Lord of the Truth

Chapter 770 Maybe everything will be fine!

770  Maybe everything will be fine!

Robin raised his eyes slightly to observe the sky of the city, the battle taking place between the 400 Martial Emperors of the Great Serpent Empire against the 700 Martial Emperors from the True Beginning Empire.

And he didn't see anything.

The word Random was not enough to describe what was happening now. 1,100 Emperors were flying at full speed, using the strongest attacks in their arsenal at the same time, There was nothing in the sky except flashes and explosions, interspersed with some screams.

For their sake, Robin faintly activated the Eye of Truth so he could see what was happening, which was actually a pleasant surprise...

Robin was psychologically prepared to see the battle still in a stalemate, or even worse, to see the true Beginning Martial Emperors fall! According to the reports of Shadow Swords, there are between 20 and 30 intermediate Martial Emperors among the enemies, they alone are sufficient to equal the numerical difference, and they also have at least 100 of them at levels 42 and 43... That is, in theory, the Great Serpent Emperors are the ones who should have the upper hand.

But practically, they started falling!

"Interesting.." Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, although only 10 or 20 of the Great Serpent Emperors had fallen so far and they still had a long way to go to end this battle, the balance had already tipped in the direction of the True Beginning Martial Emperors!

Nothing the True Beginning Emperors possessed could cause such effect, in fact, Robin had thrown them here with the intention of them fighting for as long as possible before the Warlords intervened to finish off the exhausted Great Serpent Emperors... But they still won?! The only thing that explained this phenomenon was the golden-black armor and the arrays.

"I thought the All-Seeing God said that his rival was the one who handed them the weapon-making techniques... The things I created could compete at this level? And WIN?!" There is no doubt that Robin's morale has increased by quite a bit, His chest still hurts, but he has become better off!

"Hmm? Hehe.." Robin noticed something that made him laugh for the first time in two months, It was Fugon.

At this moment, he was fighting as if he was possessed by the devil, "AHH! You bastards! I will kill you all! I will prove my standing today!!"

Not only he, but Hadyar, Debas, and even Charvier were fighting like crazy, and Robin immediately knew the reason. Caesar's choice of four of the Martial Emperors of Jura and one of the Orphan's blood as representatives of the Generals of the True Beginning, and excluding the people of Greenland from this honor was painful for them, but at the same time, they knew that they could not defeat any of those five, so instead they took out their anger on their opponents, they single-handedly killed most of the fallen Great Serpent Martial Emperors!

Robin smiled lightly when he saw that scene, according to the general trend of the battle, it was expected that they would achieve a complete victory within the next hour, after that, if the battle of the generals below had not ended, they could easily besiege the five enemy generals and eliminate them.

When he was sure that there was no need to worry on those two fronts, Robin descended with his eyes again, this time towards the ground battle...

Immediately, his smile increased when he saw that artwork painted in blood. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The difference in levels between the Great Serpent Emperors and the True Beginning is what balanced the fighting at the top. As for the infantry soldiers, they do not have this problem. They are all saints and sages like each other. In addition, the Terra Army is the elite ground battalion in the True Beginning Army and has the best weapons and Runes. The battle was simply unequal!

The battle began with nearly 320,000 Great Serpent Empire soldiers against 190,000 Terra Riders from the True Beginning Empire... And now it seemed that the Terra soldiers had lost a few hundred of their numbers, while the Great Serpent's soldiers had been reduced to 270,000 at best!


"What the hell is wrong with these beasts?!"

Robin smiled after observing for a few more minutes... The Terra Riders didn't have to fight at all, it seemed that the Terra Beasts themselves were playing the biggest part in today's battle!

A long tail full of blades that can cut through engraved armor... Two sharp, forward-pointing horns, one and a half meters long each, sufficient to pierce anything... In addition to a mouth like a hawk's beak that can split metals, and four strong claws ready to crush anything they reach. In addition to all of that, every one of the Terra beasts is born with an affinity for a different law, just like humans. Some of the beasts on the battlefield shoot flames from their beaks, some shoot lightning bolts from their horns, and so on~ all of this comes together with sharp intelligence, a body characterized by strong defense, and a variety of specially designed armor and engravings...

The Terra riders at this moment were fighting as if they were sitting on a throne, each one of them placing one hand on his waist and the other holding a spear and waiting for an appropriate moment to intervene to deliver a fatal blow, while everything else fell on the shoulders of the Terra beast himself!

"Perfect. Can't find another word to describe this... Evergreen has truly designed the perfect ground battle mount." Robin muttered as he continued the ground battle

"They are indeed amazing since you asked us to go to that valley and we found them there waiting to be led, and every day we discover something new about them, especially that characteristic that allows them to provide the rider with pure energy that can be immediately absorbed through their backs, Or the fact that you were able to incorporate the revolutionary Thought Exchange Divine Tattoo on their foreheads!" Zara laughed and quickly replied, for any topic they could talk about would be better than keeping him drowning in his worries.

The Thought Exchange Divine Tattoo was also Zara's idea and was implemented by Robin. The Rune allows the rider and the mount to quickly exchange information all the time. For example, the person who Robin is watching now may mentally send his beast to turn right or to go support his associate, and even better, the Terra will respond to their rider!!

Although the terra's responses are just simple words that their soul shouts, such as: (Danger, behind, attack), they are more than enough to raise the survival rate of the terra and its rider thanks to the beast's high ability to sense danger.

"It is unfortunate that this wonderful mount will only shine on Planet Nihari." Robin sighed and then shook his head, "Saints and Sages can fly anywhere else, if the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire could fly here, all those advantages would be in vain~"

"Well, we can still have them here as an ultimate corps, or we can hand them over to the police of other planets for patrolling. I bet a Terra Beasts' Police squad would be a nightmare for all criminals!" Zara jingled, of course, she understood her father's words. Nothing can top the flying advantage.

Robin showed a slight smile and extended his hand to pat Zara's head, "...Thank you, I feel better now... You're right, maybe everything will be fine."


At this moment, a massive explosion sounded that shook the earth and sky, as Robin raised his head to see its source, "Is this an attack on the Heaven Sealing Array? What is happening? Did one of the Martial Emperors manage to evade the--...!!!!"

Robin couldn't finish his words after seeing the scene above, he just stood up slowly...


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