens of thousands of people.

These cities are nominally under the jurisdiction of Yushan Prefecture.

In fact, Yushan mansion Prince's control power is not as big as he imagined. What he can really control is just this mansion. As for other cities, most of them pay some god crystals to the mansion.

Yushan Prefecture ranks among the ten thousand cities in the world of divinity.

The reason why the ranking is so low is that there is an extremely unstable ancient forbidden area in Yushan mansion. Every few decades, there will be some fierce forbidden beasts running out to make trouble.

The power of these forbidden Warcraft is very strong, and the one with the worst power can reach the level of the central God more than that of the superior God and man. You should know that the prince of Yushan mansion is also the central God. Therefore, even the prince of Yushan mansion can't do anything about those forbidden Warcraft.

Therefore, every time forbidden Warcraft runs out, there will be many gods and people to be eaten.

It is said that in the forbidden Warcraft rebellion 50 years ago, two God level forbidden Warcraft broke into a small city, and finally ate the God and man in the small city completely.

It is because of the existence of the ancient forbidden area that Yushan mansion is extremely unsafe. Therefore, all the god people who have the ability to travel far will generally choose to leave Yushan mansion, so as not to let the forbidden beast run out and be eaten accidentally.

In addition to the forbidden Warcraft, there are many bandits in Yushan mansion.

Fortunately, most robbers will only rob money, not kill, of course, some of the most ferocious robbers are the exception.

There is a great threat of taboo against Warcraft, and a small amount of bandits make trouble. Therefore, the population of Yushan mansion is becoming smaller and smaller, and the overall strength is naturally weaker and weaker.

"How do you usually earn Shen Jing?"

Song Yan asked the Deng brothers, yes, these two lower gods are a pair of brothers in the middle, the elder brother is Deng Tong, the younger brother is Deng Shan.

Deng Tong sighed, "to earn money, a lower God like us can only hunt and kill some weaker beasts, or collect some magic medicine and sell it to the shops in the city. As for the money, it is not enough to maintain our practice. Do adults know how long our brothers have been flying to the holy world?"

"How long?" Song Yan asked with interest.

Deng Tongdao said: "we are all in Zuxian 15 times to cross the robberies and fly up. It has been eight thousand years since we came to the divine kingdom. After eight thousand years, we have only upgraded our cultivation to the middle stage of the next God."

Eight thousand years in the divine world, how many years in the celestial world?

According to the calculation of a day and a hundred years, it's unimaginable at that time. It's the most wise decision for those immortal people who know the situation to practice until Zuxian 15 times depends on not leaving.

It's not easy to practice in the divine world.

Deng Shandao: "in fact, we two brothers are lucky. Many people come to the god world for thousands of years without any progress in cultivation, and have been staying in the early days of the next god!"

Deng Tong sighed: "all the resources of the divine world are controlled by those big forces. We are not easy to earn a little money. We have to be exploited and cheated by those forces. Adults are lucky. Although we have just risen, we have not been cheated by those forces to sign the deed of God. In fact, although we are miserable, we are free.

Those who have signed the deed of God, not only have no freedom, but also are desperately squeezed by those forces, so to speak, there is no possibility of turning over! "

A chat, song Yan on the God of cruelty and a little more understanding.

The next morning. Song Yan and Deng brothers say goodbye and go to Fucheng.

Each person's fee for entering the city is a magic crystal, and they can only stay for one day. Unless they apply for a temporary residence permit, they will be expelled.

"I want money!"

It's no wonder that those lower gods and men live so hard, which cannot be separated from the exploitation of these forces.After entering Fucheng, song Yan went to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Then I went to the shop that specializes in selling fierce animals.

Last night, song Yan inquired about the price of some fierce animals from the Deng style brothers. Fierce animals like blood wolves are hard to kill because they live in groups. Therefore, the price is still relatively expensive. A complete blood wolf can sell 30 magic crystals.

Nanfeng and other people killed 17 blood wolves, and obtained five blood wolf bodies in the storage God ring of the three, so the total was 22.

Maybe seeing song Yan, they took out 22 blood wolf corpses. The other side didn't hold down the price. They bought them directly at the price of 30 pieces of Shenjing, and got a total of 660 pieces of Shenjing.

Last night, more than 1300 Shenjing were snatched from the three people. It cost 120 yuan to apply for a temporary residence permit. So now, the Shenjing in Song Yan's hand just reaches 1900.

After selling the blood wolf, song Yan and his party wandered in the Fucheng.

Suddenly, song Yan thought that he had to rent a house with a temporary residence permit, otherwise, he would have to sleep in the street.

So song Yan began to look for a rental house.

When asked about the price, he turned black.

Even if the ordinary small courtyard falls, it will take a hundred Shenjing for a year, and it must be rented from three years.

In desperation, song Yan spent 500 Shenjing to rent a medium-sized courtyard, barely enough for them to live in.

Although the house is a little expensive, there is a array in the courtyard. Just fill the crystal into the array, and the array will start, making the spirit in the courtyard abundant and more conducive to cultivation.

This array is relatively simple. Only five magic crystals are needed to run for one year. After the array is run, it can at least make the spirit in the courtyard three times stronger, which is very cost-effective.

But this kind of array is a little crude in Song Yan's eyes.

He changed the array directly. It costs only three magic crystals a year, but the concentration of spirit is ten times.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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