Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 251: General Administration

   Chapter 251 General Administration

   The next morning, Ferrin and Lindy got into the carriage and left Hallowan House.

  There are many carriages on the street that is wide enough to accommodate four carriages in parallel. Many of the carriages have family emblems and are ornately decorated, and the families they belong to are obviously quite identities.

   However, when they saw the carriages with the "Dark Eyes" emblem of the Hallowin family, these carriages retreated to both sides of the street one after another to make way for the Hallowin family carriage.

   Obviously, the power of the Hallowin family is the highest even among the wealthy or noble families in the capital.

   Pulling the curtains, Fehling looked at the street.

  The buildings on both sides of the street are mostly tall, and buildings with three or even four floors can be seen from time to time.

  Although it can’t be compared with the skyscrapers of the city in the previous life, I am used to seeing the one- and two-story street buildings in Constantine, and suddenly seeing such a tall building is still a bit shocking.

   Ding, Ding, Ding!

   A rhythmic percussion sounded, Fehling looked over.

  I saw the street ahead, a steam locomotive, no, it should be called a steam bus passing by the railway tracks paved in the center of the street, and disappeared from sight.

The rhythmic percussion sound of    is the sound of the steam bus reminding the carriages to avoid along the way.

   After walking for half an hour, the carriage came to a building with high walls around it.

  The plaque in front of the building reads "National Land and Resources Coordination Office". The entrance is guarded by soldiers with rifles, and you can see that there are many tall buildings inside.

   This is where the General Security Bureau is located.

The reason    is called the "National Land and Resources Coordination Office" is naturally because it is a secret organization that deals with mysterious events and cannot be known to ordinary people.

   A soldier with a gun stepped forward. Lindy handed over her ID. Having seen Lindy's ID, the soldier saluted and waved to the other soldiers to let go.

The door    was opened, and the carriage smoothly entered the interior.

  The carriage stopped in the parking lot, Fehlin and Lindy got off the carriage and walked towards the tallest building among the many buildings.

   "Deputy Bureau."

   In the hall on the first floor, Fei Lin and Lindy met Ivy and Ai Xi.

   "Come on, let's report."

  Lindy led the way, and the four of them came to a place on the back side of the hall with two metal gates with iron fences inside and outside.

   Inside the metal gate of the iron fence, there is a small square space.

  Beside the metal gate with the iron fence, there are eight rockers, and there is a man dressed as a support staff.

   "We're going to the eighth floor."

  Lindy said to the support staff.

   The logistics staff responded and opened the iron fence metal door. After the four entered the square space, they closed the iron fence metal door from the outside.

   Then he came to the eight tie rods and pulled down the rightmost tie rod.

   Click, click!

   The sound of the gears turning clicked, and the square space where Fehling and the others were located began to slowly move upwards.

  The second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor…the eighth floor.

   When reaching the eighth floor, the square space stopped rising and stopped steadily on the eighth floor.

   At this time, a man also wearing logistical clothes opened the two metal gates with iron fences inside and outside from the outside.

  The four of Fehling walked out and came to the corridor outside.

  Felin deliberately looked back at the metal gate of the iron fence on the eighth floor. Next to the metal gate, there were also eight rockers. These eight rockers should be the key to the elevator being able to move between floors.

   "Although it's a bit rudimentary, it can indeed be called an elevator."

   secretly commented, and Fei Lin quickly caught up with Lindy and the three who had walked some distance.

   Unlike the first time he saw a steam elevator, the three of them had seen a steam elevator before, and they had already lost the freshness of the steam elevator.

   The four walked straight down the corridor and came to the door of an office with the sign "Director of the General Administration" in front of the door.

   The director of the General Bureau is in charge of the national sub-bureaus, and has the right to manage, dispatch and supervise the national sub-bureaus, and is held by the elders who have reached the 12th ring.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  Lindy knocked on the door, and a male voice came from inside.

   "Please come in."

  The four of Fehlin pushed the door and walked in. What they saw was a spacious office with an office area and a rest area.

   A square-faced man sat behind a brown desk.

  The man has brown hair, but the middle of his head is bald and shiny.

   "Director General, Conston City Security Bureau Lindy Hollowin, Ferrin Sox, Ivy Freeman, and Essie Kirk are here to report."

   Lindy reported.


   Ken Roswell, a square-faced man, glanced at the four of them and said after pausing for a while on Fehling.

   "The exchange meeting will be held in three days for a week. The venue is located in the Megalo Villa in the Tulip District. At that time, the Security Bureau will invite well-known occultists from various occult organizations to give lectures."

   "Is there a timetable for lectures?"

  Lindy asked.

   She has participated in the exchange meeting of the esoteric organization before, and she is no stranger to such exchanges.

   "This is the timetable, each of you will take a share, but don't let ordinary people get it."

  Ken Roswell pointed to a stack of paper on the desk that was printed with words and smelled of ink.

  Lindy stepped forward, took four copies, and handed one to each of Fei Lin, Ivy, and Aisy.

   "During the exchange meeting, you can communicate more with other occultists. It is better to brainstorm ideas behind closed doors. I believe it will help you."

   Ken Roswell said.


   Flynn, Ivy, and Aisy all nodded and took Ken Roswell's suggestion seriously.

   On the contrary, it was Lindy, who had already reached the pinnacle of the secret arts she practiced, and the experiences and experiences of other sorcerers were of little significance to her.

   A few minutes later, the four of Felin walked out of the office of the Director General.

   As for Essie's speculation, Lindy just informed the Director General Ken Roswell.

   The other party said that they would pay attention to this, and let the intelligence personnel focus on the investigation of the million-population city.

   "Come on, let's go back."

  The four of Fehling walked towards the elevator, preparing to take the elevator downstairs.

  Crack, snap, snap!

   At this moment, a woman wearing a professional dress with a sophisticated look walked towards them quickly.

   walked up to them, the woman said.

   "Director Harlowyn, Captain Sox, and Elder Diamutni invite you to come to his office."

   "Elder Diamutni..."

   Hearing this title, Ivy and Ai Xi looked at each other, and their expressions were shocked.

   In the Security Bureau, 12-ring mysticians can only be called elders, and only those who have reached extraordinary can be called great elders.

   In other words, the one who summoned Lindy and Fehling was a supernatural magician.

   "I have something to do with Fei Lin, you two should go back first."

  Lindy said to Ivy and Ai Xi.


Although   Ivy and Aisi really wanted to see the great elder who stood at the top of the mystic, they were not summoned, so naturally they couldn't go along together.

   The two responded and walked towards the steam elevator.

   (end of this chapter)

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