Love The Psycho

Chapter 62: Mai's Darkness 5

Chapter 62: Mai's Darkness 5

A shrewd laughter erupted inside the car suddenly before Mai looked at Sebastian.

''Go on, I love where this is going''. Mai said and chuckled.

''He is my godfather. He said I should bring you to him. That is all there is that I know. I swear I don't know anything apart from that. Please believe me''. Sebastian said.

"So, tell me. What is your real name because I know Sebastian isn't your name"

"Lucas Okyere"

"Lucas Okyere? How did a pretty boy like you ended up doing such terrible things for Lorca, that human waste excuse of a man?"

"He saved me when I needed it the most"

"So what? You pledged your allegiance to him? Tsk, tsk, you're so nave" Mai said and shook her head.

"He was the only one who was there for me. My father was an alcoholic and a gambler. He used to hit me each time he saw me. Lorca saw it one day and saved me. He killed that man and adopted me"

"You are the quite loyal one aren't you? That's cute of you. You decided to be a pimp boy for Lorca just because he saved you? I don't care about your life with Lorca and the circumstances surrounding your pledge of undying love and loyalty for Lorca but, you messed the moment you agreed to seduce me. Did you actually think you would have succeeded? Is my taste that poor?" Mai said feeling disgusted.

"Please spare me. I will stay away from you. I will even leave the city if you want me to. Please spare my life August Maijune" Sebastian pleaded with he perspired profusely.

"Sorry, but I'm not that kind as to spare my enemy. What if I spare you and you go somewhere and brag that I couldn't even deal with you? Won't the joke be in me? What I hate is doing things halfway. What I even hate more than anything else is not tightening lose ends cos in the end they will come back and bite me" Mai said nonchalantly.

"Please believe me. I will do whatever you say" Lucas pleaded.

''I believe you, but, I still need to teach you a lesson. Before that, tell me, which is Lorca's number?'' Mai asked pointing the phone at him.

''Is stored with the name godfather, what are you going to do?'' Sebastian asked.

''I'm going to send him a little gift''. Mai highlighted all the pictures she took and sent them to Lorca. She removed the memory card from the camera and inserted it into the phone and added the video and sent it. After she finished she opened the door and got into the driver's seat and drove to the middle of the street.

''What are you doing?'' Sebastian asked wearily having a fair idea of what was going on.

Mai looked at him saying ''be a good boy and open your mouth. You are yet to eat your B-Vigour'' Mai said and forced the drug into his mouth and closed his nose, making him to swallow the drug before she frowned and got down from the car and stood by the window and said to him ''count yourself lucky that I have somewhere to go, if not I would have killed you myself. Here, you will die a painless death that is if Lorca doesn't arrive fast enough to save you''.

''Please, don't leave me here''. Sebastian pleaded.

''Don't worry, I just sent a message to your godfather, he should be here soon to save you. bye''. Mai smiled and walked away elatedly.




Lorca walked out of the bathroom naked with a woman who was also naked and saw his phone going off and on as it buzzed continuously. He walked to the table and picked it up seeing the messages from Lucas. He had called previously to inform him that he had seen August Maijune and he was sending her to his place soon.

What greeted Lorca as a horrified face of Lucas and his naked pictures, a video and a recording. His hands shook and his body shivered as he had a premonition of the outcome. He pushed the woman that was busy touching him away and opened the video and saw its contents.

At the end of the video he saw August Maijune's face popup and she spoke just three words that sent a chill down his spine ''uncle Hi, missed me?''

The phone fell to the floor as he screamed out Mai's full name ''August Maijune!!! That Psychopath!!. He screamed and quickly went into his closet to change before going to find Lucas.

Lorca called his men on his way out and ordered them to find Lucas' location. He couldn't allow anything to happen to Lucas. He loved the boy more than his own soul.

For Mai to be able to harm him in that manner, it meant one thing. August Maijune either regained her memories or faked her amnesia entirely to make him think she was stupid. She had just declared a war with him like that.

To Lorca, August Maijune's existence was a curse in itself. That girl was more vicious than anyone could imagine. The first time he met her, she robbed him off the wrong way. Her eyes were always dark and couldn't be read.

Lorca sped off fast on the road trying to reach Velvet street early.

..... .

Meanwhile, Mai arrived at the place she asked Aaron Saint to meet her and saw no one. It was a tall building that had been abandoned for years. It still looked new but was locked with a password. That was the building her parents used to work at. The company left to ruin by Lorca.

Mai walked to the glass down and inserted the password opening it easily and went in. She looked at the desolate building and walked towards the stairs.

Not long after....

Aaron Saint and the others arrived at Velvet street and saw the empty street. Lorca had long gone to rescue Lucas so they didn't meet. Aaron pulled over and got down banging the door angrily. Kash stepped out of the car and stood with him as Leo Martins pulled over.

Liyah Myers and Leo Martins got down from their car and went to them.

''Nothing is here. She isn't here?'' Liyah said worriedly.

Liyah Myers walked closer to Aaron Saint and patted him worriedly adding ''don't worry too much, we will find her''.

''We just have to put the pieces of puzzles together'' Leo Martins said.

''Aaron, give me the notes she left:' Kash said and Aaron removed all the notes in his pockets and gave to him.

Kash looked at the notes and picked the last letters of each sentence saying ''Leo, write these letters down for me''. Liyah removed a pen and diary from her bag and gave to Leo Martins.

''What are you doing?" Aaron Saint asked disheartened.

''I am trying to figure something out. There is something I studied in psychotherapy about DID patients. I read it in an article. It said that most patients with DID preferred to leave answers in encrypted forms like using the first letter of each sentence or the last letter of each sentence. I will try and see if I can figure something out''.

Kash started mentioning the letters to Leo and Leo wrote them down

'M,A,I,G,U,ST, L,A,B'.

''MAIGUST LAB''. Leo Martins pronounced the letters on after another and a realisation hit Aaron Saint.

''MAIGUST LABORATORIES. That's her parents company name''. Aaron Saint announced.

''Let's go, we don't have time to waste''. They got into their cars and sped off.


Mai stood at the edge of the tall building looking down. She was on the rooftop. She looked at her time and murmured ''is not funny anymore. Nobody is coming to save you August Maijune. You are alone in this world. Should I end your pain? I can make it go away once and for all''.

"Don't do this Mai

Mai looked at the hallucinated image of August Maijune at a distance.

Mai laughed hysterically and sat on the wall and the knife in her hand. She grazed the tip of the knife to her wrist and pushed it into her skin and drops of blood oozed out.

"Stop destroying me, Mai" the voice screamed out loud but the former didn't care.

Mai smiled and licked the blood adding ''it doesn't even hurt, right? With one swift move, I can end it all August Maijune. Is annoying how pitiful you can act. Nobody cares about you, August Maijune, not even Aaron Saint". Mai said looking at the dejected image of her true self.

Aaron Saint and Leo Martins arrived and pulled over. They got down and started walking inside.

Liyah Myers looked up and saw a figure like Mai and spoke pointing at the top of the building.

''Look over there guys. There seems to be someone up there, isn't that Mai?''

''Shit!!'' Aaron Saint cussed and ran inside and the others followed suit.

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