Lord Shadow

Chapter 1566 Uninvited Guest

1566  Uninvited Guest

The snow keeps falling and it seems to fall even more heavily than before. Dark clouds gather suddenly and thunder and lightning keep falling.

But there is a cabin on a mountain.

And it perched defiantly on this desolate mountaintop, defied the expectations typically associated with such remote abodes.

It was far more than a simple shelter; it is a luxurious retreat from the unforgiving elements outside.

Upon entering, he casually discarded his coat and hat on a convenient hanger, a routine he had grown accustomed to over the years.

The interior of the cabin was nothing short of opulent.

It boasted six spacious bedrooms, each meticulously designed and appointed, with the capacity to comfortably house up to twelve guests.

Lou's cabin is an extravagant retreat, a stark contrast to the harsh, unpredictable world that lay just beyond its walls.

An open-plan kitchen, dining area, and living room were anchored by a warm, inviting fireplace, providing a perfect setting for gatherings and an escape from the relentless chill outside.

For those who wished to enjoy the crisp mountain air, a balcony extended from the cabin, complete with an outdoor cooking area.

It is a place where one could savour a meal while taking in the breath-taking views that stretched out before them.

The ground floor is adorned with two queen-sized bedrooms, each with its own private bath.

Descending to the lower level revealed three more bedrooms, including two additional queen bedrooms and a bunk room with two sets of bunk beds, all sharing a spacious bathroom.

In every corner of the cabin, the feeling of opulence blended seamlessly with the rugged beauty of its surroundings, providing a retreat of unparalleled comfort amid the tumultuous world beyond.

Lou had cultivated friendships that spanned the globe, forming connections with individuals from all walks of life, from the highest echelons of power to the most remote and obscure corners of the world.

Despite his influential connection, Lou cherished his privacy above all else.

No, precisely because of his connection that he cherished privacy

He had carefully chosen this isolated mountaintop cabin as his sanctuary, a place where the prying eyes of the world's power players could not penetrate.

It is a well-kept secret, known only to a few trusted people, that the unassuming figure who frequented the bar was, in fact, one of the world's great figures.

Exiting the bath, Lou felt a subtle sense of rejuvenation, the relaxation seeping into his muscles.

Quickly, he donned his clothes, his body hardly registering the bite of the cold air that would have troubled most mortals.

As a Disk Formation leveler, he should have been impervious to the whims of temperature, his body capable of regulating its internal climate with ease.

However, the Multiversal Convergence had wrought unexpected changes upon his physiology.

His once absolute resistance to the elements had waned, leaving him feeling the cold more acutely than ever before.

Something changed after the Multiversal Convergence.

And everyone knows and could feel it.

The world had indeed become a more challenging place.

Prior to the Multiversal Convergence, Disk Formation levelers wielded immense power.

They could perceive the world with their Divine Sense, allowing them to traverse vast distances in mere moments.

The whole world was at their fingertips.

However, the Convergence had altered the very fabric of reality that they were used to

Even Disk Formation levelers found it challenging to extend their Divine Sense across the world as effortlessly as they once did.

The laws governing existence had shifted, demanding more from those who sought to dominate them.

The Multiversal Convergence had brought with it a world where strength, adaptability, and innovation were paramount, where even the mightiest had to re-evaluate their capabilities.

But Lou did not hate it that much.

Perfection is the end of progress.

That is what he believes.

Thus, only a perpetually imperfect being could strive to eternal effort of being perfect and as such only an imperfect being is a perfect being.

And it make him feel mortal.

The Multiversal Convergence was nothing short of cataclysmic.

In most other worlds, such an event would have resulted in catastrophic destruction, possibly leading to the obliteration of the entire reality.

However, Earth Prime is unique.

Earth Prime possessed the All Source, a reservoir of unimaginable power and potential.

Lou knows a lot of the secret of the world so he also knows that the World Orb that is mentioned by the system goes by another name

And that it is called the All Source

When the Multiversal Convergence occurred, instead of destruction, Earth Prime experienced a transformation.

The influx of energy from countless dimensions and universes flooded the planet, infusing it with newfound strength and vitality.

"It strengthened the world and it strengthen the rules" he thought in his mind

The All Source played a crucial role in this transformation.

It acted as a cosmic sponge, absorbing the various energies and harmonizing them.

It extracted the good and beneficial aspects, purifying them, while mitigating the harmful or chaotic elements.

This process not only saved Earth Prime from annihilation but also made it stronger, expanding its boundaries and capabilities.

The All Source had turned Earth Prime into a crucible of unparalleled potential, a world where energies from myriad realities converged

More opportunities, more energy and more….chaos

The effects of the Multiversal Convergence were profound, reshaping not only Earth but also the entire Milky Way galaxy.

The once-familiar celestial landscape is transformed into an uncharted frontier of cosmic anomalies.

New stars blazed to life, their radiance illuminating the galactic expanse.

Entire planetary systems, previously unknown, burst into existence, challenging the boundaries of what was once considered the norm in astrophysics.

These newly formed worlds, with their unique ecosystems and origins, is a testament to the sheer complexity and diversity of the Multiverse.

Earth itself underwent a metamorphosis, its size expanding exponentially.

The journey from one continent to another now spanned vast stretches of time, measured not in mere days or months, but in decades and even centuries.

The expansion seemed inexorable, as if the very fabric of space and time is in flux, continually redrawing the boundaries of what was possible.

The Multiversal Convergence was a double-edged sword.

While it had empowered the denizens of Earth, imbuing them with newfound strength and resilience, it had also emboldened the Heavenly Will, the force that watched over the world.

This divine consciousness, now cast its gaze upon those who stood at the precipice of power in this transformed world.

To figures like Lou, who had reached one of the highest echelons of strength, the scrutiny of the Heavenly Will is palpable.

It manifested as a subtle yet oppressive force, an invisible hand seeking to curtail the unfettered potential of humanity.

The capricious weather, the relentless snow, and the world's myriad challenges—all were orchestrated by the Heavenly Will as a means of control and restriction.

Lou understood this delicate balance.

While the Multiversal Convergence had granted humanity newfound might, it had also awakened a higher authority—one that sought to maintain equilibrium in the face of burgeoning power.

It is a struggle as old as time itself, a cosmic dance between human ambition and divine intervention.

This delicate interplay between the heavenly forces and human ambition is not a source of anger for Lou or those who had ascended to his level of power.

They understood it as an inherent part of existence, as natural as the ebb and flow of seasons.

"The matters of the world is not my concern anymore" he muttered to himself and sigh


Was it a sigh of tiredness or resignation? Only he would knows. And now, he at least have his own Like the gentle sway of wind-blown leaves or the scorching heat of summer, this cosmic balance is an interconnected bond.

The Heavenly Will imposed restrictions to ensure the survival of Earth, while humans pushed their limits in their ceaseless pursuit of growth and achievement.

Balance and interplay of power between the force of heaven and the will of humans.

"The matters of the world is not my concern anymore" he muttered to himself and sigh

Was it a sigh of tiredness or resignation? Only he would knows. And now, he at least have his own loneliness to help himself cope

He throws himself on the sofa and he was about to open the television to see the news or hear some music.

He got some music from someone who managed to go to another parallel Earth that had all the same music that their Earth once has.

Of course, because it is a different world, the lyrics of the song changes a little bit.

But, beggars could not be choosers. He was about to relax himself when suddenly Lou sense went into overdrive and he got up from the sofa.

"Activate stealth protection"

Lou cabin swiftly came to life as he commanded, activating its security protocols.

The lights momentarily flickered green, signalling that the stealth protection was engaged. This wasn't the first time he'd had to use it, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

With a newfound sense of assurance, he made his way to the cabin's entrance and peered at the intercom.

There, standing before his secluded sanctuary, was a man he knew all too well.

And that person is looking at him.

And Lou recognise this man

"Shit. It's you"


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