Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 174

174 Feeling

Wilson family residence, 10.30 AM.

Christian stands in front of the remains of the ruins of Elena’s parents’ house, which has become intangible, without a sound. Christian, who just woke up at ten in the morning, was forced to go to Elena’s family house without taking a shower after Kainer came to his room and brought information about the big fire that hit Elena’s parents’ houses earlier this morning.

When Christian arrived, the area had been sterilized by police who wanted to investigate the root cause of the fire. Due to the magnitude of the fire, all the belongings in the two-story house were gone. Even some of the large ovens used to make the cakes of Elena’s parents were also out of shape after being crushed by wood and fragile walls during the fire. Luckily, the building right next to Elena’s family home is an empty building, so when the fire spread to the building, there were no casualties. The only aggrieved parties in the incident were really only the Wilson family whose whereabouts are unknown at this time.

“It’s confirmed that the house was empty when the fire broke out, sir,” said Kainer, who had just spoken to the chief of police cautiously.

Christian did not give any response, he just remained silent and continued to stare at the remains of the building which still emitted quite a thick smoke. Even though he hates Elena and her parents who are considered to have lied, in Christian’s heart he doesn’t expect this kind of thing to happen. The feeling is really messed up right now, Elena’s problem isn’t over yet and now an even bigger problem has emerged.

“The police are also trying to find where Jody and Camila Wilson are,” Kainer added.

“Isn’t there anything to save, Kainer?” Christian asks unexpectedly.


Christian takes a deep breath. “I’m asking if we can’t get any evidence of Elena and her parents’ lies from this rubble?”


“No Mr Clarke, nothing can be saved,” replied a police officer who was already quite senior, fortunately the man did not hear the whole of Christian’s words. “The fire that broke out this morning completely destroyed the whole house.”

Christian turns to his left, at the policeman who had just spoken to him. “Are you sure you don’t see anyone in this house?”

“Absolutely sure, sir. People around this place also say that if the owner of this house has not been seen since two weeks ago, this house has been empty since they left. According to the woman who spoke to me this morning, the owner of this house vacated their house after their only daughter went missing a week earlier.”

“Their only daughter disappeared?” Christian feigns surprise.

The policeman nodded his head excitedly before he finally recounted the information he got from local residents who filled the area this morning, Christian also chose to be a good listener. He didn’t open his mouth at all when the policeman in front of him spoke at length. Christian is still playing with his pretense so as not to make the cop suspicious, for example even if the cop suspects a Christian Clarke he won’t be able to do anything. No law can touch the Clarke family in Luxembourg. The name David Clarke still smells sweet in the country even though he died decades ago.

“So you guys are going to find the whereabouts of the owner of this house?” Christian asks quietly as the cop named Carlos finishes speaking.

“That’s right, sir.”

Christian purses his lips, suddenly he has a brilliant idea. “Will you tell me the whereabouts of the owner of this house when you find them?”


“I’d like to make a donation to them,” Christian boasts. “Seeing how the condition of this house makes me want to give them a little help, at least with that help they can use it to rent a new place for a while.”

The senior police officer immediately grabbed Christian’s hands and squeezed them tightly. “You are truly an angel as I have heard all along, Mr. Clarke. This country is truly fortunate to have someone like you.”

Christian chuckles. “Don’t praise me too much like this, I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.”

“There are a lot of rich people in this country, but not very social and you have both of them perfectly. I’m sure the late Mr David Clarke was very proud of you right now, sir.”

Christian again just chuckled at the praise of a man of his father’s age, Christian chose to let the man continue to talk without the slightest intention of asking him to stop. Christian must still maintain his image.

Christian then left the place after seeing the arrival of several journalists, Christian who was carrying out his new plan chose not to appear in any news. That’s why he immediately asked Kainer to leave the area that was already so messy, right now all Christian needed to do was sit back, waiting for information from the police who were looking for Jody and Camila Wilson.

“We’re going straight to the office,” Christian said quietly, in forty-five minutes he had to attend an important meeting with one of America’s biggest EOs. Christian has to shower and get ready before his guest arrives at the office, lucky Christian has clean clothes ready to wear in his room, so in case of an emergency like this he doesn’t have to panic. Christian deliberately invited the famous EO from New York because he wanted to hold an exhibition in a superpower known for its glamorous life by bringing the latest jewelry collection from Clarke house of Jewel in collaboration with the best jewelry designer from Paris who has become his best friend.

Kainer who was holding the steering wheel nodded obediently without daring to make a sound, Kainer didn’t have enough courage to spoil Christian’s mood who was in a very good mood. Today is quite a decisive day for Clarke Enterprise, because if they succeed in convincing the biggest EO from New York to cooperate with them, then the chances of Clarke House of Jewel circulating in the Americas will be even greater. Although there are currently many Hollywood artists who order jewelry from them, Christian is still not satisfied. Christian wants to make Clarke House of Jewel the biggest jewelry brand in the world, beating other famous jewelry houses.

Not wanting to make a single mistake, Christian again takes his cell phone out of his pocket and begins to reread the proposal he was trying to offer to the EO who had come all the way from America. Because Christian previously gave his second cell phone number to Romaria, as a result at this time Christian doesn’t know if the servant assigned to monitor Elena has called him dozens of times. The reason is that at this time the cellphone was left on the nightstand, because it was too hasty, Christian only took one cellphone and Christian’s bad habit had disappeared some time ago after Elena often warned him not to be careless and rechecked his things before leaving for the office. But now, when Elena is no longer working, Christian’s recklessness is back.


St. Maria Hospital, Echternach. 11.00 AM.

Not only Jason, Bianca and Tommy were speechless when they saw the fire news that was currently broadcast on television. The three of them who knew very well the place that was being covered by the media looked very shocked, they did not expect that the house and the place where the Wilson family was looking for money now would not be left after being engulfed in flames.

“How about it, Tom. What should we tell Mr and Mrs Wilson?” Bianca said hoarsely, seeing the place where she was looking for money was now only rubble made Bianca sad.

Tommy, who looked tougher than his wife, immediately gave a warm hug to the woman who had accompanied him for almost ten years full of love. “Don’t say anything, wait for Mr and Mrs Wilson’s condition to improve. Once they are stable, we will discuss this matter with them.”

Bianca nodded slowly. “Where else should we look for work, Tom?” Bianca asked quietly and sadly. “Our savings won’t be enough to last more than six months.”

Tommy immediately closed his eyes, he forgot that currently his finances are not enough to survive long enough without working. “We’ll think about it later, the most important thing right now is the recovery of Mr and Mrs Wilson. God will surely provide a way out for our family.”


Jason, who was sitting not far from the grieving husband and wife, just bowed his head in silence, lots of questions running through his head right now. As a firefighter, Jason knew that the huge fire that had leveled Elena’s house was an intentional fire. Even though he didn’t see it directly, Jason was very sure of it, having visited the house many times, Jason knew that the possibility of an electrical short, which the newsreader mentioned as the main cause of the fire, was an unlikely thing.

“Christian Clarke...are you behind this incident,” Jason said in his heart with a cold stare at the television screen which still showed the remains of the Wilson family’s house which was almost razed to the ground. “If so, then you’re dealing with me. You’ve picked the wrong opponent this time, Clarke. Even though you come from a rich family, I’m not afraid of you at all. You’re just a Mommy kid who is nothing compared to me, I’ll prove it. to Elena if she has chosen the wrong partner as useless as you.”

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