Lord of the Truth

Chapter 758 Something that shouldn't happen

Chapter 758  Something that shouldn't happen

n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Northern sky-- The dark soul shard looked down with a look of triumph and mockery... The location she had her eyes on was nothing much, the entire area surrounding the foot of the Great Northern Edge Mountain was covered in extremely dense blue forests where everything looked the same.

But at this particular point she was looking at, there was indeed something out of place... A worn wooden door that looks like it stood there for thousands of years.

"Hah? Looks like someone found you. And it doesn't seem new either, is he local?" The tone of mockery immediately turned serious Aside from the wooden door, there were a number of Emperor's Domain beasts scattered around this point. Whoever had discovered this place was still around and had a way to control high-level beasts!

"Haha, not just one." The childish voice returned with an exasperated laugh next to her, and then a puff of air directed the dark soul shard to look in a certain direction... If she can't prevent this stranger from finding her, then at least she shouldn't make her feel victorious.

In that direction, there was a dark spot located under a number of thick branches. It was impossible to see anything in it except a few insects, but from whom was it hidden? The dark soul shard immediately spotted something, " A user of the Major Heavenly Law of Darkness… The Shadow Swords knows your location?"

The information the dark Soul Shard has is limited to what she heard from Jabba. For example, she now knows that there is a special organization called the Shadow Swords that uses the Major Heavenly Law of Darkness and is armed with the best weapons that the True Beginning Empire can provide, but she does not know to what extent this organization has penetrated the northern region and certainly do not know about Holak or the second truth chosen who built this wooden door.

"The Truth Chosen, Robin Burton, is wasting no time. Wait until I send someone to inform him of your presence and what you said to his disciple Jabba. He will destroy your followers and kill that traitorous piece of shit! I advise you to admit defeat and withdraw while still having some of your dignity." The spirit of Planet Nihari laughed hard, but in their heart, she was crying as she remembered the agreement between Holak and Robin.

"What's life without some challenges? This only makes things more interesting." A smile appeared on the face of the dark soul shard, then she returned to focusing more on the Shadow Sword, and with every passing moment her smile calmed down more until it disappeared, "Just look at him, he is a Martial Emperor who uses a Law that's a level higher than the Elemental Laws, and in a pure form as well, and yet I observe a cruel soul binding that he willingly took... The two daggers on his back are made entirely of Uracilium, making them epic weapons. The black armor set scattered around his body increases his strength, resilience, and speed, and is filled with engravings that directly aid the Majoe Heavenly law of Darkness. The entire set is also epic. "

"There are several tattoos on his body, similar to those found on the beasts and demi-humans, bearing runes belonging to the paths of water and life of the third stage, so that he may gain greater defensive power and increase the probability of his survival," and she was not satisfied with this, she immediately turned her gaze to his hand, "The ring is in his left hand is a space ring, and therefore it directly enters the epic classification, regardless of how much space inside it. The bracelet on his left hand works to automatically adjust the gravity around it, and any tool that works automatically in this way exceeds the ordinary engraved classification and approaches the epic...Those things that I mentioned so far alone make this young man qualified to be a bodyguard for any major family in the middle planetary belt, but here he is watching over a rotting wooden door..."

Then, when she was almost finished, she pointed at him again, "Look! That ring on his right hand has soul runes that transmit mental messages through soul imprints. How did Robin Burton think of something like this? This way, you will say what you want without opening your mouth. The voice will arrive pure and directly in your head, it will be translated directly if it is in another language, and you will receive messages from people who only know your soul imprint so you won't be disturbed... Even in the middle planetary belt, we have not yet obtained this type of technology. Have I really returned to the young planetary belt? Or have I jumped into the Ancient Planetary Belt by mistake?!"

"The Truth Chosens are not the same, you must have read about that..." Even the planet spirit sighed

 "...It seems that we were going to have a strong rivalry in the Middle Belt in the near future. It is good that I arrived here early. Killing that person for me is as important as controlling you." The dark soul shard sighed, then turned around and almost left the planet finally, but: "Hmm?"


The dark soul shard disappeared from above the dense forest, and when it reappeared, it was still in the northern area, but the scene beneath it had completely changed... It was currently floating above a ruin that had no beginning or end.

The debris piled up in ruins that blended together until they became like real mountains, and the corpses lay on top of each other in hills that decomposed until all that remained were the bones and some scattered dung resulting from the beasts' having their lunch... The only thing that shows that this was a real city and that it was not a huge garbage dump for the entire planet is that it was still surrounded by the remains of a huge wall.

The dark soul shard moved forward a little until it reached the middle of the afflicted city. In this place, the ruins were at their most intense and the effects of a fierce battle were evident. However, there were a few columns erected here and there. It was clear that this was a huge palace and had been built with strong materials.

The dark soul shard landed in a certain place in the palace and she looked around with furrowed brows, "…Spirit of Planet Nihari, what does this mean?"


"Something had happened here... something that shouldn't happen." The voice of the Dark Soul Shard became more serious, her aura began to grow and her glowing red eyes began to roam around that spot madly, then she calmed down a little and a small smile appeared on her face, "Alright alright~ what do we have here, someone was calling me a cheater?"

"Oh, please! don't try to pretend that you know what happened." The childish voice appeared again, hesitant this time.

"No, there's really no need to pretend. This happened a long time ago and only minor traces of it remain, but I know that reporting this incident in one of the star academies will bring you some unwanted attention. This time, being in the Young Belt will not protect you." The Dark Soul Shard's smile increased

"...What do you want?"

"It's very simple. Keep this visit between you and me, and when one of my followers comes to refine you, you have to help him, understood?"


"Hahaha!!" The dark soul shard laughed loudly and then vanished, this time truly leaving Planet Nihari

Leaving the spirit of the planet behind, which took shape in the form of a human child wearing a lot of jewelry and bracelets made of pearls... She kept looking towards that spot, towards the celebration hall, for a few minutes, before sighing and disappearing again.

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