Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 174: i have a plan

   Chapter 174 I have a plan

   "My suggestion is not to move out of the villa for the time being. Of course, if you insist on moving out of the villa, of course I can't stop it."

   Seeing Fei Lin's sudden change in expression, Lindy said with a serious expression on her face.

   "Deputy Bureau, your suggestion is of course to listen to. Since Deputy Bureau you suggested that I should not move out for the time being, naturally I have to listen to you."

  No one will have a hard time with their own life, and Fei Lin is naturally the same, he said quickly.

  Compared with the residence assigned to him by the Security Bureau, the villa protected by Lindy, the high-ring mystic, is undoubtedly safer.

   "Then I will reluctantly take you in for a while longer."

  Lindy rested her chin in her hands and seemed to be in a good mood, looking at Fei Lin and said.

   "Regarding the assassination of you by various organizations, I have a plan..."


   At noon lunch time the next day, Fei Lin, Ivy, and Ai Xi came to the restaurant.

   After ordering the meal, the three of them waited, and Ivy looked at Fei Lin and asked inadvertently.

   "What did the Deputy Bureau ask you to do just now?"

   "I have a task for me."

   Flynn said.

   "What mission?"

  Ivy asked curiously.

   "A mysterious incident occurred in Peg, which is more than 300 miles away from Conston City, which the local security bureau could not solve, and asked the Conston City Security Bureau for support, so the Deputy Bureau sent me there."

   Flynn said.

   "A mystery that the local security bureau can't solve? It looks like this task will be tricky."

   "It should be, the letter for help is not very detailed, and the specific situation will only be known after the past."


   Fehling and Ivy were talking sentence by sentence, talking about the task they received this time, and while they were talking, many people in the restaurant were listening intently.

  Most people listened carefully, that's because both Fehling and Ivy were well-known figures in the Security Bureau and wanted to hear what such well-known figures were talking about.

   "That's great. Going out on a mission, isn't this a public-funded tour? I also want to go on a public-funded tour."

   There are occultists envious.

   "Don't think about it, you can only accept this kind of support mission if you reach the captain level."

   The knowledgeable mystic shook his head.

   "Why are only captains able to receive support missions?"

   The mystic in front of him was a little puzzled.

   "Naturally because of similar support tasks, the tasks are quite difficult, and ordinary mysticists like you and me are simply not capable of completing them."

   said the sorcerer he knew.

   "Ferlin Sookes was sent out of Constantinople, this is a great opportunity to organize the assassination of Ferrin Sookes!"

   Hearing Fei Lin's conversation with Ivy, Mire Ashford's heart suddenly moved, but her expression did not change.

   The organization she belongs to is the National Security Bureau, which is the official organization of the Erkalo Kingdom similar to the Heidelberg Kingdom Security Bureau.

  For the Kingdom of Heidelberg, Fehlin, who is an extraordinary seed, is a precious talent, and for the Kingdom of Erkalo, which is hostile to the Kingdom of Heidelberg, Fehlin, who is an extraordinary seed, is naturally the object that needs to be eliminated.

   Luckily, she was assigned by the General Security Bureau to the Conston City Security Bureau, and the National Security Bureau immediately assigned her the task of monitoring the movements of Ferling Sox.

   Now hearing such an important situation, she can't wait to pass this information back to the National Security Bureau.

  After get off work in the afternoon, Miley Ashford had dinner at a restaurant on the street and returned to the accommodation arranged for her by the Security Bureau.

   Although she was extremely eager to send the information back to the National Security Bureau, she did not act immediately after returning to her residence, but was killing time.

   It was not until the night fell and the sky was dark that she could act.


   A black bug the size of a flea emerged from her arm, but there was no blood coming out of her arm.

   And the black bug that got out of it, in a very short time, turned into a beetle the size of a baby's palm that has never been seen before.

   The secret technique she practiced is called Insect Witch, which is a secret technique that can control and cultivate poisonous insects.

   And the occult organ is her body, and her whole body becomes the occult organ.

   All the poisonous insects have been cultivated in the secret organ of her body, and she can control the rapid growth, enlargement and reproduction of the poisonous insects in her body when needed.

  This kind of beetle is the communication bug she has cultivated. There is a special induction between male and female bugs, and they can detect opposite-sex communication bugs thousands of miles away. She uses this feature to secretly transmit messages.

   Unlike carrier pigeons and other means of communication that rely on birds, this method is more concealed, so although it has been in the security bureau for many years, it is still undiscovered.

   Tie the information to the communication bug and open the window slightly.

  The communication worm crawled out of the crack of the window, spread its **** hardened elytra and membranous hindwing, and flew into the night, disappearing without a trace.

   And just when the communication bug was released, a tree outside the window, a bird perched on the tree at night saw all this.

   This is a very common bird that can be seen everywhere in the city, but there are also unusual places.

  Because its entire body is actually made of metal, it is a mechanical product, just disguised in the shape of a bird.

   After half an hour.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  Miley Ashford was about to fall asleep, but at this time, there was a knock on the door.

"who is it?"

  Miley Ashford suddenly became alert and asked aloud.

   "It's me, Essie Kirk."

  Aisy Kirk's voice came from outside the door.

   "Captain, why are you here, I'm ready to fall asleep, what's the matter?"

   Mire Ashford's alertness eased slightly.

   "There is an urgent task, and I may not be able to rest tonight!"

   said Aisy Kirk outside the door.

   "Why is this..."

  Miley Ashford complained in her usual tone of voice, walked to the door, and opened it.

   Outside the door, stood Captain Ace Kirk.

  Because it was night, Aisy Kirk was wearing a yellow trench coat.

   But when she looked beyond Aisy Kirk and saw Aisy Kirk behind her, she was shocked.

   Behind Aisy Kirk, stood a tall man with a metal arm in his right hand.

   She knew the identity of this person. This person was Stefan Johansen, one of the captains of the Security Bureau, who had returned from another city a few days ago.

   The other party will appear here, and she will appear here with the captain Aisy Kirk, she has a bad feeling in her heart.

   "Mi Lei, we've known each other for three years? I didn't expect you to be the insider of another organization!"

   Looking at Mire Ashford, there was a deep disappointment on Aisy Kirk's face.

   She is the captain of the 15 people sent by the General Security Bureau to support the Constant City Security Bureau. The 14 people other than her were chosen by her, and they were basically people she knew.

   There is an inner response from other organizations among such people, so you can imagine her disappointment.

   "Captain, why don't I understand what you're talking about?"

  Miley Ashford's heart was beating wildly, but she pretended to be wronged.

   "Why do you think Ferrin Sox and Ivy suddenly talked about the mission in the restaurant today?"

   "Let's put it this way, since you left the Security Bureau in the afternoon, all your whereabouts are under the surveillance of Captain Stefan."

  Ace Kirk shook his head slightly.


   Mire Ashford paled, a trap.

   The reason why Ferrin Sox and Ivy Freeman were talking about the mission in the restaurant was to find out what might exist among them.

Puff puff!

   Knowing that the excuse is useless, Mire Ashford used the secret magic insect witch to try to get a chance to escape.

   A large number of bugs burrowed out of the body. These bugs grew in a very short period of time and became the size of an adult fist.

The    is densely packed, covering the ground, like a black tide, rushing towards Aisi Kirk and Swante.

   "Why do you think I tell you so much?"

   Facing the swarms of black insects, Aisi Kirk asked calmly.

   Following her voice, the black swarms of insects suddenly stopped, and Mire Ashford also felt weak. After shaking a few times, she fell to the ground.

  I saw a lot of black flowers growing strangely outside the door under the black night, emitting a unique smell without fragrance.

  This smell has a strong medicinal effect. During the conversation, Mire Ashford and the poisonous insects in Mire Ashford all inhaled this smell.

   (end of this chapter)

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