Lord of the Truth

Chapter 763 Supreme General

Chapter 763  Supreme General

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

The number of space portals around the city can no longer be counted.

*swoosh* *swoosh*

The portals that opened in the sky were especially eye-catching, the number of Martial Emperors that came out one after the other like raptors was too many to mess with, some of them wearing wooden armor made from the bark of Tree Father Hoffenheim, and some of them were demi-humans wearing scattered pieces of armor, These were the Martial Emperors of Orphan Blood and Greenland.

Other than these, there were several hundred Emperors wearing full golden body armor inlaid with black pieces, and a long cloak hanging from their backs that reached down to the foot. This was the first entry into the core army of the True Beginning Empire, the Emperors of Planet Jura.


"Kill the intruders! Kill the-- oh my..."

The reaction of the Great Serpent Emperors was not slow at all. Whoever was doing something left it and flew to meet the assailants, and whoever was sleeping inside a ship or chatting with his friends left what was in his hand and went out to kill anyone he saw... But everyone whose eyes saw what was going on in the sky knew immediately that the day would not pass peacefully. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

This attack was not a sabotage raid, and it was clearly not just an opening attack for the battle... The sky that had been calm moments before turned into an inferno, 700 Martial Emperors in total appeared out of nowhere and began raining down attacks on warships and any large building they laid eyes on.

The soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire did not know whether they would be shocked by the number of Martial Emperors attacking them, or at the fact that they were being attacked in the first place... Until this moment, they were the ones choosing when and where to strike, they thought that this would remain forever, but the sight before them now brought them back to reality.

 These locals did not come for a battle, they came for a massacre!!

"What the hell is happening?! 14 Fleet Emperors, hear me out, take the sixth defensive formation, I'm coming!!" Sully's pupils narrowed until they almost disappeared. He was impatiently trying to start the war, but when it came to him, he did not find it enjoyable at all!

"Who gave you permission?" With a wave of his halberd, Caesar sent a blade of death fire that cut off Sully's path

"F*CK, don't overestimate yourself!!" Sully almost went crazy, but still, he stopped and grabbed his weapon... He knew immediately that touching these black flames was not an option.

"I don't know who you are but you're not nearly as strong as you think you are, do you really think you can really stop the five of us on your own?!" General Dirit gritted his teeth, gripped his weapon tightly, and slowly headed toward Caesar's left. Generals Molad and Parrs also began to surround Caesar.

"Overestimating myself... Not as strong as I think I'm?" Caesar laughed and shook his head, then passed his eyes over them with a cold smile and a serious tone, "On the battlefield, who other than me deserves to act arrogant? With Fire on my right hand and Death on my left, who can block my way? My father has prolonged your lives long enough, today is the day of reckoning."

Anyone who saw this scene would be stunned... Under the influence of the enormous pressure from the four huge generals, Caesar was still floating calmly in the middle, and although his physical age was clearly only in his sixties, neither his presence nor his aura appeared weaker compared to any of the generals who lived for thousands of years and roamed the planets before even Caesar's grandfather was born.

Wearing his distinctive golden armor without a speck of dirt on it, with a light black beard and a smile underneath it, and his strong body full of muscles that he had honed through battles since he was a five-year-old child and was ordered to go hunt a Fire Rabbit... He just stood there, placing his black halberd on his shoulder, smiling coldly, waiting for them to finish their preparations.

The people who knew most about how bad the scene looked for the 4 generals were the generals themselves, but what should they do? Although it is a disgraceful thing for four generals to besiege one person who is two or three levels weaker than them, the aura of that black flame is enough for them to know how dangerous it is, their very souls are screaming not to approach it...

At this point, General Jaike led a retreat and used a purple mist to extinguish the black fire. Immediately after, the mist began to diminish until it disappeared as well, "Arghgh! I will kill you!!!" Although Jaike did not show signs of being burnt, he was quite aware of what had happened to his lifeline, so he shouted to his colleagues nearly spitting blood, "Don't let his energy level fool you, use the Law of Corrosion directly!!"

"Law of Corrosion... Yeah, I've heard about that purple cloud a lot..." Caesar tilted his head to the side and then ignited the death fire again on his halberd, "I happen to have something similar, why don't we try which one is stronger? Hahaha."

With a wide wave, the fire of death spread out in all directions, heading towards the five generals

"Hmph!" The five of them extended their hands forward, covered in a purple mist, and then pushed forward.


Deathfire was imprisoned within a five-pointed barrier, unable to advance any further.

"Hahaha, have you tried enough? Nothing can stand against true destruction, nothing!!" General Sully laughed in anger, but deep down he trembled a little... He and the rest of the generals intended to destroy Caesar with this attack, not to just stop that strange black flame!!

And also...

Sully looked at the other four generals and found them sweating profusely like him. He even found Molad taking a step back, and he found Jake shivering, 'I'm not the only one who feels like his soul is screaming, huh... What's wrong with this flame? Why does it make the body and soul twitch in this way?!'

"Hmph.." At this moment, Caesar's voice was heard muttering, "In front of Fire everything will be burned, in front of Death everything will perish, and in front of the fire of death... everything shall return to nothingness!!"

Caesar opened both hands and put his halberd back on the ring, then clapped vigorously.

*Crack* *Crack*


"Ahhh!!!" The five generals were sent back like cannonballs as the thin barrier between the purple mist and the black flame was destroyed

This was the Return to Nothingnes Explosion Technique that Caesar himself had developed after years of analysis into the Death Fire Law, exploiting the destructive power of the Major Heavenly Law of Fire and the absolute authority of the Major Heavenly Law of Death.

*baam* *baam* *baam*

"Cough cought... W-- what just happened?!" Only after they bumped into something and spat out some blood did they begin to comprehend what had happened and opened their eyes to her death, "...The Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion has...?!"

"YOU... I refuse to believe it!!" General Jaike wiped the blood from his mouth and stood as if nothing had happened, but he knew that for the second time, a large piece of his life had been taken away, his skin and muscles began to shrink and gradually turn into an old man!!!!

As for Caesar he became deathly pale, signs of illness appeared on his face, then he tilted his head to the side and vomited a not insignificant amount of blood, before he wiped his mouth with the golden cloak covering his back and muttered, "Tsk~ this might take a little longer than expected..."

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