Lord of the Truth

Chapter 814: The fall of the capital

Chapter 814: The fall of the capital


*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Mayor Henry Burton took a few steps back, his facial expression showing extreme panic, "This is bad!!"

Thousands of side cannons and 4 head cannons fired their shots at the same time and towards a certain spot, which was the highest point in the dome. This was not the first time they had done this, but it seemed like it was!

All the ships consumed their energy reserves for that single strike, to the point that some of them began to slowly fall towards the ground after they released what they had, they were no longer able to fly! And they were not the only ones, the combined army of the two fleets and the personal marshals' soldiers did not remain silent, they all followed the orders of their masters, they shouted forcefully and fired at the same time!

"Come on!!" Marshals Dayruth and Straga also did not stand by, they created a joint purple cloud and pushed it towards the dome.


The array made a loud sound for a few seconds as if it was being tortured.

"NO!" Mayor Henry shouted in fear, then pointed outside, "Go now and stop them. The sky shield dome must not fall. We must preserve the city that His Excellency built for us with blood and sweat!!"

"Yes!!" Twenty thousand young men quickly rushed towards the walls and jumped out, immediately clashing with the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire outside, and not only them but strangely, even their families who were trying to stop them a while ago ran after them and followed suit!

A huge number of these people were once warriors, but now they include mothers and elderly people, and among them are veterans who received psychological trauma and did not want to engage in any more battles, but at this moment they all rushed out, including the mayor and the rest of the Burton family elders!

"Shit, what's going on?!"

The soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire found tens of thousands of city residents jumping towards them, housewives wearing stained clothes, old people holding their sticks, and even children who were not yet 14 years old!

Those who were confident among them chose an opponent and attacked, as for the rest...

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Thousands of explosions resonated around the dome. The self-explosions did not differentiate between an ally or an enemy. Tens of thousands of lives were taken at the same time!

"Dammit, what's wrong with this city?!" Marshal Dayroth shouted angrily when he noticed the number of deaths among his army, but he lowered his gaze again and increased the speed of his blood burning, "Persist, we must penetrate this damned city now!!"

The Marshal almost went crazy. He had gone to the Middle Planetary Belt before and participated in battles there, and he knew that there were war techniques used by the Overlord and his enemies called arrays, and he had even personally experienced the power of those arrays... but he had never faced an array this powerful!

Actually, even Robin himself, if he were here, would not have expected it to be this strong. When Robin designed it, it was to stop the attack of a few Martial Emperors and allow the people of the city to counterattack. It was never for anything of this scale! But at the same time, he did not know the extent of the impact of Jabba's amendments, had almost no energy pearls, and no Martial Emperor worked under him!

Now, after Jabba had strengthened it, supplied it with a sea of energy pearls, and supported it with 20 Emperors who used a high-level Heavenly Law as the Life Law... All this pushed the array to a completely different level!

But in the end, everything has its limits...

"Arrrgh!!" At this moment, the mayor heard the sound of a painful scream. The direction from which that scream came made his chest hurt even more. When he looked there, he found one of the Life Emperors supporting the array falling to the ground, spitting blood! And he wasn't the last.



Four more Martial Emperors fell in succession, two of them did not make a sound, and they died instantly from extreme exhaustion.


The array struggled a little to try to hold itself together, but what was left of the dome eroded very quickly, within just a few seconds it was completely gone.

"The city is ours!!!" As soon as the dome disappeared, Marshal Straga shouted, pointing his weapon down.

"Haha, finally!!" All the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire pounced on the city like hungry lions among a group of sheep, while the Martial Emperors kept circling above the city, laughing, there was no need to get their hands dirty anymore.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Blood was scattered in all the streets of the capital, the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire took out all their anger on the commoners and mortals in the streets in a massive killing


"Stop!!" The remaining Life Emperors left their positions and tried to confront the aggression, but they were unable to do much in the face of the hordes of enemies.

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

The marshals noticed a slight movement on one side of the city. The array was already beginning to reshape itself!!

"What the hell is wrong with this array?! Disperse and find me the energy source for this damned array quickly!!" Marshal Dayroth finally issued an order while clutching his chest

He was blatantly angry. He had released 10% of his Durger the Devourer's blood in order to use the Minor Corrosion Law to destroy the array. This was a huge loss that he had to make up for at any cost.

Thankfully, whether controlling the array or obtaining its massive energy source would be more than enough!

"Yes, Marshal!" The soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire stopped focusing on slaughtering everyone and began entering the huge buildings, trying to find any clues.

"You shall not pass!" The inhabitants of the city did not stand idly by, even the mortals rushed towards their doom, purely driven by hatred and revenge.

In front of the second massacre taking place below, the old mayor's body twitched, his eyes already beginning to tear up, the utopia he had sacrificed so much for was being erased before his eyes, "All of you... Aren't you afraid of His Excellency's revenge? Don't you know what he is capable of? When he learns what you have done He will kill you all!!"

"Kikiki, this ~Your Excellency of yours is being chased like a dog in Planet Nihari by 25 fleets and 3 marshals, He must have turned to dust already. We just came to sollow the scraps, Kikiki." His opponent laughed loudly.

Before the mayor could respond, they heard a shout from below, "Over here! The Mothership's sensors indicate large amounts of energy under this building!" The shout of one of the third-stage low users attracted everyone's attention toward a circular-shaped building located in the southern area of the city

"No! Stop him!!" The mayor ignored his opponent and shouted, then rushed towards that


The rest of the elders of the Burton family and the remaining fighters turned their backs on their opponents and rushed towards him as well. If this building fell into the hands of the

enemies, everything would truly be over.


"Arrrgh!!" The old mayor felt terrible pain in his back and spat out blood, When he looked

down, he found a long blade sticking out of his stomach

"Kiki, it looks like we really found the power source." His opponent extended his tongue from

behind and licked Mayor Henry's ear, "Don't be afraid. You won't die so quickly. It seems you have some kind of a position among them. The Information Extraction Department will be

happy to receive you, Kikiki."

"No..." Mayor Henry didn't hear a word the half-snake was saying, his eyes still on the circular building and the massive battle taking place in its surroundings.

"No time for this!!" Marshal Dayroth himself got impatient and descended, with a swing of

his sword he killed the few thousand humans protecting the building and rushed towards the entrance with a big smirk on his face.

"It's over..." The mayor slowly closed his eyes


But strangely, before it closed completely, he noticed a small space portal opening in front of

that building's entrance.

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