Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 51: Dawn in the distance

Chapter 51: Dawn in the distance

Next, under the leadership of Lei Xiao, this half-elf army of 100 people lined up neatly and entered the territory.

Along the way, he looked around curiously at everything in the territory.

All the half-elf archers couldn't help but show a look of amazement, and Zhang Junmei's face was even more uncontrollably excited.

They were born in the enchantment since they were children, and have never seen the outside world at all.

The impression of the outside world is only in the bedtime stories and the memories of the older half-elves.

Therefore, whether it is a large or small building in the territory, or the guardian of the earth who has resumed patrolling.

Everything, for them, is unusually new.

Undoubtedly, from a certain point of view, they also carried out a collective crossing.

From the narrow barrier, suddenly came to the vast outside world.

Especially Bai Zhi who led the team at the front, maybe because she was too excited.

Ever since she was lifted up by Lei Xiao, the conqueror, she felt that her cheeks and the base of her ears had been slightly hot.

This sudden strangeness lasted for a while, and then gradually began to dissipate.

However, having said that, even though the surrender contract has been signed, Bai Zhi did not fully agree with this young human lord from the bottom of his heart.

If their ancestors of the Yuebai clan were still alive, how could they be so easily captured by the opponent?

All in all, this guy just came to the right place at the right time, just lucked a little bit, nothing special.

Just when Bai Zhi was thinking to herself.

On the other side, when Gang Song and others in the territory saw this team of archers consisting of tall, handsome men and beautiful women, they couldn't help but start to look at each other.

Although the Lord has said that a team of archers will be stationed in the territory.

But it didn't mention that this is a team composed entirely of good-looking half-elves!

You must know that the half-elf family not only inherited the diligence and creativity of the human race, but also inherited the nobility and elegance of the elves. It is undoubtedly a very special race.

Because of this, the position of an excellent half-elf in this world can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Generally speaking, they are not welcomed by the rulers of the human race and the elf race, because these people are afraid that the half-elf will affect their status.

Even some half-elf tribes were hunted and arrested by humans and elves, and eventually became slaves and playthings.

Therefore, most of the half-elves live in seclusion, and they all hold a lot of hostility towards the human race and the elves.

From this, it can be seen that being able to get the allegiance of a half-elf army shows that the lord is definitely not an ordinary person!

Thinking of this, and recalling yesterday's miracle building, and the astonishing guardian of the earth, Gang Song and the others looked at Lei Xiao with a look of reverence.

At the same time, a familiar reminder sounded in Lei Xiao's ears.

[Congratulations, your subordinate first-order two-star hunter Gangsong has deepened his reverence for you, and his loyalty has increased by 6 points, which is currently 96 points.

[Congratulations, your subordinate first-order two-star hunter Qu Rong has deepened his reverence for you, and his loyalty has increased by 4 points, which is currently 94 points.

[Congratulations, your subordinate first-order two-star farmer Hong Lian has deepened his reverence for you, and his loyalty has increased by 5 points, which is currently 95 points.

[Congratulations, your subordinate...]

Seeing the first-order subordinates who were secretly watching not far away, their loyalty all rose to around 95 o'clock. He nodded with satisfaction, and Lei Xiao waved his hand to let them all disperse.

At this time, the group had arrived in front of the half-elf residential area that had just been built.

"Bai Zhi, these houses are your new residences, bring someone in to get acquainted with them.

Don't delay too long, breakfast is ready, I will introduce you to other people in the territory after dinner. "

Having said that, with a faint smile at Bai Zhi and the other half-elves, Lei Xiao took the knotweed and the others and left first.

Watching the approachable Lei Xiao gradually go away, Bai Zhi's slender eyelashes twitched slightly, and her dangling heart dropped a bit.

It seems that, whether in the previous barrier or in the current territory, the Lord Lord in front of her is indeed very different from the other powerful human races she imagined.

It seems that they don't treat these half-elves as outsiders, or treat them differently...

In this way, according to Lei Xiao's instructions, after the half-elves were briefly familiar with their residence, they came to the other side of the camp and prepared to have dinner with the other subordinates.

At the beginning, the half-elves were still a little restrained. They were still very uneasy in their hearts and had no appetite at all when they first entered the territory.

However, when the lid of the pot was lifted and they saw that the breakfast was the familiar elf rice, they were surprised and finally felt a touch of home. They smiled at each other and started to eat one after another.

After that, when everything was sorted ~ gathered all the subordinates and half-elves in a spacious open space, Lei Xiao regained his spirits, and walked slowly to the front of the team.

There is no doubt that it is time for chicken soup for the soul and positive energy quotes.

"Okay, everyone, listen to me briefly."

I saw Lei Xiao's slightly sharp eyes, swept past the neatly lined half-elf phalanx and the first-order subordinate phalanx, and immediately said, "Today is a special day.

Because our territory has ushered in a new force that cannot be ignored. With their participation, our territory will undoubtedly become more prosperous and powerful. "

Looking at the half-elves with slightly excited expressions, Lei Xiao changed the subject and continued to say loudly: "Although new blood means new opportunities, it also means new challenges.

Presumably everyone should know that our territory is located in the middle of the three powerful forces.

No force would allow a growing new force to appear under their noses, threatening their dominance.

Therefore, conflict is inevitable. Once it occurs, it will be a decisive battle involving all of our lives. "

Having said that, Lei Xiao paused for a while, looked at the more solemn expressions on everyone's faces, and said solemnly again: "Therefore, everyone, including me, must work harder to have a chance to finally survive.

If you are lazy, the only result is death.

It will be an extremely rough road.

However, please remember that the eagle does not lose its wings for the storm, and the wolves are not afraid of the long night. "

As soon as these words came out, the nearly 200 people in front of Lei Xiao immediately boiled over.

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