Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 154

154 Destroyed

Elena took a deep breath when the car that picked up Christian was out of sight, thirty minutes ago Christian suddenly refused to talk to her and immediately contacted his men to come pick her up. Elena, who felt she had done nothing wrong, could only stay silent when she saw Christian just leave without saying goodbye.

“You’re not fighting, are you?”

Elena who was still staring at the empty street in front of her immediately turned to Bianca who suddenly spoke from behind, startling her.

“We’re okay.”

“Really? But the rich young master just left without saying anything,” Bianca inquired again.

Elena pursed her lips, trying to remain calm. “Christian is like that, he has a lot of work to do besides his main job at the office. You know who he is, right?”

Bianca’s curiosity slowly faded. “Yeah, I know. Christian Clarke isn’t just any random person,” Bianca half grumbled.

Elena chuckled at Bianca’s annoyed expression. “Don’t worry, our relationship is fine. I’m used to being left like this by him especially if there are urgent matters related to outside the office.”

After taking a deep breath, Bianca then wrapped her arms around Elena’s shoulders. “You have to be strong with all the consequences that lie ahead, Elena.”


“Strong with all the consequences?”

“Yes, your future husband belongs to the ranks of the most influential people in this country. His power, charm and charisma will surely invite many people to look at him, both women and men. And because of that you must be able to adjust to his world, you must be strong and able to adapt quickly,” said Bianca seriously. “Believe me Elena, there are millions of young girls out there who would want to be where you are today.”

Elena smiled a little. “I know, I understand the problem, Bianca.”

“It’s good that you understand,” Bianca said quickly. “Anyway, whatever happens in the future, you can’t hesitate to tell me all your problems, okay?”

Elena immediately embraced Bianca suddenly. “Of course, Bianca. Apart from mom and dad, I only have you. I’m sure to trouble you a lot in the future.”

Bianca patted Elena’s back gently, Bianca was happy and so touched by Elena’s words. Even though Elena is the boss’s child, Elena is so good to her, Bianca even feels so appreciated by Elena. That’s why she never hesitates to talk to Elena like that, Bianca even considers Elena like her little sister.


All the way home, Christian’s whole body felt so hot. Reading the messages that Ronin and Kainer sent almost simultaneously made him almost explode in front of Elena and her family just a moment ago.

“The result is positive, sir. It is certain that the girl on the CCTV is Elena Wilson.”

The message that Ronin was sending kept replaying deeply to Christian at this time. Ronin and Kainer have also sent a photo of the masked girl who is said to be Elena.

“Even though this girl is wearing a mask that covers her face, from the color of her eyes and the shape of her face, it is certain that this is Elena, sir.”

Christian’s lips trembled again when he reread the message that Kainer had sent, the message which was accompanied by a clearer photo of the masked girl Suri was referring to looks so similar to the look on Elena’s face taken from the same angle.

“Mr Clarke and the others are currently on their way to Luxembourg, young master,” Dimitri said carefully from the driver’s seat, informing him of the news he had just received from Kainer.


“That’s right, sir. It seems that Mr. Clarke has heard the same thing,” added Dimitri again.

Christian clenched his jaw. “Of course Daddy has heard of it, Ronin and the others work in the same place as Daddy and his men.”

“Then what is your next plan, young master?” Dimitri asked again, even though Dimitri had been Elena’s personal driver for one week, he already knew all the plans Christian was doing.

“I can’t think, my brain is completely blank.”

Dimitri glanced in the rearview mirror, at Christian who was now leaning his body against the back of the chair with his eyes closed. How frustrated Christian is right now.

“An hour ago I was still convinced that the girl was not Elena, I was absolutely sure that Elena was not the girl Suri mentioned in the kidnapping she experienced three years ago, Dimitri. I was still trying to convince myself that Elena was not involved in any scandal until I finally have to get the news....” Christian stops his words that are getting more and more inaudible. “My world is completely shattered right now, the dreams that I have arranged so beautifully and neatly are shattered into nothing.”

Dimitri pressed his hands on the steering wheel of the car he was driving, he shared how hurt and disappointed Christian was right now. As one of those who have worked with Christian for a long time, Dimitri knows how Christian has treated his former women. None of them get privileges like Elana, although Elena was not given material directly by Christian but all of Christian’s subordinates know that Christian has prepared the best house in Luxembourg for Elena’s parents to live in after they get married. They all also know that Christian has secretly ordered goods and special limited edition jewelry for Elena which have been stored neatly in the house where Elena’s parents will live. Everything Christian did for Elena and her parents Christian never did to his former lover.


“Yes, sir.”

“Take me to Logan’s,” Christian says hoarsely.

Dimitri almost suddenly brakes when he hears Christian mention Logan’s name, Logan Noel is one of Christian’s old friends who is so arrogant and very unfriendly. Not only to Dimitri and the other bodyguards, to Kainer, Christian’s right-hand man, Logan is so arrogant. Logan feels that if his position is higher than Kainer and the others, that’s why he doesn’t want to be friends with any of Christian’s men.

“Only Logan can help me at this point,” Christian adds again.

Dimitri couldn’t help but take a deep breath when he heard the decision that Christian had made, because he didn’t dare to argue, Dimitri immediately turned his car towards Logan Noel’s residence. A place that is avoided by all of Christian’s men, including Kainer though. Logan Noel, who is such an eye-catcher, can’t help but look at a beautiful woman, even though she is Christian’s lover.

Clarke Mansion, Geneva Switzerland.

Anne and Asher try to calm Suri who is still so hysterical after being shown the footage of the masked girl who had betrayed her out of the hotel where she was held hostage and almost sold by Osbert, recalling the series of terrible events that she wanted to erase from her memory made Suri very panicked.

Feeling betrayed by the masked woman who was with her at that time made Suri hysterical again, the image where she was being touched by Osbert who was tying her to the bed replayed in Suri’s memory. Suri, who was half conscious at the time, knew that Osbert had touched her chest several times. As a girl who has never been touched by any man, Suri becomes very shocked when the image of this disgusting incident swirls in her head again.

“No...don’t come any closer!!” Suri screamed loudly after throwing the only pillow left on her bed towards Anne and Asher who again tried to approach her who was feeling panicked. “Do not come close!!”

Anne wiped her tears quickly. “Honey, this is Mommy dear....this is Mommy.”

With tears that have flowed the Suri river covering her ears.

“Suri.... it’s me and Mommy, Suri,” said Asher quietly trying to seduce Suri who was rolling her body with a thick blanket in the corner of the bed. “It’s me, can’t forget me, can you?”

Suri shook her head, trying to get rid of the mosaics of Osbert’s face that kept dancing in her head. Too scared to make Suri unable to remember the real face of the criminal.

Seeing that Suri’s condition was so terrible that Anne couldn’t stop crying, Anne felt so guilty seeing Suri’s current condition. Asher, who was trying hard not to get carried away, started to get annoyed when he saw his adoptive mother cry, for Asher now Anne is everything. Therefore, when he saw his adoptive mother crying, his heart was crushed. Asher really wanted to hug and comfort his adoptive mother at this time, but on the other hand he had to be able to calm Suri who was hit by an extraordinary fear.

“Suriii... Suri Mireya, you didn’t forget about me, did you?” Asher again tried to calm Suri who was still looking at him with a look of great fear. “It’s me, Asher. If you forget me then who will stand up for me if Christian bully me, Suri?”

Suri blinked her eyes, her gaze began to soften. Asher’s words managed to calm her down a bit.

“It’s me, Asher. You remember me, don’t you?” Asher again tried to approach Suri who had started to stop crying.

Anne, who was still crying, tried to stop her crying, she didn’t want to disturb Asher’s attempts to calm Suri. Suri’s personal psychiatrist who had been standing in front of the door again gave a code to Anne to calm down, the middle-aged woman did not dare to go back into Suri’s room for fear that Suri would return to hysterics after seeing her like fifteen minutes ago. Doctor Rasta came to Clarke’s mansion thirty minutes ago in a hurry after she was contacted by Asher who reported that Suri’s condition had returned to hysterics. As a psychiatrist that Anne chose directly to treat Suri, doctor Rasta immediately left her other job and rushed to her VVIP client’s house.

“Suri...” Asher who was getting closer to Suri slowly reached out towards her. “It’s me, Suri.”

Suri wiped her tears with her still shaking hands. “A..asher..”

Asher nodded quickly. “Yes, it’s me,’s me, Suri.”

Suri, who was still so scared, immediately jumped at Asher and hugged him tightly, she continued to cry when she was in Asher’s arms. From where she stood, Anne was immediately embraced by Doctor Rasta. The Indian’s doctor specialist seemed to calm Anne so as not to make the atmosphere more chaotic.

“It’s ok Madam, miss suri has calmed down....everything will be fine, Madam.”

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