Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 227

227 Awakened

After thinking for a long time, Christian finally agreed to transfer Luna to a hospital recommended by his father. Specially picked up by the doctor who will take care of Luna, Christian feels quite calm when he sees his daughter being transferred from the car to the jet that will take them to Geneva.

“See you later, young master,” Kainer said in a low, half-whisper to Christian who was hugging him.

Christian who was hugging Kainer’s body pursed his lips. “I’m sorry, Kainer. You shouldn’t have been hurt like this.”

“It’s ok, sir. It’s nothing, you don’t need to apologize. It was also an unintentional act, wasn’t it,” Kainer replied with a smile.

Christian slowly releases his arms from Kainer’s body, with a regretful look Christian stares at Kainer’s left arm which hasn’t healed yet. “I’m really sorry, Kainer.”

“Yes sir, let’s not talk about it anymore. I’m fine at the moment anyway.”

Christian smiles. “I entrust Clarke Enterprise to you, please don’t let me down, Kainer.”

“You don’t have to worry, sir. I will protect your company with my life, I will do all my best to protect the company while you are in Geneva,” Kainer replied seriously.

“What Kainer said is true, young master.” Erick who was standing beside Kainer joined in the conversation. “You don’t have to think about the company right now, just focus on Miss Luna’s recovery.”


Christian, who actually doesn’t really like Erick because he is considered a spy from his father, smiled slightly at the words of the man whose age was not different from his father’s, suddenly Christian suddenly hugged Erick.

“Please guide and take care of Kainer, Erick,” he said in a low, half-whispered voice.

“You don’t have to worry, young master. As long as you are in Geneva I will take good care of your company, for now focus on Miss Luna’s recovery,” Erick replied as he patted Christian’s back gently, trying to strengthen him.

Christian who is always sad when he is reminded of Luna slowly releases his arms from Erick’s body, he doesn’t want the two men in front of him to see him cry.

“Okay I’m leaving now, thanks again for the help,” Christian says back in a quivering voice. “If there is news about Elena...let me know immediately.”

Kainer nodded quickly. “Sure sir, I’ll get back to you right away.”

Not wanting to get carried away again, Christian then rushed into the plane following his parents who had entered ten minutes ago not long after Luna was brought in by two doctors who came from Switzerland. Not long after Christian entered, the black jet that looked so dashing finally started to move until it finally managed to fly smoothly without a hitch.

Watching Jack’s jet fly away, Erick let out a long sigh. “Let’s go home, early in the morning we have to work. A mountain of documents must be waiting for us.”

“I’d like a little more time at the airport,” Kainer replied quietly.

“Christian will be fine, now he is with his parents. You don’t have to worry, Kainer,” Erick said quietly, trying to strengthen Kainer. Erick knows that at this time Kainer is sad because he let Christian go alone.

“I hope so.” Kainer muttered under her breath. “The current young master is completely devastated, losing Elena when he already knows the whole truth must be so painful for him.”

Erick pursed his lips. “Time will treat it, Kainer. This incident will definitely make the young master become more mature, believe me, every incident that occurs there is a valuable lesson behind it. So you don’t have to worry, the young master will definitely rise from his slump soon. Especially now that there is Miss Luna which requires a lot of attention.”

Kainer nodded slowly, his lips locked tightly together.

“Okay, let’s go home, tonight I want to sleep early,” said Erick back to go home.

Kainer, who had no reason to refuse Erick’s invitation, agreed with his senior’s words, using the same car, the two of them then left the airport for the Clarke family mansion, which will now return to being colder after Christian left, who has to live with his parents in Geneva. .


From his seat, Christian continues to stare at the glass which shows that the outside of the plane is already pitch black.

“Where are you now, Elena?”

Christian immediately clenched his fists, again mentioning Elena’s name made his chest feel tight. Slowly his eyes closed, Christian trying to neutralize his beating heart which was racing very fast.

“Right now I’m taking our daughter to Geneva, honey,” Christian says to himself. “Luna needs more serious treatment from more skilled doctors. Luna, our child’s heart condition is not very good, Elena. She is also so small compared to other premature children, that’s why we decided to take her to a special hospital in Geneva. I hope you don’t angry with this decision I’ve made, Elena.”

Without realizing it, Christian’s tears fell again. “Again, please forgive me, Elena. I’m really sorry, Elena.”

Anne who was about to go to the toilet unconsciously saw Christian wipe his face, her chest felt so tight seeing the state of her proud son who was so devastated. Even though Christian didn’t say anything, Anne knew that her beloved son was currently very sad.

“What is it, honey?” Jack asked quietly, breaking Anne’s thoughts.

Anne immediately turned her head the other way, avoiding eye contact with Jack. “I need to go to the toilet. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I was just asking,” Jack lied, actually he wanted to use the toilet right now.

“Well then, I’m going to the toilet now,” said Anne again.

“Be careful and don’t stay on the toilet too long.”

Anne nodded her head. “I know.”

After Anne left, Jack’s attention was immediately drawn to Christian who was leaning against the back of the chair with his eyes closed. Even though Christian is no longer crying now, Jack can still find the rest of his tears.

“You’re not alone, Son. There’s a Daddy who will help you take care of Luna,” said Jack quietly. “Daddy will help you raise Luna no matter what, you don’t have to be afraid. Everything will be fine, Daddy promises.”

Robin Office, New York, USA.

“Why isn’t Zee awake yet, doc?” Beatrice asked doctor Giana who was wiping Zweta’s body using a special towel before changing into her clothes.

Doctor Giana pursed her lips. “Zee needs a lot of time to recover, Bee. I don’t want to force her to wake up, we’ll just have to wait for her to wake up on her own.”

“How much longer do we have to wait? A week has passed, doc,” said Beatrice, slightly annoyed. “I can’t wait to talk to Zee, I really miss her.”

“The one who misses Zee is not only you, Bee. Everyone also misses her, including myself,” said doctor Giana with a smile.

Beatrice, who joined Robin last, let out a long sigh. “Waiting is the thing I hate the most.”

Doctor Giana chuckled. “Of course you don’t like waiting, because the person who taught you doesn’t like waiting either, right?”

“Yeah, Zee really doesn’t like waiting. She’s the most impatient person I know,” Beatrice answered quietly, remembering the days when she was trained by Zwetta when she first came in.

Although Zwetta is a very impatient person, when she became a mentor for Beatrice five years ago, Zee was able to control her impatience so well that Beatrice finally managed to become an agent who was quite calculated by Robin. And of all the agents Robin has, Beatrice is only close to Zwetta, the mentor. That’s why at this moment Beatrice can’t wait to meet Zwetta who is so beautiful.

“Zee will definitely wake up soon, we’ll just have to wait in two or three days,” said doctor Giana slowly. “If Zee doesn’t wake up too, then I will re-examine her thoroughly like yesterday.”

“Is that true?!” screamed Beatrice loudly, unconsciously.

Doctor Giana smiled. “Yeah, I’ll re-examine her again. But now that you’re helping me take off all of Zee’s clothes, I’m a bit of a problem doing it myself.”

“With pleasure, doc,” Beatrice replied quickly, as fast as she walked to the corner of the room to close all the curtains in the glass-filled room. As previously instructed by doctor Giana, if they replace Zee’s clothes all the curtains in the room must be lowered to avoid things that are not desirable.

As soon as all the curtains were completely closed, Beatrice rushed to the bed where Zwetta was lying.

“Use your gloves,” said the doctor Giana again.

“Yes Boss.” Beatrice immediately grabbed the two latex gloves that were on the nightstand and put them on without difficulty.

After Beatrice finished putting on her gloves, Doctor Giana began to carefully unbutton Zwetta’s shirt at the back. Her smile broke when she saw the bandage covering Zwetta’s stomach, the cesarean section that Zwetta had done one week ago was much better. Especially before doctor Giana had repaired the surgical scar, it was certain that if the wound healed, Zwetta would not get any scars there.

“Why don’t we just cut the clothes to make it easier for us, doc?” Beatrice asked quietly from behind the medical mask that was placed on her face.

“Why use scissors when we can easily remove and replace them like this, hm?” asked the doctor Giana back with a smile. “Please hold her lower body, I will pull down her trousers.”

Even though Beatrice had protested earlier, she still did what doctor Giana ordered her without rebuttal. Even though Zwetta’s body is small, because she is currently unconscious, doctor Giana has a little difficulty changing her clothes by herself, that’s why she asks for help from other people to make her work easier.

Because she didn’t want anyone to see Zwetta’s nakedness, after she managed to take off her trousers, doctor Giana immediately put her trousers back on Zwetta. Actually, doctor Giana could have dressed her in simpler patient clothes for Zwetta, but because she remembered that Zwetta was very anti-wearing shorts or short skirts, finally doctor Giana chose to dress her with pajama models like the one she is currently wearing on Zwetta.

“Ok, now let’s tidy up the clothes that...”

Doctor Giana’s words stopped when suddenly her hand, which was about to straighten the pajamas she had previously put on Zwetta’s body, was gripped tightly by Zwetta who suddenly regained consciousness. Her hazel eyes stared intently at the doctor Giana who wanted to touch her chest.


“What do you want to do to me, doc?”

Doctor Giana and Zwetta said at the same time, Beatrice, who was so surprised to see Zwetta suddenly open her eyes, couldn’t help but stare. Whereas just a moment ago she had been babbling on, asking when Zwetta would open her eyes.

“And you, Bee. What are you doing?”

Doctor Giana gasped. “ remember us, Zee?” Doctor Giana’s voice trembled.

“Of course I remember, how could I not recognize my own partner. What kind of strange question is that?”

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