Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 266: Pandora's Box

   Chapter 266 Pandora's Box

   "Witchcraft is nothing but a technique created by the evil **** to create slaves. The possibility of such a technique becoming a technique practiced by the evil **** is extremely low. Therefore, compared to practicing sorcery, the evil **** is more likely to practice secret techniques."

   Brendan King continued.

   At this moment, when he said the guess that the evil **** might be practicing secret arts, the crowd no longer had the same huge reaction as before.

   Some people have even been persuaded by him to agree with his speculation.

   "Elder Brendan, if the evil **** really relies on secret techniques to break through the 12th ring, then why has no one broken through the 12th ring to achieve the thirteenth ring for thousands of years."

   Charlotte Belleu frowned.

   I have to say that Brendan King's speculation has some truth, but she still doesn't agree.

   "I think the reason is the loss of the advanced method. Because of the lack of advanced methods to break through the 12th and 13th rings, for thousands of years, no one has broken through the 12th ring and reached the 13th ring."

   Brendan King replied.

   "Elder Brendan, in the past thousand years, there have been many talented people."

"Some of them have created new secret techniques, some have practiced the Twelve Rings at a young age, and some have discovered important mystical theories, such as the three extraordinary iron laws, and the now gradually recognized fourth extraordinary iron law."

   "If it is as you said, there is a lack of corresponding advanced methods, with their talents, why can't they recreate the advanced methods."

   Charlotte Belleu retorted.

   "It's not hard to understand."

   Brendan King said with a slight smile.

"To give a simple example, the Empire of Night has existed for more than two thousand years, but in these two thousand years, it has not developed a steam machine. Instead, it was invented in the thousand years after the fall of the Empire of Night. steam machinery."

   "Is it the lack of research-oriented geniuses in the Empire of Night? In the thousand years after the fall of the Empire of Night, there have been more research-oriented geniuses?"

   "Naturally not. The reason why the Empire of Night did not research steam machinery is not because there are not enough research geniuses, but because there is no specific direction, and there is no research in the direction of steam machinery."

   "This is the case with the advanced method of the 12th ring and the 13th ring. Because of the loss of the original advanced method, I can't get any hints, and I haven't found the right direction for research."


   After listening to Brendan King's explanation, Charlotte Bellou didn't ask any more questions, but fell into a long silence.

  Although she was still skeptical of Brendan King's speculation, for a while, she couldn't think of how to refute it.

At this moment.

   A man with a square face and a bald and shiny center of his head raised his hand.

   This man is Ken Roswell, Director General of the Security Service.

   "Director Roswell, please speak."

   Brendan King looked at Ken Roswell and said.

   "Elder Brendan, if the method of advancing the 12th ring to the 13th ring really exists, does the Night Empire have it? Is it possible to find it by digging the ruins of the Night Empire?"

   "Even finding the slightest clues and using clues as a guide is better than research with no direction."

   Ken Roswell asked expectantly.

   He is very concerned about the method of advancing from the 12th ring to the 13th ring, because he is now in the 12th ring and has no way to improve.

   If he can really find a way to advance from the 12th ring to the thirteenth ring, he will be able to have a way to become stronger.

   "I don't think it's found in the ruins of the Empire of the Night."

   Brendan King shook his head, denying Ken Roswell's speculation.

   "Why do you think so?"

   Ken Roswell couldn't help being disappointed and asked.

   "Because I suspect that the lack of the method of advancing the 12th ring to the thirteenth ring was deliberately done by the Empire of Night, and it was the Empire of Night that erased the advanced method of the 12th to the 13th ring."

   Brendan King explained.

   "Is it deliberately erased by the Empire of Night? Why did the Empire of Night deliberately erase the advanced methods from the 12th to the 13th ring?"

   Ken Roswell had a look of astonishment on his face.

   "This has to talk about another country. I believe some of you here know that before the Empire of Night, there is an empire called the Empire of Dragons."

   "The Dragon Empire is a country that is related to the current Dragon's Sin. There are very few records about the Dragon Empire, but it is speculated from the only remaining data that the Dragon Empire is a very special country."

   "The reason why this country is very special is because this country allows belief in evil gods. Simply put, it is a religious country."

   Brendan King did not answer immediately, but said.

   "His speculation coincides with yours..."

   Hearing Brendan King's words, Aisy looked at Fehling unexpectedly.

   Brendan King's speculation is the same as Fehlin, who believes that the Dragon Empire is a religious country.

   "As expected, I'm not the only one who noticed that the Dragon Empire is a religious country..."

   Fehling's face showed a sure color.

   He didn't think he was the only one who could notice it, and as expected, Brendan King did.

   "Religious State?"

   Among the people present, many people chanted this name.

   Although this is the first time I heard this word, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of this word from the name.

   This should refer to a country where cult organizations are legalized and the people are ruled by cult organizations.

   There are also many people who inquired about the Dragon Empire from their companions, because they had never heard of the Dragon Empire before.

   "According to my previous speculation, the evil **** may have finally achieved the evil **** by practicing the advanced method from the 12th to the 13th ring."

   "The founders of the Empire of the Night who have experienced the **** of cult organizations and know the dangers of evil gods will definitely not let this advanced method continue to exist, and new evil gods will be born."

   "So erasing this advanced method has become inevitable."

  Brendan King explains why he thinks the way to advance cannot be found in the ruins of the Empire of Night.

   sighed and continued.

   "To be honest, I am very confused now, should I continue to explore the practice of the 12th ring and the 13th ring."

   "Because the practice method of the 12th ring and the 13th ring is likely to be a magic box. Once opened, it may be a disaster."

  Under the stage, everyone who heard it fell into contemplation, thinking about whether to explore the practice of the 12th ring and the 13th ring.

   "Pandora's Box?"

   Fehling muttered to himself in a voice that he could only hear.

  If the practice of the 12th ring and the thirteenth ring is really like what Brendan King said, it is the method to achieve the evil god.

   Then once found or created, I am afraid it will really be Pandora's Box.

   will bring unimaginable disasters to the world while bringing new ways to strengthen the secret arts.

   (end of this chapter)

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