Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1175: The Lord and the Old King

Chapter 1175: The Lord and the Old King

As soon as the sudden and exciting old voice fell, a burly figure stood beside the wolf-shaped fountain and opened his arms.

The old voice immediately sounded again: "My son, come here quickly and let my father take a good look at you."

In shock, Lei Xiao held his sword across his chest, concentrated his mind, and looked at the owner of the old voice.

I saw the other party wearing a simple silver armor and a red velvet robe, with a red old face full of love and gentleness.

The most eye-catching thing is that the other party wears a golden crown engraved with the wolf head emblem on his head, which is shining with brilliance.

Coupled with what the group had seen before, it was not difficult to determine that this sudden old king was the master of this dark castle and even the entire lost ancient kingdom.

"Protect the lord!"

The three fifth-level subordinates located near the fountain, such as Hezhuang, had no time to think about anything else and immediately surrounded the opponent. Louise and the four stone elves followed closely behind to form a second encirclement.

Not to mention Jiang Li who was guarding Lei Xiao, even Grimm generals such as Catherine and White were subconsciously surrounding Lei Xiao.

"The other party didn't show any murderous intent. Let's see what happens."

Lei Xiao observed for a moment, first nodded to everyone, then raised his voice and asked the other party: "Old sir, are you saying that your heirs exist here?"

"My son Allen, what do you mean by this?"

The sudden appearance of the old king obviously noticed something strange. He looked at Lei Xiao with doubts on his face and said, "I am the father. You won't forget your father after just one trip to the sea, right?"

Seeing this, everyone finally realized that it seemed that the other party regarded Lei Xiao as their own heir.

For a moment, everyone froze their eyebrows in shock and confusion, while Lei Xiao himself looked dumbfounded.

Good guy, since when did I have a king father?

Although this may be something that many civilians and even nobles dream of, for my current status, being a mere prince obviously does not have much temptation.

"Old sir, please watch your words!"

Although he saw the crown on the opponent's forehead, White still thought this was a good opportunity to show his loyalty to Lei Xiao, and quickly introduced him righteously: "The big man standing in front of you is the Holy Lion of the Cold Flame Kingdom. Your Highness, the Prince, is not your heir..."

Before White could finish his words, Lei Xiao took a step forward and gently patted the former's shoulder, signaling him not to get too excited.

In any case, the other party is very likely to be our hope for leaving here.

Although he doesn't look very sane, if he can communicate normally, it's obviously better to be a friend than an enemy.

"Old sir, please take a closer look."

Lei Xiao's face was full of patience, and he smiled and said: "Although I can see your eagerness to see him, I'm sorry, I am not the person you are looking for."

"Your body is filled with thunder-attributed energy fluctuations and the power of divine favor. Not only are you the chosen son of a magician and a martial artist, you even bring Rolandel with you. I will never admit it!"

A trace of determination appeared on the wrinkled face of the old king, and he said anxiously: "How could you not be Allen?"

"The other party actually knows about the sword in my hand?"

After listening to the old king's words, Lei Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously opened Rolandel's attribute bar.

[Name: Rolandel]

[Level: Level 5? Extraordinary (Silver)]

[Attack strength: five stars]

[Additional Effect 1: The Immortal Blade "Never wears out, this sword cannot be damaged under any conditions"]

[Additional Effect 2: Angel Blade "Increases damage to dark attribute enemies by 100%"]

[Note: During the Solar Era, one of the three holy weapons of a lost empire, also known as the Sword of Eternity, was thrown into a lake after the original owner died.

In the Silver Moon Era, the first Silver Fire King, the founder of the Silver Fire Kingdom, rediscovered it and finally collected the Three Sacred Artifacts, becoming the royal symbol of the Silver Fire Kingdom.

Until the destruction of the Silver Fire Kingdom, this sword was worn by the young Griffin Prince Allen.

"Has the note been updated? It seems that what the other party said is true."

Lei Xiao looked at the text in the attribute column and nodded thoughtfully.

In this way, things are very clear.

That old kingdom should be the last Silver Fire King, and the son he calls my son is naturally Prince Griffin, Allen.

"This Rolandel was not found in the ruins, but was upgraded from a fourth-level long sword. I never expected that there would be such a coincidence."

"By the way, remember that the dragon-slaying sword given to the knotweed at the beginning was also the same."

"Through constant observation, I have further discovered that after the batch qualitative change of the same equipment, although most of it is still exactly the same and is similar to before the upgrade in many places, there are also a small part that will appear completely different. There are obvious changes in shape, texture, and color.

"It can be inferred from this that my golden finger talent was not created directly out of thin air in violation of the law of conservation of magic power, but was "replaced" through certain rules, or simply restored the equipment to its peak condition. "

"But if this is really the case, the qualitative change is easier to explain. It is a "replacement" based on the existing equipment. How to explain the quantitative change? "

"You know, my equipment reserves are obviously beyond the normal level of human nations. It is impossible to "replace" them based on existing equipment on this land, because there are simply not that many ready-made equipment. "

"Could it be said that my "replacement" is not limited to this land, but is like a summons and also takes effect on other continental plates? "

"Then the question comes again. According to my current understanding, although the various sectors are very similar, they are still completely different in terms of power structure and staffing. They all have their own characteristics."

"This means that low-level equipment is easy to say, but for some special high-level equipment, the blacksmith may have only forged one piece. How can such rare equipment with only one piece change quantitatively?"

It cant be that qualitative change is replacement, while quantitative change is creation out of thin air, right? This is inconsistent with the conservation of magic power, that's all, now is not the time to think about this. "

Questions about the principle of equipment upgrade flashed through Lei Xiao's mind, and he quickly brought his thoughts back to reality.

"Speaking of which, Prince Allen's title is Prince Griffin, and Griffin is another name for griffon. So, the griffin coat of arms with the dragon's claw in its mouth represents Prince Allen? "

Lei Xiao's eyes moved and focused on the attached gryphon fountain. Suddenly his eyes lit up, apparently thinking of something.

"No wonder I always feel familiar. Isn't this exactly the same as the bow of the ancient ship deep in the cave in the Songyin Mountains? It's the gryphon with the dragon's claws in its mouth!"

"So, the brave young captain of God's Chosen Son is Prince Griffin Allen? And indeed, like me, he is both a magician and a martial artist with the thunder attribute and possesses the power of divine favor."

Lei Xiao carefully recalled the scene he saw in the illusion in his mind, and nodded with enlightenment.

In addition, what Lao Wangguo said, "You won't forget your father after going to the sea, right?" is also true.

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao took a few steps forward, surrounded by Jiang Li, Catherine and others, and smiled patiently: "Old sir, maybe I do have some similarities with the person you are looking for, but Please take a closer look, am I really the Allen you say?"


After the initial excitement and confusion, the old king apparently calmed down. He looked at Lei Xiao carefully for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and said, "Sorry, young man, I recognized the wrong person."

As the old king said this, he looked around with his wrinkled eyes, and began to surround himself with the mottled and vicissitudes of the surrounding dilapidated scene, and murmured to himself: "So that's it, the Kingdom of Silver Fire has already been completely destroyed?"

"So, now I am just an energy body whose fire of the origin of life has not been completely extinguished."

After that, the wrinkles on the old king's face deepened, and he sighed heavily and said: "I never thought that the Silver Fire Kingdom, as the overlord of the human race, would eventually be destroyed under my throne and scepter."

"You know, back then, our human race was capable of competing with the elves and other immortal races. We have already stood at the top of this land, and there are not a few human races who have even advanced to the status of gods!"

"But now, everything has become a passing cloud, annihilated under the tower of time."

After hearing the old king's words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Lei Xiao and others who knew some of the history before the Blank Era were relatively normal, while White and other Grim Generals could hardly believe their ears and opened their eyes wide.

Advance to the divine position? A fight with the elves?

Regardless of whether the illusory gods really exist, just talking about contending with the elves, this is simply a fantasy!

You must know that immortal races such as the elves not only possess superb forging technology and unfathomable magic craftsmanship that the human race does not possess, but their overall strength is far superior to that of the human race.

For the human race, a fifth-level expert is already powerful enough to conquer the country, and can be regarded as one in a million.

For the immortal races who have a long training time, as long as their talents are not bad, it is only a matter of time before they reach the fifth level threshold. This shows that!

In other words, in front of powerful races such as the elves, the humans are like ants, so how can they compete with them?

Just when White and others were in shock, Lei Xiao's calm voice sounded again.

"Old sir, although the human race today is far from as powerful as it was in the Silver Moon Era, please believe that the fire of the human race has never been extinguished and will never be extinguished. It is only time to reach the next peak. "

As soon as Lei Xiao said these words, everyone looked at him with admiration and excitement.

Looking at the entire human world, only this young man from another world is qualified to speak such bold words and has the ability to realize them!


There was a flash of light in the old king's dim eyes, and he asked: "Young man, although you are not my son, I have sensed a powerful courage in you that only a king can possess. Perhaps this is what I The real reason for being awakened by you.

After that, the old king cleared his throat and said formally to everyone: "Everyone, although it may be ridiculous to say this, as the owner of this Black Wolf Castle and the thirtieth King of Silver Fire, I sincerely welcome Everyone, come.

"Thank you for your warm reception, Your Majesty. Please forgive us for our rashness and rudeness just now."

Lei Xiao's words also became more formal, and he nodded slightly.

"You're welcome. If it weren't for Your Excellency's arrival, I'm afraid I would still be in the deep sleep of missing you."

The old king's wrinkled eyes revealed a touch of gloom again, and he sighed softly: "It's a pity that I didn't see my children until the end."

"Your Majesty, although I am not Prince Allen, I do have some information about him. He was still fighting for his dream until the last moment and never stopped."

Lei Xiao's eyes were solemn, and he took out the illusion crystal that was once inlaid on the bow of the ship.

It was through this illusion crystal with the recording function that Lei Xiao was able to glimpse the real Chosen Son of God and a corner of the Silver Moon Era for the first time.

Although at that time, Lei Xiao did not have the means to charge this illusion crystal and could not play its contents repeatedly, but for Lei Xiao now, this is naturally a piece of cake.

With Xiao Huan's energy, the image of the God's Chosen Son soon appeared in front of the group of people.

With Lei Xiao's current strength, he will naturally no longer be affected by the illusion on the ship. Only White and several generals are still staggering around, as if they are really on the ship.

"Alan, he is really my son Alan!"

The old king's old face was full of a loving look of relief and ~ He kept repeating the name Allen, and his body began to tremble unconsciously.

After three thousand years, the old father finally saw his child again.

Looking at the other party's old face with two lines of hot tears quietly sliding down, Lei Xiao took out some items collected from the captain's cabin at that time and briefly described the process of discovering all this.

"So that's it. Thanks to you, I can see my son again!"

The old king wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said gratefully to Lei Xiao: "Thank you so much, Your Excellency!"

"Your Majesty, there's no need to be polite. It's just a trivial effort."

Having said that, Lei Xiao described the mystery of the blank era very concisely.

It turned out that the old king, like everyone else, had forgotten many things.

However, it can be clearly seen that under Lei Xiao's series of sincere actions, the other party has obviously completely regarded us as a friend.

"It turns out that our Silver Fire Kingdom was not destroyed, but all races suffered a terrible catastrophe?"

After listening to Lei Xiao's description, the old king was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Your Excellency, can you tell me more about the blank era?"

"Your Majesty, although I would also like to chat with you for another three days and three nights, unfortunately, we are now facing a life and death test."

Lei Xiao changed the topic and said seriously: "Your Majesty, can you tell us how to leave this dungeon?"


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