Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 199

199 Next Level

Elena wiped her lips with a handkerchief after finishing a small glass of chocolate ice cream that Romaria had given her.

“Thank you, Romaria,” said Elena softly.

“If you still want vanilla ice cream I’ll...”

“No need, that’s enough. Besides, I don’t eat much,” said Elena gently.

Romaria, who was sitting in front of Elena, immediately grabbed Elena’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “Are you really all right, Miss?”

“Of course, what’s the matter? Didn’t you see for yourself that I was fine, huh?”

Romaria, who couldn’t stand it then hugged Elena tightly. “You are too kind to accept all this injustice, Miss.”

Elena closed her eyes, trying not to cry. Elena didn’t want to make Romaria any more sad.

“Romaria, I can’t breathe,” whispered Elena lying, asking Romaria to let go of her arm.


As Elena expected, immediately Romaria let go of her embrace from Elena. Her face looked panicked and it made Elena laugh out loud.


“I’m joking, Romaria. Don’t be angry,” said Elena softly with a smile.

Romaria pursed her lips, she knew that right now Elena was trying to lighten the mood. Romaria knew that Elena was trying to make her feel better.

“Please take me to the room, okay. I’m tired,” asked Elenay politely.

“Okay Miss.” Romaria carefully helped Elena up to the second floor, even though Elena’s stomach wasn’t that big yet, Romaria couldn’t bear to let Elena go up and down the stairs herself.

Once Elena was lying on the bed, Romaria then covered Elena with a soft blanket which was Elena’s favorite lately.

“Thank you, Romaria.”

Romaria, who was still standing beside Elena’s bed, shook her head slowly. “Don’t thank me, Miss. I didn’t do anything, serving you is my duty.”

“I know, but there’s nothing wrong with saying thanks, right?”

Romaria touched Elena’s stomach gently. “This child will be a great child in the future, the baby must be proud to have a mother like you, Miss.”

“Amen, thanks for the prayers, Romaria.”

“Do you need any other help, Miss?”

“Not for now.”

“Well then I’ll excuse myself and have a good rest.”

Elena nodded slowly, her eyes still staring at Romaria without blinking until finally when the door to her room was closed the tears that Elena had been holding finally spilled. Elena recalled what had happened over the past few weeks, Christian thought she had changed but apparently still didn’t care about her. None of her wishes were granted by the man.

“If one day all the truth is revealed, I hope you don’t regret everything you have done to me, Christ,” Elena said in her heart with her eyes closed, her left hand moving slowly to touch her distended stomach. “And hopefully when that time comes I’ll still have a large stock of patience to forgive you.”

Elena’s tears fell again when the memory of her parents appeared, even though she did not know what really happened to her parents, but Elena felt that her parents had fallen ill because of overthinking, remembering her father’s condition, who had been hospitalized several times because of his condition. Elena is still trying to think positively if Christian is not involved in this matter, for Elena, as long as she has not seen or heard directly she does not want to draw any conclusions. Her mother’s teachings that asked her to always do good made Elena never get angry.

Recalling her parents who had died made Elena miss them, not knowing where her parents were buried made Elena feel even more guilty.

Because she was too tired to cry, Elena’s drowsiness slowly came. Before going to bed, Elena had time to talk to her child to calm her down and not make her want to eat food that can’t be found at home, like today when she wanted to eat vanilla and strawberry flavored ice cream. Because she really wanted the vanilla and strawberry flavored ice cream, Elena asked Romaria for help to contact Christian to send the ice cream or at least give her permission to look for it in the supermarket.

“Everything will be fine, you have to be strong for your child, Elena. You can definitely do it, you’ve been through tougher times than this with your parents, this time you can definitely get through it too,” said Elena slowly, trying to strengthen herself.

While Elena is going through the hardest times due to her pregnancy, Christian is actually enjoying his time with Charlotte at a restaurant in the middle of the city. One of those restaurants that Christian and Charlotte had played in since they were little kids a few years ago, when Chester Lloyd came to visit Jack and Anne.

“I actually want to live in Geneva, Christ,” Charlotte said.

“Huh? Not wrong?”

Charlotte smiled. “Why is that? Is there something wrong with my wish?”

“Didn’t you say on your twenty-fifth birthday two years ago that you wanted to own a pen house in Washington, did you? So why do you want to live in Geneva?”

“Would it be wrong if I wanted to own a penthouse in Washington? Right now property prices ranging from houses, apartments to penthouses are increasing every year, so even if I don’t live in the penthouse I can still use it as a business. I can rent it out to people so I can get profit from the tenant or if I’m too lazy to rent it I can immediately sell it at a price that must have been many times higher than the price when I bought it two years ago.”

Christian laughs amused. “You’re a social worker but why would you think that way? You really do look like a businessman, Charlotte.”

“I have a friend who is a successful businessman in this country, so I feel like I’m infected with his intelligence.”

Christian laughs again at Charlotte’s words, which make no sense, even though he’s been talking for a long time since he’s been in the office, Christian doesn’t get bored while talking to Charlotte. Charlotte’s cheerful and always smiling demeanor makes Christian feel comfortable, especially since Christian has known Charlotte for a long time.

Not far from where Christian and Charlotte were sitting, Kainer seemed to be enjoying her dinner quietly. Even though Christian actually asked him to sit at the same table with Charlotte but Kainer was quite self-aware, she didn’t want to be a bother.

“Romaria,” Kainer mumbled softly when she saw Romaria’s name appear on his cell phone screen, immediately Kainer received an incoming call from the maid who was ordered to serve Elena in the villa.

“Yes Romaria...”

“W..are you with the young master, Kainer?” Romaria asked, stammering.

“Yes, why?”

“What is the young master doing at the moment?” asked Romaria back. “Sorry presumptuous.”

“Young Master is enjoying dinner with his friends at one of the restaurants in the city center, what’s the matter, Romaria?”

“’s about Miss Elena...

To be continued

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