Lord of the Truth

Chapter 773 Peon's mark

773  Peon's mark

The cornered Rabbit: Sacrifice an arm to strike a neck, sacrifice a neck to strike two necks.

There is no need to think about plans, there is no need to exhaust your opponent or inflict wounds on him, do not look for a getaway or wait for support... Just go for the kill with all your might and without care about anything else.

It is a strategy that Peon thought of and implemented for the first time with his forces, this happened while the remains of the Burton family were escaping from Jura city and were being pursued by the Flame Empire soldiers.

His idea was very simple at the time: When his squad found themselves surrounded, they had to forget everyone around them, they had to forget their own lives and fight like a dead man, only putting aside the fear for life and pushing forward with full force can give you a chance.

At that time, Peon's idea was purely suicidal, and because of the tragedy that all the soldiers experienced at the time, they were fully prepared to die with him if it meant dragging a few soldiers from the Flame Empire with them to the grave, but strangely enough, this strategy succeeded and they came out with losses 4 times less than expected!

Billy then adopted this strategy and told Peon to teach every surviving Burton member how to do it whenever they were left with no other choice, and this was the main reason that enabled them to survive for almost ten years.

The cornered rabbit strategy was forgotten the moment Robin returned and united Planet Jura. In the end, everyone realizes that it was a suicidal thing that could only be used when one at the end of the rob. A strategy like this is not suitable for a real war, It is the style of suicidal maniacs who have no other solution!

But Peon used it again in the Greenland.

He alone penetrated the enemy ranks more than once, accompanied by his personal guards using the strategy of the Cornered Rabbit, and each time they returned burdened with serious wounds, but they were also the ones who achieved the most victories, gained the most land, and reaped the largest number of points. The prestige and admiration they received during the siege of Hoffenheim was something closest to reverence...

When Caesar heard the soldiers talking about how awesome Peon and his guards were, he went to his brother and asked him how he convinced his men to use that suicide method. These soldiers were not Jura's warriors who fought with the intention of reaping the largest number of heads and then dying, but they were ordinary soldiers from the Wind Continent who came to strike it rich!

That day Peon replied simply: "You underestimate the will of men to secure a better life for their children too much. Just make them understand what is at stake, then lead the blood trail yourself." Then he left him and left.

10:22 n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Caesar spent a long time in his place that night thinking about these words, then he sighed and finally decided to generalize the concept of the Cornered Rabbit strategy to the entire army, but he never allowed it to be used.... Until today.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

One minute...

Only a minute had passed since Caesar's order, 20 Martial Emperors of the Great Serpent Empire, and 4 of the True Beginning Empire had already been killed.

"Sigh~" Caesar sighed as he saw deaths falling right and left, then he raised his halberd and stabbed to the side, sending out a blade of black flame.


The blade collided with General Molad, who was trying to escape from Raiden's sea of ​​lightning, and he was immediately caught on fire.

"AAHHH!!! You cheating bastard, didn't you say it would be a fair fight?!" General Molad shouted after he turned into a living torch. He knew that it would take a great deal of energy from him to extinguish this flame and this would affect his fighting, but anything is better than having his life energy disappear at this rate!!

"The fair play is over, You should thank your friends above for that. Thanks to them, you shall die quickly." Caesar declared very arrogantly and ignited the black flames in his halberd. It was clear that he was looking for the opportunity to strike one of the five of them again, and at the same time he declared, "Hey, the cornered rabbit strategy applies to you as well. Come on, use the decree and get it over with."

*Swoosh* Alexander retreated a hundred meters in the blink of an eye and looked to the side, "Supreme General, are you sure? If we use up our energy at this rate, the fight above will—"

"This is none of your business. We have received orders. Do everything you have to clean up the city." Caesar spoke calmly, then with a *showaa* he shot a fireball toward General Jake.


"Hahaha, excuse me then." Alexander clapped hard. His energy began to rush from every pore of his body like crazy. In the next moment, a storm began to hit the city. Then that storm started to gather behind him until it took on a human form with luminous eyes. "Hmm!!!" That strange humanoid tornado struck forward toward Dirit!

"The hell? Why does that thing feel alive?!" Dirit used all his strength and created a barrier of purple mist to block the incoming attack, but he was thrown away anyway, while flying backward, he received another blow from Alexander that changed his direction and forced him to crash into the energy wall of the Earth Seal Array!

"Pfftt!!" Dirit stood with difficulty and found Alexander on his right and the humanoid tornado on his left, with Caesar's falcon-like eyes roving in his direction.

The same scene was repeated in the other four arenas... The avatar of a giant treant, the avatar of the red flame dragon, the avatar of the white lightning serpent, and the avatar of the polar ice phoenix all appeared one after the other.

After already feeling threatened in fair combat, the five generals found themselves in a one-on-three battle.


"This strategy is a double-edged sword. Fighting like this means that we will lose many of our soldiers as well. The number of deaths today will be…" Zara's voice showed that she was about to cry, but she shook her head vigorously and restrained herself... Which war ended with no sacrifices? She herself in Greenland directed many battles and thousands were killed under her command.

"...Don't worry, our men won't fall easily." Robin smiled confidently, "Let's hope that Jabba's Body Strengthening Array wasn't just for show."

"Jabba's... Body Strengthening Array?" Zara mumbled and turned back to observe the battlefield

As for Robin, he turned his gaze toward the 15 battalions stationed outside the city and chose Julian's soul imprint, "Hui, take the Warlords and go support the men at the top of the Great Heaven's Sealing Array. You lot and those 250 Emperors at the top are responsible for blocking their path until we eliminate all the forces inside the city, or until more support comes to you, if one of them escapes you and manages to enter or exit through the Great Heaven's Sealing Array before it is healed, I will hang you all from your feet, understood?!"

"Understood" A strong voice replied to Robin

After receiving the confirmation, Robin waited a bit listening to the first marshal giving his speech, and sent again, "Oh right... kick that annoying babbling bastard up there for me."

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