Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1172: Go deep underground

Chapter 1172: Go deep underground

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"I didn't expect that mysterious existence to have such ulterior motives!"

Catherine's starry eyes became scarleter and she clenched the fist in her hand tightly.

You must know that among the elite legions that disappeared, most of the blood clan's family members were included. Not only the Spirit Wand Prince Velentin, but also several other vampire princes and dukes were missing.

"These hateful guys! I will never let them go!"

Louise also showed her little tiger fangs again, and her whole body was filled with rich black and red aura.

"Calm down. We haven't fully explored this dungeon yet, and we haven't found any way out. I'm afraid trapping us here is part of the other party's plan."

Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath, nodded to everyone and said, "In this way, the other party will no longer be able to hinder the implementation of the plan until everything is completed."

"Your Highness the Prince is right. We are our last hope and we must not let the other party succeed!"

Feeling the amazing blood clan aura exuded by Catherine and Louise, although Old White looked trembling, he still mustered up the courage to express his agreement.

Looking at the determination on Old White's face, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

Although we are in an unfavorable situation in this battle, with the participation of White and others, we can at least bring the remaining power of the Kingdom of Grim under our command, which is a small comfort.

"Now, since the new king Hall has died, and coupled with the power managed by Lawrence, the entire Kingdom of Grim is essentially a part of my territory."

"Let's go back and let Lawrence ascend the throne as soon as possible. Although the other party's manipulation methods cannot be underestimated, at least for the Grim Kingdom, which has been deeply poisoned, it will undoubtedly be a new beginning."

While Lei Xiao was thinking this, he nodded to Catherine and said, "Without further ado, let's continue taking action."

"Your Highness, please follow me. We have just found another passage."

Catherine understood and flew towards the other side of the door.

Under the guidance of Catherine and others, Lei Xiao, who came to a new area inside the door, noticed.

This is an extremely large underground square, with almost no end as far as the eye can see, and it looks extremely empty.

Wherever you look, you can occasionally see a few dry fountains and broken sculptures scattered on the ground, full of dust and vicissitudes of life.

In addition, just as Catherine and others said, the stone ground here is full of fresh footprints, and most of the boots patterns are familiar to Lei Xiao. They came from the massive amount of upgrades he made. equipment.

"Your Highness, we were moved to this empty square area from the beginning."

Catherine's solemn voice reached Lei Xiao's ears again: "After discovering that His Highness the Prince was not among them, we were worried and immediately started a search, and found a total of two closed doors here. "

"But because the absolute defensive barrier on the door was too strong, there was nothing we could do until His Royal Highness opened the door from the other side."

After Catherine finished speaking, Jiang Li and the other three main subordinates nodded with fear on their faces, obviously extremely worried about Lei Xiao's disappearance alone just now.

"As I said just now, with your master's trump card, even I won't be able to do anything if he goes crazy, and nothing will happen easily."

Louise shrugged, raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you understand now?"

After saying that, Louise looked at Lei Xiao with curiosity and asked: "Prince of the human race, how on earth do you resist an army of 300,000 people by yourself?"

"It's just a small skill, nothing worth mentioning."

Looking at the heartless True Ancestor of the Vampire Clan in front of him, Lei Xiao smiled helplessly and responded: "If Miss Louise had been present, she would have escaped unscathed."

"That's true, but it's a pity that those guys in Valentin didn't live up to expectations and made me mad."

Louise stamped her feet, and then again

He frowned.

"Don't worry, as long as we don't fall, we will never stop pursuing hope."

Lei Xiao's calm voice rippled back and forth in the empty underground space, which relieved everyone's nervousness a lot.

"Speaking of which, Prince of the Otherworld, why was it that the defensive barrier that even I couldn't open was so easily lifted by you on the other side?"

Louise's confused voice reached Lei Xiao's ears again.

"As I mentioned just now, it's naturally because of our new robe, Ze Xiaojie."

As soon as Lei Xiao answered this, there was a trace of doubt on his face.

Although the absolute defensive barrier on the door is extremely hard, it is difficult for even several fifth-level experts to break it.

However, the overall strength of Catherine, Louise, and the three tiger sticks is infinitely close to that of a genuine sixth-level powerhouse. However, even so, they still cannot shake the slightest bit, which is indeed a bit surprising.

After all, Xiaojie only has five levels, so she can easily crack it.

"Xiaojie and Wu just mentioned that these defensive barriers are exactly the same as the secret techniques used by Xiaojie, but they were not set up by Xiaojie herself. Is it because of this that only fifth-level Xiaojie can do this? Can it be cracked?"

"But why is this paradoxical situation happening? If it's not Xiaojie, then who set up these barriers?"

Just when Lei Xiao's mind was filled with questions, a group of people arrived at the other end of the empty square as a gust of wind passed by.

Under the reflection of the magic light ball, a mottled metal door that was the same as before was seen standing in front, exuding an ancient and unshakable smell.

"Your Highness, this is it."

Catherine stopped and spoke to Lei Xiao.

Lei Xiao immediately nodded to Xiaojie and motioned for her to open the door.

"As you command, my lord."

Xiaojie stepped forward quickly and placed her delicate hands flat on the door.

For a moment, the slender Xiaojie was undoubtedly in sharp contrast with the ancient giant door, making her look extremely small and thin.

But this seemingly frail body suddenly erupted with an extremely powerful energy wave, causing the strong wind to roar and the door to open in response.

After seeing this scene, Lei Xiao and the stone elves were naturally not surprised, while Catherine, Louise and others all let out low exclamations and couldn't help but feel a little happy.

This undoubtedly means that we have another strong general who cannot be underestimated.

As the door slowly opened, everyone noticed.

What appeared in front of me this time was not a vast space, but a deep tunnel.

I saw gusts of cold wind in the tunnel, constantly exuding a biting murderous intent.

"It's the scent of a magic trap, so be careful."

Lei Xiao immediately took out a bunch of magic scrolls, first blessed himself and everyone with a set of discernment spells that increased the efficiency of seeing through magic traps, and then took out a few manifestation scrolls given by Theresa, and then under Xiao Huan's eyes Hidden by illusion, he took his own steps.

Accompanied by the cautious footsteps of a group of people, Lei Xiao further noticed after walking forward in this winding passage for a while.

The space here becomes narrower and narrower as you walk, and you can see turbid water droplets seeping out from the top of the cave, trickling down from the smooth stone walls covered with magic moss, and finally gathering on the uneven ground to form a A muddy pothole.

The turbid ripples reflected the figures of a group of people moving forward cautiously, as well as a dark, cramped and rough environment.

In the process of moving forward, the group of people discovered unexpectedly.

As expected, this place is filled with extremely dangerous magic traps, enough to kill a fifth-level expert who is caught off guard.

However, under the protection of the Eye of Wisdom spell and the Manifestation Scroll, especially the Manifestation Scroll, which is like a radar scan and can identify the weaknesses of magic traps within a certain period of time, we can crack it.

The speed of the trap has increased several times.

Amidst the waves of looming magic power, these deadly traps were quickly and quietly reduced to harmless energy particles.

Finally, at the end of this narrow tunnel, a faint light appeared, where the exit of the tunnel was.

After confirming that all the magic traps had been eliminated, the group quickened their pace, and their eyes soon became clear.

This is another extremely vast underground space.

Only three or five extremely dim magic light **** were seen floating on the top of the cave. The faint light faded in and out, reflecting row after row of blurred building outlines.

This is also obviously a residential area.

Since the group of people were located on a higher ground, the layout of the entire residential area had a clear view.

The layout here is extremely weird. The surrounding area is surrounded by neatly arranged double-story houses with exactly the same appearance.

There are no gaps between these houses at all, and they are almost completely close together. They look extremely crowded, which is undoubtedly very different from the ordinary layout of residential areas.

Lei Xiao looked at the identical double houses and his eyes widened involuntarily.

He was very familiar with this kind of building, it was the mansion of a level 5 lord!

"This is?"

In astonishment, Lei Xiao looked at at least a thousand level 5 lord mansions huddled together, and immediately remembered what he had just speculated.

"Is this the place where the other party uses the lords from other worlds to speed up the "Reverse Time Ceremony"? I didn't expect that the other party would actually use such a heinous and despicable method. "

Lei Xiao's eyes were gloomy, looking towards the open space in the center of the residential area.

I saw a longing figure there, as if something was going on.

Upon seeing this, Lei Xiao had no time to think about anything else and immediately nodded to the strong men beside him.

Along with the strong winds, the group of people disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the dark square in the core of the residential area was filled with the smell of blood, and there was a disgusting smell everywhere.

Driven by several groups of strong black-robed Brotherhood men who were filled with violence, groups of trembling alien lords were seen moving closer to the center of the square.

And in front of them, there were flesh-colored objects covered with dense black blood vessels that were slowly squirming!

The closer they got to those flesh-colored objects that looked like strange chrysalises, the more intense the stomach-churning stench became, causing many lords to retch and even spit out a lot of bitter water.

At the feet of the lords, a huge **** magic circle was spinning.

As the blood-red magic light flashes, just one look at the deep and complex magic lines will make you dizzy and make you almost breathless.

"Sir No. 19, I don't have much time to wait!"

I saw a black-robed man coming to the side of the leading black-robed man No. 19, and said: "Just now, Lord No. 1 Shura sent news. The alien scum interrupted the transmission of the stupid people. I am afraid that it is already far away from here. Its very close.

"Don't worry, don't forget that dozens of high-level magic traps have been activated in the passage. Even the despicable outsiders and vampires will never be able to arrive so quickly!"

The skeleton staff in the hands of the man in black robe No. 19 shone with a forest-green light, and he said leisurely: "Those chrysalises are about to emerge from their cocoons. Wouldn't it be a pity to destroy them directly according to the instructions of Lord No. 1 Shura? I, sir. The flesh and blood of these wastes must be used as the final catalyst to perfectly hatch these "rebels"! "

"At that time, the Supreme Lord will definitely reward us well, Jie Jie Jie."

Having said that, the man in black robe No. 19 smiled evilly and raised his staff, causing the rotation of the blood-red magic circle to speed up a bit more. UU Kanshu www.uUKanshu.net

Above the blood-red magic circle, although the alien lords didn't know what the other party was going to do, an uneasy atmosphere soon spread among the crowd.

"Brother Li, are we going to die?"

Among the crowd of lords, the thin female lord looked pale, looked at Li Fan aside, and said tremblingly: "Did they attack us?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to us."

Although Li Fan's legs were so weak that he could hardly stand, he still gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Don't forget that Xiaoshen Boss will definitely come to save us!"

"He's not coming! How can such a high-ranking man care about our life and death? Besides, it's impossible for the boss Xiaoshen to know that we will be here, right?"

Another skinny lord with a frightened face had eyes full of despair and fear. He was obviously on the verge of collapse and said hysterically: "Just give up, no one will come to save us!"

After hearing the words of the skinny lord, the other lords also had dim eyes and lowered their heads in despair.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding fraternity strong men all showed joking smiles, looking like they were watching a good show and sneered.

"Jie Jie Jie, the magic circle is finally completed!"

The skeleton staff in the hands of the man in black robe No. 19 suddenly flashed with green light, and then quickly turned into a shocking blood-red light.

I saw that his face hidden behind the mask was full of viciousness, and he laughed sternly and said: "You bunch of otherworldly wastes, just struggle to death under my sacrificial technique!"

Having said that, just when the man in black robe No. 19 smiled evilly and was about to cast a spell, a tall figure emerged from behind him, with thunder in his palm.

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