Lord of the Truth

Chapter 799: Dilemma

Chapter 799: Dilemma

"Dammit! Dammit!! Dammit!!!" Richard started cursing loudly, but he was still in an open area and did not stop moving forward with all his might *swoosh*

Only after a few more minutes did he find a large city. He stealthily landed on one of its streets and kicked the first stone he saw, "DAMMIT!!"

...Since he left Jura City, he had extended his strong soul sense far and wide -no one can match him in this regard but Robin- to get an idea of what was going on around, and it was not too surprising when he felt devastating chaos.

Riots broke out everywhere, in cities, villages, and even on remote roads, and the entire ruling system of the Ancestral Continent had fallen.

There are no longer markets, labor, or agriculture... the foundation of a society has stopped in just two days!

Now when two men meet, they either fight against each other, or fight together!

But this is not what worried Richard so much. He was expecting something like this. It is impossible for everyone inhabiting the Ancestral Continent to agree with the actions of those who call themselves *the people*

The real disaster is that he felt spaceships and people flying towards Jura City, coming from different directions. He even felt people riding in carts pulled by beasts rushing towards the city!

They all want to destroy the space portal, they will all defile the holy ground!!

That snake man was right... They weren't the only ones looking for the city, they just happened to be the first to arrive!

"What do I do? What do I do?!" Richard gritted his teeth

When he felt the first group heading towards the city, he almost rushed towards them to destroy them, then he felt the second and third... If he started to go back and forth, destroying all these groups, he would not have time to head towards the imperial capital... Will he protect his dead family and forsake the living ones?!

What was worse, according to what he understood from their words, was that they were seeking to destroy the space portals. If he let them destroy all the space portals, how would his father return with support?

'Should I go to Nihari and tell him what's happening?' Richard thought he was still remembering the symbols his mother used on the portal's panel to go to Nihari... but he quickly shook his head

If he did it and went and then the space portal behind him was destroyed, wouldn't he be trapped there with his father? Assuming that his father left the massive war raging there that Caesar was summoned to lead, and they all decided to return somehow, without connecting with a portal In Jura they wouldn't make it in time, everything would be over when they arrived!

Currently, Richard finds himself facing three options: He goes to the Imperial Capital and lets the space portal be destroyed... He uses the space portal and risks going to Nihari and allows it to be destroyed behind him... He stays in Jura city and leaves the Imperial Capital to its destiny.

And on top of all this, the Ancestral continent is currently burning. During the flight for a few minutes, he witnessed the burning of several villages and saw too many corpses. Should he just ignore them all along his way towards the capital?!

"Arrgh!! Am I going to need help from that irritating bastard so soon?!" Richard pressed his burning head hard, refusing to ask his other half for help... His father left him in a real dilemma this time.


"Join us, Hillary. What the hell are you doing? Don't you see that the old regime has fallen? Do you want to die with it?!"

At this moment, a male shout interrupted Richard's train of thought.

Angry, Richard took several steps to leave the alley and was about to kill that traitor, but he quickly took a step back and preferred to observe the situation.

"The old regime? His Excellency transformed us from a mortal family that did not deserve to raise our eyes in the faces of the nobles to equals with them, and now my former master is now my training partner and friend! How can you abandon something that was only a dream for us in the past?" The girl called Hilary grabbed an ax and waved it towards Her lover, crying, "I can't believe I was deceived by your sweet words. I can't believe I was going to marry a traitor!!"

The young man avoided the swing of the ax and shouted angrily, sweating a little, "Isn't that butcher the one who killed your uncle and your mother? How do you defend him and his regime and fight side by side with the shadow swords? Do you think he cares about us? He is strengthening us just ti use us as cannon fodder in his interplanetary wars. That person, he's the bringer of death!"

"He is also the bringer of life!!" The girl named Hillary breathed with difficulty, "He persecuted us, I know... but we experienced his rule for years and saw his justice. Do you want to destroy all of this, and then what? Do we live under the rule of invaders from another world? Monsters that are neither humans nor reptiles? Today I will kill you with my own hands!!"

"...What a pity, you sold your values and your family's blood for some benefit, I will take your life and erase the shame of my association with you!" The level 17 knight's aura exploded completely, suppressing his lover who was barely level 12

The girl raised her ax in front of them, her tears still streaming as she looked into the eyes of her fiancé, the person with whom she had chosen to spend the rest of her life, and the person who would take the rest of her life today.


Suddenly a green flame came out of the ground and completely devoured the young man. Before he could utter any scream, life disappeared from his eyes and a lifeless corpse resembling a mummy fell to the ground. After that, the green flame withdrew underground again... Everything happened within a split second.

"Ahh!!" Hilary looked at her in extreme shock, looking around to see if she would end up like her fiancé, but she gained some clarity of mind for a moment and looked at the body, then opened her eyes to the end, "A green flame that does not cause burns... Your Highness...


*Paa* Then she fell to her knees, put her face in her hands, and started crying, "Ahaa... Thank you... Your Highness... You really care about us... Thank you.."

"..." Richard hearing those words made him clench his hands tightly, but he calmed greatly and he muttered, "...You must be listening too, right? Stop being so stubborn and help me out. We have a responsibility towards these people, just rushing in and killing won't work. We need some schemes to save what we can... I will leave your specialty to you."

He sat down and took a deep breath. The flame in his hair went out and his face became expressionless, but he did not open his eyes immediately.

Only after a few minutes did Richard slowly open his deep eyes and sighed, "Heh-" Then he

took out a metal card from his space ring and made it touch the sound ring for a moment, then spoke, "Mayor of the Imperial Capital, Henry Burton, can you hear me?"

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