Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 244: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (37)

Chapter 244: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (37)

An outsider unexpectedly toppled a knight from the Yurdina family.

Although the knight had provoked first, it was a duel without a judge or honor. My decision to hurl the hatchet was impulsive, nothing more.

If it were an ordinary noble family, I would have had to accept if they had thrown their insults and disdain at me because it was almost like winning through foul play.

Yet, Yurdina was different.

Their fixation on victory and relentless pursuit of survival—these were the guiding tenets the Yurdina family had upheld throughout history on the untamed plains.

Thus, they differed from other noble houses that placed greater emphasis on honor and tradition.

This was precisely why the rumor branding me a ‘lunatic’ had an unforeseen impact.

"Lunatic Young Master, what's going on?"

The words came from Sir Alex, the senior knight commanding a thousand soldiers.

The expression of the knight spewing the ruffians' language was profoundly solemn, to the extent that I questioned if I had misheard.

Sir Alex appeared meticulous at first glance.

His choice to don heavy armor, even in times of peace, hinted at his character.

While undoubtedly providing formidable protection in the battlefield, such armor was nothing more than a burden in everyday life.

Nevertheless, Sir Alex never neglected to wear his armor.

This alone spoke volumes about his character.

Strict and uncompromising, he must have attained a brilliant combat record to lead the Yurdina family’s army.

To hear such a person casually brandishing the term 'lunatic' left me perplexed.

A dumbfounded sound slipped from my lips.


"Recently, you've gained quite the reputation among the soldiers as the 'Lunatic Young Master'... In my younger days, I was also known as the 'crazy dog.'”

With that, Sir Alex's lips curled into a faint smile as he drifted into nostalgia.

'Crazy dog'... People were calling me that in the academy as well.

I briefly considered sharing with Sir Alex. However, I soon dismissed the notion with a bitter chuckle.

It was useless information.

Even if I did, it would merely add another dishonorable nickname, 'crazy dog,' atop 'lunatic'.

However, one aspect puzzled me.

Hearing Sir Alex speak, it seemed he held the term 'lunatic' in some esteem.

It was a thought I found utterly confusing.

How much harassment and slander had I endured until now before being branded a 'lunatic' or 'crazy dog'?

Now, even the juniors at the academy subtly avoided eye contact with me.

So, I couldn't resist probing the elder with a hint of envy as he reminisced about his younger days.

"By any chance, is that a compliment...?"

"Ah, I see. Young Master, you're not native to the Northern region, are you?"

Finally, Sir Alex seemed to grasp the situation and silently nodded.

Did I really seem like a Northerner that much?

In the Empire, 'Northerners' were renowned for their fiery temperament and unwavering resolve, a far cry from the pacifist inclinations of Easterners like myself.

Although I wanted to deny that, I forcibly calmed my mind.

As vital as familial and school ties were, regional ties held equal weight.

So, there was no need to remind him of the differences between myself and Northerners. On the contrary, given their tendency to stick together due to common origins, being perceived as one of them should make them like me more.

Nevertheless, it couldn't shake off my discontent.

Despite my displeased expression, Sir Alex kindly elaborated.

"Valuing battle and victory is ingrained in Northern culture. Just by hearing the nicknames you have— 'lunatic,' 'crazy dog,' 'hatchet murderer'— it sounds like you are someone not to be trifled with, and naturally, it makes us envy you..."

"...I haven't killed anyone yet."

Sir Alex merely shrugged in response to my timid retort.

His gesture seemed to imply, 'So what?'

"This isn't exclusive to you, Young Master. Anyway, it's a fact that you've earned the favor of the Yurdina family's soldiers."

This was unexpected.

I couldn't decide whether to be impressed or to just sigh.

It seemed that the Northerners' mindset was far from ordinary.

How could I gain favor every time I did something strange…

Just moments ago, I had been worried if Seria would ever gain recognition from her family, but it was all in vain.

Yet, when the light faded from her eyes, Seria would be embraced by every member of the Yurdina family.

Observing my perplexed expression, Sir Alex let out a soft chuckle.

"You seem surprised, but it's understandable. Most nobles aren't like that."

"The Yurdina family... Well… it’s definitely an interesting place."

I refrained from talking ill of the family in front of their vassals.

Upon reflection, Senior Delphine had also been the same.

When I had suddenly swung my hatchet in the room, didn’t she seem to regard me quite highly after that? I didn't realize it was a custom of the Yurdina family.

Unintentionally, the situation had turned in my favor.

Even Sir Alex showed a much warmer response compared to our initial encounter, and it appeared the other soldiers of the Yurdina family shared a similar attitude.

At this point, I felt confident that the investigation would proceed smoothly.

Seizing the opportunity, I decided to broach the topic of rumors with Sir Alex.

"By the way, Sir Alex. Have you heard that a soldier here recently saw someone who looked just like a villager...?"

"Ah, you mean Milton."

I was taken aback by the sudden mention of a name.

I hadn't expected someone in a position of command to remember the name of a regular soldier.

As I reacted, Sir Alex wore a subtle smile.

"This is also a Northern custom. Our comrades who fight alongside us are as precious as family. Even amidst hundreds, I make it a point to remember their names."

"Even if there are thousands?"

"Of course, that would be impossible. However, after spending a few years with a unit, you can remember up to a thousand names."

The Northerners seemed steadfast in their peculiar ways.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing because, thanks to that, our conversation progressed smoothly.

Sir Alex promptly provided the information I sought.

"It occurred a few days ago. Milton had a few drinks that night and ventured into the forest near the military post for some personal errands. And there, he saw someone who looked exactly like a villager."

"Is that not the villager himself?"

"At least according to Milton, it appeared so. He found it strange that someone was alone in the forest at night, so he asked, but there was no response. The individual then vanished into the woods. The following day, Milton went to the village to investigate, but the person claimed to have no memory of it."

I sighed, resting my chin in my hand, lost in thought.

The credibility of the testimony itself was questionable.

Just from listening to it, two aspects seemed suspicious.

Firstly, the witness experienced the incident while heavily intoxicated, and secondly, it was possible that the villager himself may have suffered from memory loss.

However, with such detailed testimony, it was hard to completely ignore it.

In the end, there was only one conclusion.

"...Looks like I'll have to go into that forest."

"Would you be okay going alone? There have been whispers of ghosts haunting the woods, causing soldiers to discreetly steer clear of the area."

"I have a reliable comrade, so why would I go alone?"

Upon guessing who the 'reliable comrade' was, Alex chuckled lightly.

Just then, a voice called out to me from behind.

"Senior Ian! Meal preparations are done, please..."

Both Alex and I turned our attention simultaneously to the woman calling out to me.

The stunning girl with ash gray locks appeared flustered under the gaze of the two men.

I offered a wry smile and spoke.



"How about a nighttime stroll with me later?"

Upon hearing this, Seria's previously puzzled expression transformed into a radiant smile.

She eagerly nodded in agreement.


And so, that very night…

"Y-You didn't say we were going to find the ghost!"

Seria trembled, clutching onto my arm tightly.

Under the veil of night in the forest, the moonlight was our only guide.

We made our way cautiously, relying on the patches of light penetrating through the leaves. Before we knew it, the path extended deep into the heart of the forest.

Despite Seria's tearful state, the soft sensation of her body pressed against mine felt comforting, so I didn't mind.

I spoke to Seria with a firm tone.

"Seria, we're in the middle of an exploration. If you keep making noise, it could be troublesome for us."


Although I wanted to assert my seniority, Seria's trembling form was just too cute.

With a heavy sigh, I decided to console her.

"A soldier might have seen something while being heavily drunk. Our goal tonight is simply to confirm that. Try not to worry too much."

Just then, the faint rustle of movement reached my ears, signaling someone's presence.

Swordsmen at the expert level took pride in their superhuman senses.

There was no way both Seria and I could have missed such overt sounds.

Soon, silence enveloped us once more.

Seria's complexion had long turned pale. I placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered,

"I'll chase after that person. You should watch the situation in the rear and follow me slowly. There might be traps. If there's any issue, call for reinforcements immediately."

With a tearful expression, Seria nodded in understanding.

Given her current state, she was too shaken to be involved in a fight right now. Taking a deep breath, I sharpened my senses, ready for action.

It wasn't an animal.

I could discern the unmistakable presence of a human figure. The other party seemed to have detected us as well, pausing momentarily

And then, in the next instant...

With a thud, the sound of someone kicking off the ground and bolting away reached my ears, making me give chase without hesitation.

A few minutes later, I finally came face to face with someone I had encountered before.


"Long time no see, Ian Percus."

She spoke through the vessel of my territory's /genesisforsaken

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