Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 63: Thoughts on the West River

Chapter 63: Thoughts on the West River

"Everyone, our goal this time is mainly to buy supplies and find out information.

Be sure to keep a low profile, keep your breath to a minimum, and just pretend to be an ordinary traveler. "

Standing beside the wooden camp gate, Lei Xiao, who was full of spring breeze, spoke again.

There is no doubt that this is the first time he is going to go to a human town since he crossed, and he is naturally a little excited in his heart.

"As ordered, everything is up to the Lord's orders!" On the other side, Hu Zhang, Ye Cang, Nan Xing, and Nan Yue clasped their fists at the same time and said in unison.

"Very good." Hearing this, looking at the luxurious lineup in front of him, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then let's get ready to go."

Undoubtedly, a fifth-tier powerhouse, a fourth-tier powerhouse, two third-tier powerhouses, and melee and long-distance healing assassins are all in place. Such a lineup is obviously comparable to a whole well-equipped army.

Lei Xiao walked out of the camp gate and stepped on the large patch of Pennisetum. While feeling the fragrance of the oncoming plants, Lei Xiao lifted his spirits, turned his head to the burly man beside him and said, "Kinthus cane, we can start."

Just like that, under Ye Cang's surprised gaze, the knotweed bowed and held up Lei Xiao after saluting.

Immediately, like an arrow from the string, it flew out at a speed of 3.8 per 100 kilometers, leaving only a flurry of dust still floating in the air and the dumbfounded muscle priest Ye Cang.

"To be able to sit a fifth-order powerhouse under him, no... as expected of the lord."

Looking at the rare scene in front of him, Ye Cang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose involuntarily, and his piercing eyes flashed with a brilliance of astonishment again.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him calm down, also using the flying technique to soar into the sky, and Nanxing Nanyue, who was beside his feet, followed behind the knotweed.

At the same time, under the high-speed movement, mixed with the oncoming cold air, the familiar warning sound rang again in the ears of Lei Xiao, who was already galloping.

[Congratulations, Ye Cang, your subordinate fourth-order five-star dark healer, has developed a sense of awe for you, and his loyalty has increased by 5 points, which is currently 74 points.

In this way, everyone moved forward all the way, quickly shuttled through the huge forest.

Wherever he went, like a tornado, the surrounding leaves made a series of rustling sounds.

It didn't take long before the group of five came to the river in the west of the territory.

"Hu Zhuang, let me down first."

Lei Xiao lightly patted the burly man in front of him, and Lei Xiao couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

Standing on the sturdy branches of a towering tree, he saw that he was blocking the dazzling sunlight coming in through the leaves with his hands, while looking at the location of the river.

Take a closer look, just as the knotweed reported before.

This unknown river has a width of about 100 meters. The water is turbulent and rushing. It divides the entire forest in two. It is indeed an excellent natural barrier, which greatly improves the safety factor of the territory. .

"Speaking of which, such a magnificent river rushing scene really makes one feel a sense of heroism."

Feeling the faint moisture coming towards him, Lei Xiao, who was condescending, sighed in his heart.

"Reporting to the lord, our current location is in the middle reaches of this river.

Upstream of the river, is an extremely steep waterfall, pouring down from the mountains to the north. "

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, the burly tiger stick beside him added.

"I see, what is the width of the upper stream?"

While pondering, Lei Xiao continued to ask while listening to the crisp sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

"Lord Lord, the upper river channel is narrower, the current is more turbulent, and the terrain is very steep." Hu Zhang clasped his fists and replied respectfully.

"Understood, it seems that if this river is used well, it can reach an army of ten thousand people at a critical moment."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao's eyes flashed a bit of sharpness, and he smiled.

After a while, he regained his composure and said to the knotweed, Ye Cang and Nan Xing Nanyue who were on guard not far away: "Okay, let's move on."

"Follow your orders!"

After the four subordinates responded, Lei Xiao only felt his body lighten, and he and the others turned into a phantom at the same time, and began to fly away toward the river.

Undoubtedly, despite the amazing width of this rapid, all the subordinates are high-level powerhouses after all, including Nanxing Nanyue, who is known for his speed, this distance from the water surface is naturally not a problem.

The next second, at the moment when they were about to enter the water, all the subordinates' feet were attached with a layer of faint energy visible to the naked eye, and they stepped directly on the water surface, almost as if they were walking on the ground.

Needless to say, Ye Cang was flying gracefully at a low altitude over the river while holding the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Looking at this kind of water drifting scene that can only appear in movies, Lei Xiao, who is in the absolute C position of the ~, couldn't help but call him a good guy in his heart.

Having said that, in the blink of an eye, the 100-meter-wide river, a group of five people passed smoothly, without even causing a wave on the river.

After that, everyone continued to walk straight forward, and it didn't take long, as the surrounding trees became more and more sparse.

In the line of sight, a vast green plain began to become clearer at the same time.

At this point, Lei Xiao and the others are undoubtedly the first time they have truly left the range of the Shadow Forest and came to a new world outside.

"Reporting to the lord, Kongqing Town is not far from us."

After walking fast for a while again, the knotweed began to slow down the pace of his feet, speaking beside Lei Xiao's ear.

"Understood, then let's start walking."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao skillfully jumped down from the knotweed and landed firmly on the ground.

On the other side, Ye Cang and the twin sisters on the side also slowed down their speed and eventually returned to their normal state of travel.

Next, after walking for about ten minutes, Lei Xiao found out.

On the grass along the way, several indentations of the carriage tires of different widths began to appear. A few steps ahead, an obviously repaired road, as well as more indentations and footprints, came into his sight.

At this time, one could even vaguely see figures coming and going in the distance, and occasionally hear the neighing of horses.

"Is it finally coming?"

Noticing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look overjoyed and began to speed up the pace under his feet.

In this way, a group of five people continued to move forward along the footprints, until from this fork, they walked onto the wider main road.

After a while, the outline of a city slowly began to become clearer.

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