Lord of the Truth

Chapter 822: Accepting death with a smile

Chapter 822: Accepting death with a smile

"Tch!" Marshal Straga huffed nervously when he noticed what was happening, but he advanced towards Richard anyway, making Durger the Devourer's blood burn even faster, "I warn you human, if you try to jump around again I won't chase you, I'll focus all my effort on taking down those towers first, so be sensible and fight like a man."

*Crack* *Crack* Richard cracked his neck in both directions and started moving towards the Marshal, "Four against one, and I'm the one who has to fight like a man?" Richard sneered in a sarcastic tone, his steps quickening and with a *SHUAAAAAA* green flames ignited on his body.

"We'll see who'll have the last laugh!!" The Marshal was enraged by Richard's comment and in the blink of an eye he rushed forward, raising his hammer.


The hammer covered in purple mist came down on Richard's golden spear shaft with tremendous force, breaking it in half and taking the shape of >

But before Marshal Straga could start laughing, Richard, with his long experience in life and death battles, moved the end of the spear with the blade that was close to the Marshal's face cut his right cheek, and broke one of his fangs away, then he pulled the broken spear forcefully back, pulling the hammerhead out of the Marshal's hand and throwing it away.

"Arrrgh!!" Before the Marshal could even begin to wince from the deep injury to his face, he saw Richard throw the broken spear aside and turn his hand into a fist covered in dense green energy!

"Halt your insolence!!" The Marshal shouted loudly, then turned all the purple mist to condense around his palms and pounced forward, raising them like claws.

He knew exactly what those fists were capable of after seeing General Wagoz's face!

When Richard saw the Marshal's hands approaching, he decided to match him! *Boom*

The collision between Marshal Straga and Richard was all about sheer force, the shock waves sent all the debris around them flying for miles, and even the lava creating the lava monster that was protecting the Dark Tower began to fly everywhere like craze!

"What the hell?!" Marshal Dyroth quickly took two steps back, General Smilat was certainly no better.

Above the shock waves they were exposed to, it was a real shock that Richard was able to fend off a direct attack from Marshal Straga, who was known for his immense physical strength!! *Bam* *Bam*

On the one hand, Marshal Straga, a three-meter-tall monster with a long tail and sharp claws, and in front of him, the tiny human Richard, whose palm could barely be seen in the Marshal's hands... However, it seemed as if the two of them were sealed in that position, their eyes looking at each other with hatred, and their intertwined hands trying to seize some advantage.

Between them, the purple corrosion energy and the green flame were trying to seize the advantage, the corrosion was trying to destroy the life energy, and the dense life energy in the green flame was purifying the law of corrosion and neutralizing its work, but this dense conflict created a barrier of energy that seemed like it was about to explode at any moment...

The ground beneath them began to slowly sink, and even the clouds in the sky began to tremble.

"Kkeee!!!!" Marshal Straga tried to press both hands harder, adding to that the weight of his physical and soul force, but he couldn't push Richard back even an inch, "You... tough... bastard!!"


Marshal Straga no longer cared about what happened after the battle, he no longer cared about his status... Until this moment, he believed that Richard was still alive and caused them these injuries because of his ability to escape and control the city, only now did he feel a real danger.

"Die!!!" The Marshal immediately sacrificed half of his Durger the Devourer's blood, "Hyeaaa!!!"

*Clack* *Clack*

Richard quickly looked around, he was completely surrounded by a dense purple fog, in turn, he pulled out a part of the energy he had concentrated in his hands and quickly enveloped his body with it to protect him!

*Step* *Step* After losing a large part of his attack power, Richard began to retreat weakly "Haha... hahaha!!" Facing Richard's retreat, Marshal Straga burst out laughing, "What if you have a law of the ridiculous path of life? What if you have this cold flame that can't even destroy an ant? Nothing can stand against destruction! Your games may work against armies of weaklings, not against true experts like me! Hahaha"

In the midst of his pain and retreat, when Richard heard the Marshal's words, he forced a smile, "Did the sun rise from the west? A lowly Minor law user like you... Bragging in front of a merged law user?!"

*Step* Richard raised his face to look into the Marshal's eyes again, and took a step forward, eyes shining with a white glow.

"Hmm?!" Marshal Straga was surprised by the sudden shift, his hand started to feel hot!

"Perhaps a mouse like you doesn't know what a merged law technique is yet, right?" Richard laughed for the first time today, "The merged law of life fire, it was a law that was created specifically for my mother to create armies... And also to kill the generals!"


The green flame surrounding Richard slowly began to lighten its color until it became mostly white!

"What's happening?! Argh!!!!" Marshal Straga screamed like he never screamed before, the cold flame suddenly reached a temperature of thousands of degrees, and he felt like he was holding the sun in his hands

"I feel like people are overlooking the power of the Major Fire Law a bit, don't you think? I mean... it really is common, but aren't Suns made of fire? If it's strong enough, who can stop the fire?" Facing the marshal's tortured screams, Richard took another step forward with a crazed look on his face, "Just because I messed with you with the Life Fire Law because I like to use it, you dare to brag about a minor law in front of me? The Minor Corrosion Law you say? Watch me burn it."

"Ahh! Ahhh!!" Marshal Straga took two steps back, Richard wasn't exaggerating, all the

purple mist he produced had already been burned up.

The Perfect Fire Master Law powered by life energy... It was extremely difficult to imagine the extent of the destructive power it reached!

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" The Marshal tried to withdraw his hand in various ways to save himself

But Richard closed on it tightly, "Since I first read the Life Fire Technique, I knew that I could increase or decrease the proportions of each law as I chose when I reached a high level of understanding. I knew that this would consume my energy faster and exhaust me to death, but I knew that the possibility of using the Major Law of Life or the Major Law of Fire was always available to me. And even though, I still vowed to myself when I was young that I would only use the Life Fire because my mother truly loved it back then..."

*CRACK* *CRACK* The Marshal's fingers smashed into Caesar's hand.

"Help!!!" he cried out as he found his skin beginning to melt. He quickly tried to burn off the remaining Durger the Devourer's blood in his body, but the purple mist was burning as soon

as it left his body.

"Stop!!" Marshal Dyroth and General Smilat were startled awake by the cry for help and

rushed towards Richard.


The white flames around Richard quickly expanded in all directions and blocked the two before getting any closer

"Argh!!!" Upon touching the white flames, the two were forced to stop and watch

"I am now over fifty years old, for fifty fuckin' years I have experienced things that I don't even want to remember, and yet I managed to keep my vow to myself.." Richard looked at Marshal Straga from top to bottom with contempt, "But you, a thing who is neither a man nor an animal, forced me to break it today? Even if I die today, I swear I will drag you with me!!"


The white flames grew stronger.

"Help! Help!!" Marshal Straga's eyes began to melt, and his once strong body which was

similar to the bodies of ancient beasts began to fall off in burning pieces, from the intensity of the pain he no longer had the ability to scream.

"Damn!! Do you think you are invincible now, you human scum!? I will show you something invincible!!" In front of that terrifying scene, Dayroth burned his blood endlessly, forming a giant skull of purple mist above him, and inside the skull's eyes, a great snake could be seen


*This is bad.* Richard sensed danger behind him and narrowed his eyes tightly, but he did


The increase or decrease in the precise proportions that his father had determined for one of the laws was already putting a lot of pressure on him, for example, now he had the concentration of someone trying to pass a thread through thousands of narrow needles in succession without making a single stop, if he lost focus for a moment his body might crumble!

On top of all that, he had to increase the consumption of the little life energy to fuel his white flames, he already had a little bit left after he pumped what he had into the city to protect the

dark towers...

At the moment, Richard had nothing left to face his opponents with, all he could hope for was

to take the strongest of them down and hope that this would give the array enough time to complete and take down the rest.

When he said he was ready to die and drag the marshal with him, that wasn't just talk!

...The snake stuck its head out of the skull's eye and screeched towards the sky "Hssss" Then

he spat out something purple toward Richard

That thing he spat out looked like an attack using the law of corrosion too, but it was a real, tangible liquid and not something like the fog or clouds they use every time!

*Fall* Richard let go of the Marshal's hand, and half-burnt bones fell from his hand, as they settled

on the ground, the rest of them burned and even their ashes evaporated... The Great Marshal Straga, the ruler of a planet for thousands of years, was burnt alive today.

*Pshhhh* The white flame went out, then he closed his eyes... There was no longer any point in trying to resist or dodge, he no longer had the strength in his body to even stand still. 'Death, huh? Maybe it's not so bad... This life hasn't been kind to me anyway...' Richard raised

his head towards the sky, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.


*Step* *Step*

"Hey, wipe that stupid smile off your face, or I'll wipe it off for you!"

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