Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 209

209 Let you go

Romaria shook her head slowly. “You’re not doing well, Miss. Please Miss, I beg you just this once. If you don’t want Young Master to come, how about I call Doctor Caitlyn instead?”

Elena took Romaria’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I want a drink, can you ask Bertha to get it for me?”

“Bertha? Why not...”

Romaria’s words stopped as Elena tightened the grip on her hand, Romaria finally realized that Elena wanted to be alone with her. Romaria quickly turned her face to Bertha who was standing behind her and asked her to get water for Elena and some fruit, Romaria purposely asked Bertha to also prepare fruit so that she had more time with Elena. Without any suspicion, Bertha then immediately came out of Elena’s room to carry out the orders that Romaria had just given to her, as a chef, of course, Bertha knew what fruit was good for a pregnant woman.

“What do you want to talk to me about, Miss?” asked Romaria matter-of-factly as soon as the door to Elena’s room was closed from the outside by Bertha.

“I want you to give this to my baby,” answered Elena quietly as she extended her hand towards Romaria.

Romaria, who was curious then turned her gaze towards Elena’s hand, her eyes widened when she saw the yellow object in Elena’s palm.


“This is my mother’s ring,” said Elena quietly, cutting off Romaria’s words. “Mother said this ring is her family’s legacy, she gave it to me shortly after Christian proposed to me in front of them. She wanted me to have this ring as a tradition that every daughter in our family should carry on.”


Romaria’s eyes immediately filled with tears.

“And because this morning Mr Jackson Clarke said he wanted to take my baby when she was born.” Elena stopped her words. “I want you to keep this and give it to my baby later when she is born, I’m afraid I can’t do it myself, Romaria.”

“Don’t talk like that, Miss. I beg you.”

Elena pursed her lips. “I also don’t want to be like this, Romaria. I also don’t want my child to be taken by them, but I don’t have any ability to stop them as you can see right now. So I want to ask for your help to replace me by giving this ring to my baby.”

Romaria had tears in her eyes, she couldn’t speak anymore. The words that Elena spoke were suffocating to hear, Romaria really wanted to take Elena as far away from the villa as possible. She couldn’t bear to see a girl as good as Elena having to suffer injustice like this.

“And this...” Elena gave the ring to Romaria again. “This is the ring Christian gave me when he asked me to marry him.” Elena’s voice trembled violently as she spoke, remembering when Christian proposed to her, the tightness in her chest came back.

Romaria’s eyes flickered when she saw the diamond ring in her hand.

“Tell him, I’m happy with what he’s going through right now. I sincerely wish him happiness with that girl named Charlotte,” continued Elena again, seeing Christian and Charlotte together that often appeared on television lately made Elena determined to let go of Christian. Elena has chosen to erase Christian’s name from her heart, even though at this time they are both so attached to the existence of the baby inside her.


Elena smiled. “You can do this for me, right?”

“I can’t do this, Miss,” said Romaria quietly. “I don’t have that much courage.”

“Only you can help me, Romaria. You’re the only person who still believes in my words, if you don’t want to do this for me then who should I ask for help?” Elena looks so disappointed. “At least, as long as my sanity lasts I can give you this mandate.”

“Miss!” Romaria immediately squeezed Elena’s hand tightly. “Please don’t talk like that, you will be fine. Likewise with this baby, the two of you will always be together. Either Mr. Jackson or Mr. Chritsian, they will never be able to separate you from your baby, Miss.”

Elena smiled. “I can’t trust anyone anymore, especially them. Christian who came to my parents and convinced them to give permission to marry and make me happy can only do this to me, the person I really trust, the person I really love. until I finally made me do something stupid by letting him touch me after decades of keeping my chastity had done the worst thing to me, Romaria. He didn’t believe me, didn’t want to listen to my explanations until he finally imprisoned me here and wanted me to feel what his sister felt for three years, when she was in her captor’s hands. Then after all he’s done to me so far, do you think he can’t take this baby from me? Of course he can, Romaria. It’s very easy for him to do that, so before he takes this baby from me I want to give him something which means so much to me, the only precious thing that I have. That is the ring inherited from my family that is hundreds of years old.”

Romaria’s tears dripped harder, every word Elena said really made her chest ache. Romaria knew very well how much pain Elena had received for all of Christian’s cruelty

“You can do this for me, right?” asked Elena again.

“Ok Miss. I will do what you want, I will keep and give these two rings to the young master,” answered Romaria stuttering.

Elena’s eyes lit up at Romaria’s answer. “Thank you, Romaria. Thank you very much.”

“No Miss, please don’t keep thanking me. I didn’t do anything for you,” said Romaria quietly.

“Don’t be so modest, now I’m going to bed. My head hurts so bad, I want to sleep for a bit.”

“But you haven’t eaten yet, Miss. You have to eat...”

“I’ll eat after I sleep,” Elena promised with a smile.

Romaria took a deep breath, choosing to give in. “Okay then, I’ll let you sleep for a while.”

Elena nodded her head, after which she started to close her eyes. Elena is not lying, right now she is really suffering from an excruciating headache from continuing to cry since morning. Not wanting to disturb Elena, Romaria finally came out of the room carefully with the two rings Elena had given her in her hand.

Luxembourg Airport.

“Help me Lord..please help me get justice for her. For that innocent girl...”

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