Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 643: Being targeted by evil gods

   Half an hour later, Flynn sneaked into Conston City.

  Because of the earthquake more than half a month ago, half of the houses in Constant City collapsed, and now many places in the city can be seen repairing or building houses.

  Walking invisibly on the street, Feilin occasionally encountered people in a hurry.

  Among them were young and middle-aged people, many of them looked sad, and did not see anyone older than fifty years old.

  The five supernatural beings born of the cult organization Natural Calamity, one of them was born in Conston City. Not long ago, there was a large-scale sacrifice in Conston City.

   It is not difficult to imagine where these people over the age of fifty have gone.

   "According to the search for the memory of the female cultist, Jonas Olsson should be locked up in the security department."

  Flynn headed for the building where the security department was located.

  At the beginning of the construction of the security department, the possibility of mob attacks was considered, and the materials were mostly solid building materials. The construction was extremely strong, and it did not collapse in the violent shaking half a month ago.

  After the cultists of the cult organization Scourge occupied the city, they set up their stronghold in the building where the former security department was located.

  Jonas Olsson was sealed and imprisoned in one of the prisons in the Ministry of Security.

  As for the specific location in the security department, Flynn did not know from the mind of the female cultist, and the female cultist was not personally responsible for the interrogation of Jonas Olsson.

  In the distance, a five-story building, which is relatively rare in Conston City, appeared in Flynn's vision.

   This five-story building is the original security department building.

  On the building, the logo of the Kingdom Security Department consisting of castles, shields, and guns has disappeared, and it has been replaced by a logo that combines the four disasters of fire, flood, thunder, and wind.

   This is a sign of natural disasters, but even among the security bureau mystics, not many have seen it.

  Because of the natural disasters at that time, in order to hide their whereabouts, they did not dare to openly show this sign representing their own organization.

   "The Spiritual Realm."

   Not approaching the building again, Flynn used the spiritual realm.

   Turn the power of the soul into invisible eyes, perceive the surroundings, explore the building, and find the location of Jonas Olsson.

   Possessing the extraordinary ability of mirror transfer, he doesn't need to sneak in in an ordinary way.

  As long as you know the location, you can use the mirror transfer to appear directly where Jonas Olsson is.

   As for alerting the cultists in the security department, this possibility is not great.

  With the extraordinary level of his four secret arts, the spiritual realm released is not something ordinary cultists can perceive, even for ordinary cultists at the extraordinary level, it is difficult to perceive it.

  I want to perceive it, unless the monster called the envoy has a keen perception of the power of the soul.

   This possibility is extremely small, the extraordinary ability of natural disasters is not the type that is good at soul attacks.

  Under the spiritual realm, the situation in the former Security Department building appeared in Flynn's mind in a three-dimensional way.

   "Is this the monster?"

  In a room of the former security department building, Flynn saw this divine monster called the Angel of God sitting in Constant City.

  The divine monster is wearing a yellow windbreaker and a yellow wide-brimmed hat on his head. His figure is no different from that of ordinary people.

   It's just that, under his clothes, he can't see anything at all.

  It's like an invisible person wearing a windbreaker and a hat, as long as the windbreaker is taken off and the hat is thrown away, it will become completely invisible.

   "My lord, the person you want has been sent."

  Two cultists escorted a man with his hands bound into the room where the divine monster was located.

  After looking at the divine monster in fear, he left the man and left the room decisively, closing the door of the room.

   "Monsters, there are monsters..."

  The man with his hands bound tried to escape in horror, but was blocked by the closed door.

   At this time, the divine monster took action.

   I don't see how it moves, a small tornado appeared in the room, and the bound man was swept into the air by the tornado.

  The tornado seems to be composed of countless rotating sharp blades, turning into a series of sharp blades, cutting towards the man's body.


   As if falling into a meat grinder, the man's body turned into blood mist in an instant.

  The divine monster opened its mouth and sucked in suddenly, and the blood mist drifted towards the divine monster and penetrated into its body.

  As the blood mist penetrated, the invisible body of the divine monster turned blood red and became visible.

   On the face of the divine monster, a graffiti-like face emerged.

  There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was very satisfied with the "meal" just now.


  Seeing the process of the divine monster "eating", Felin couldn't help but feel a killing intent in his heart.

  Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the killing intent.

  His purpose this time is to save people, and he cannot do things that are not related to this.

  The most important thing is that the strength of this divine monster is still unknown, and he is not sure that he can kill this divine monster.

   "Jonas Olsson imprisoned in an underground prison."

  Looking away from the divine monster, Flynn continued to search for Jonas Olsson, and finally found Jonas Olsson in the underground prison of the Ministry of Security.

  The opponent's ability was sealed, his hands and feet were bound by iron chains, his clothes were torn and bloody, and his body had obvious injuries.

   "Mirror Transfer."

  Using mirror transfer, Flynn appeared directly in the prison room where Jonas Olsson was.

   "Socks... Great Elder?"

  Seeing Flynn who suddenly appeared in the prison room, Jonas Olsson looked stunned and couldn't believe it, thinking that he was hallucinating due to his serious injuries.

   "Don't make a sound to alarm the cultists guarding, I will save you from leaving."

  Ferring quickly took out the black dagger from the panel, and slashed at the iron chains on Jonas Olsson's hands and feet.

  Under the sharpness of the black dagger, the iron chain was easily cut off.

   Losing the shackles of the iron chain, the very weak Jonas Olsson went limp and couldn't help but fell to the ground.

  Ferring supported Jonas Olsson, and Dang even prepared to start the mirror transfer and leave.



  A violent tornado is like a large oil well drilling rig, with terrible penetrating power, breaking through one wall after another.

   Appeared in the prison room and attacked Flynn and Jonas Olsson.


  Ferrin's face froze, knowing that his infiltration had been discovered, and it should be the divine monster that discovered him just now.

  Because of this attack method, he saw the divine monster use it just now.

   "Mind power."

  He quickly used his mental power, turning it into an invisible barrier to resist the tornado that penetrated through the layers of the building.


  The tornado hit the mental barrier, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the mental barrier, which was overwhelmed, and finally shattered.

   Fortunately, the tornado was exhausted and shattered.

Puff puff!

  The shattered tornado turned into wind blades one after another, even if it was only a residual power, it could easily penetrate the surrounding walls.

  Some cultists were affected, and were cut by the wind blade from the body. With the splash of blood, the body was broken in two.


  Accompanied by the tornado just now, a man wearing a yellow windbreaker and a wide hat entered the underground prison. It was the divine monster.

   "You are the human I am mainly looking for!"

  Seeing Feilin, this divine monster actually spoke, showing extremely high wisdom.

   What he said made Flynn's scalp tingle for a while.

  The one who can be called "my lord" by this divine creature can be guessed without thinking, it must be the evil **** disaster lord.

  The Lord of Evil God Disaster is looking for him, and he has been targeted by the Lord of Evil God Disaster!

   "The Lord said to kill you at all costs!"

  The divine monster said with killing intent.


  A terrifying tornado appeared, destructively destroying the underground prison, and attacking Felin.


  Flynn quickly called out the mysterious gun to shoot, and collided with the terrifying tornado that attacked, causing a violent explosion.

  Under the violent explosion, the entire security department building disappeared, and even many surrounding houses disappeared.

   The cultists inside the security department suffered heavy casualties. Few of them survived, and even if they survived, most of them were seriously injured.

   "Four extraordinary abilities..."

  With the help of his mind, Flynn floated in the air with Jonas Olsson.

  The divine monster in front of him was stronger than the divine monster he had fought before.

  Although it is not as good as another divine monster whose mere breath makes him have no fighting spirit, it has also reached the level of four extraordinary abilities.

   "Kill you."

   Didn't care about the heavy casualties of the cultists, the divine monster was floating in the air, looking at Felindao viciously.

   While speaking, the clothes on it were torn, and it disappeared from Flynn's eyes.

   It was invisible, and it quickly approached Flynn.


  Ferrin aimed a quick shot in one direction, and the bullets fired hit the invisible divine monster and exploded.

  Under the violent explosion, the body of the divine monster was shattered.

  The shock wave of the explosion destroyed the surrounding houses, and expanded the scope of the security department building that had already been turned into an open space.

  It is true that his eyes cannot see the divine monster without clothes, but besides his eyes, he also has the visual means of the spiritual realm.

  The spiritual domain is an extraordinary ability to spread the power of the soul to the surroundings, thereby perceiving the surroundings.

  Under the perception of the power of the soul, the invisible divine monster has nothing to hide in front of him.

   "You can see me."

  The divine monster did not die. Its shattered body quickly gathered together under the explosion and recovered as before.

  It looked at Flynn who had precisely locked its position just now, and said.


  No longer hides the figure, it turns the body into a huge tornado and becomes visible.

  Like a giant pillar connecting heaven and earth, it rotated rapidly, and with terrifying power, it struck towards Felin.

   "Entity attack is invalid."

   After judging that the divine monster is immune to physical attacks, Feilin used the extraordinary ability of the mysterious eye of the heart to storm the mind.

  The power of the soul turned into an invisible storm, attacking the huge tornado that was hitting it.


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