Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1169: The root of the curse

Chapter 1169: The root of the curse

Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao and the other three people couldn't help but frown. Wu and Xiao Zhao subconsciously took a step forward to protect the former behind them.

Lei Xiao, on the other hand, waved his hand slightly and continued to listen attentively.

"Sir, although the little girl has been bound here, she also knows that this name has caused trouble to many people and even claimed the lives of many people. If the little girl has a chance, the little girl also wants to kill that abominable person. Guy, its a pity that guy is too powerful.

Xiaojie's starry eyes dimmed, and she shook her head helplessly and said: "But please believe me, little girl, the master was not like this at first. Unfortunately, he was eventually eroded by desire and ignorance. The source of life has long since withered away, and now there is only An evil life origin of unknown origin.

"Xiao Jie, you mean that someone has taken over the body of Ganelon IX, and the original Ganelon IX has actually died long ago?"

Lei Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what the other party meant by "the master is not the master."

"Yes, it happened a hundred years ago, and the little girl doesn't know the specific circumstances."

Xiaojie lowered her eyes and sighed softly: "But what is certain is that when the owner who has been missing for a month shows up again, the little girl has already felt that he is no longer the little girl's master."

"In this case, things really fall into place."

Wu pondered for a moment, then saluted Lei Xiao and said, "Lord, when we sign a contract or inherit an inheritance, we, the stone elves, are completely bound to the inner and outer parts of our master. Both are indispensable."

"If the master is subject to special circumstances such as mental manipulation, resulting in internal changes, we will naturally detect it as soon as possible and will not be complicit in it."

"The situation of King Ganelon IX is similar. The extinguishing of his life source means that his inner being has been completely replaced. Naturally, he has lost the power for us to continue to fulfill the contract."

"However, since its external body still exists, the contract has not been completely terminated."

Wu's voice was full of solemnity as he concluded: "I'm afraid the guy who replaced Ganelon IX relied on this imperfect contract as a basis to impose a control curse."

After saying nothing, Xiao Zhao also nodded, obviously agreeing with the former's view.

"Senior is right. This is the direct reason why the little girl has difficulty breaking free. It is precisely because the little girl is not really attached to that guy that she is often beaten and scolded by those black-robed men."

Xiaojie wiped away a tear from the corner of her eyes and whispered: "I'm sorry, sir, this little girl is a crybaby, please forgive me."

"It's nothing. Your strength and unyielding have already been recognized by me."

Lei Xiao casually touched the other party's head, and his expression immediately became serious again.

At this point, things are very clear.

A hundred years ago, the reason why Naganilong IX suddenly changed his temperament and not only sealed the Holy City inexplicably, but also almost never showed his face again, was because he had been quietly replaced at that time.

"So, is it true that the mastermind behind the Hundred-year-old Temple of Light, the leader of the three neutral organizations of the human race, is no longer the original leader, but an unknown guy with unknown origins? It is simply terrifying to think about. "

Lei Xiao froze his eyebrows and took a deep breath slowly.

If he had mastered such incredible news and informed the other two neutral organizations, namely the Alchemist Guild and the Mercenary Guild, in advance, he might have been able to get more help, right?

"No, even if I learned the news in advance, no one would believe it if I told it, right?"

Lei Xiao's brows became more and more intense, and he sighed again in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that the stone elves could sense each other and detect each other's emotional fluctuations to judge whether the other party was lying, I might not have been able to believe this incredible thing for a while.

After all, the leader of any neutral organization not only has amazing strength and can be called the pride of heaven, but also has the foundation of the entire organization as a trump card, and is surrounded by countless top powerhouses.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed incredible that someone can quietly replace the inside.

"Originally, I just thought that Ganelon IX was just a crazy guy, but looking at it now, he is obviously much more unfathomable than I imagined."

"But then, everything becomes much more logical."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao looked at the thin stone elf with a gloomy expression and asked, "Xiaojie, do you know the other person's true identity?"

"Sir, the little girl doesn't know. She just knows that the other party is extremely terrifying, which makes the little girl unable to resist at all."

Xiaojie's delicate body began to tremble slightly again, and she responded: "Until the adult appeared, the little girl felt the familiar power of God's favor from the adult. This made the little girl feel like a spring breeze, and she saw a glimmer of hope that she had not seen for a long time. "

"Under the influence of the adults, the little girl mustered up the courage to fight against the erosion of the curse with all her strength, and finally broke free from the shackles of the curse with the help of the adults."

At this point, Xiaojie knelt down on the ground with fear on her face, and kept saluting to Lei Xiao: "The little lady almost hurt you, sir. Please forgive me, and don't punish me again. The little girl has lost herself."

"Don't worry, I won't do that. As long as I'm here, no one can let you bear the curse again."

Lei Xiao lowered his body to help the stone elf up, patted the other person's trembling shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Although the road here is also full of thorns and bumps, at least it is accompanied by warmth and brilliance, and I don't have to fall into the abyss again. and darkness.

After that, Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath and said sternly to Xiaojie: "The confrontation with that guy is very close. I will find a way to defeat him, and then you can truly be freed."

"Little girl, thank you very much, sir!"

Xiaojie's face was full of excitement, she nodded to Lei Xiao and said: "This little girl will do her best to help you, and will not let you down for your saving grace!"

"I can already feel your determination."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Xiaojie, do you have any other clues about the guy who replaced Ganelon IX?"

"Sir, since that guy put a curse on the little girl, he has not allowed the little girl to leave the arena area."

Xiaojie held the towel enchanted with water cleaning spells handed over by Xiaozhao and responded: "However, when the curse was imposed, the little girl once heard the guy calling himself..."

At this point, Xiaojie's hands began to tremble slightly and became shaky, obviously thinking of something terrible.

After adjusting her breathing a few times, she said again: "That guy calls himself a god..."


After hearing this word, Lei Xiao's eyes became solemn and he looked at each other with Wuhe Xiaozhao again.

As Lei Xiao walked along, everyone naturally knew what this term meant.

Back then, even the seventh-level Bing Lao, who was capable of destroying millions of armies single-handedly, could only be called a demigod and had no qualifications to step into the divine realm.

And those new gods of all races who are allowed to step into the divine realm have all entered the eighth level threshold. They can easily destroy tens of millions of soldiers and flatten a space with a snap of their fingers. This is already a destructive existence.

"Lord, that guy is just arrogant. If he really has this ability and can easily destroy the human world, how can he use the Black Abyss Brotherhood as his minions to sneak around in secret?"

Wu frowned, stroked his chest and saluted Lei Xiao: "Furthermore, with the blessing of this kind of power, there is no need to be afraid of the other two neutral organizations, and why do they have to do everything possible to make the other two neutral organizations and the human world think , are we the threat?

"Yes, with the appeal of the Temple of Light, as long as it shows some miracles, it is enough to attract countless believers. How can it remain dormant and even seal the Holy City with evil intentions?"

Xiao Zhao also took a step forward and echoed: "The most important thing is that if he had superior strength, I'm afraid we would have already..."

At this point, although Xiao Zhao did not continue speaking, the meaning was already self-evident.

"I'm sorry everyone, it's the little lady who didn't explain clearly."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Xiaojie quickly added: "Sir, although the other party claims to be a god, the little woman with the most [God's Stone] can confirm that she has no divinity in her body, let alone the power of a god. As for the other party Although the little girl cannot see through his strength, it will never reach the level of a god, not even as good as a demigod."

"Lord, this makes sense."

Hearing the sound, Wu nodded thoughtfully and said thoughtfully: "My subordinates believe that his situation should be very similar to that of Bing Lao. He was once at most a demigod."

"Yes, the little lady thinks so too."

Xiaojie nodded quickly and said, "Actually, what the little girl wants to say is that that guy has an extremely violent and cold mysterious power. This is the reason why the little girl is afraid of him."

"An extremely violent and cold mysterious power?"

Lei Xiao frowned slightly and continued to listen carefully.

"The little girl can't describe the mysterious power. It's a bit like the power of God's favor, but it's completely different from the power of God's favor that is full of warmth. Instead, it's full of darkness and distortion."

Xiaojie began to tremble again and nodded: "Just thinking about that terrible power will make the little girl's hair stand on end."

"It seems that the mysterious guy does have some skills."

Lei Xiao gently rubbed his chin, and then thought of the other party's "sacred plan" and "anti-time ceremony" and other matters, and his brows furrowed even more.

It has to be said that after learning the truth of the matter, Lei Xiao not only did not feel relaxed at all, but instead felt that the mysterious guy was becoming more difficult to deal with.

While feeling solemn in his heart, Lei Xiao asked Xiaojie again about the "Holy Plan" and the "Reverse Time Ceremony".

"Sir, the little girl knows nothing about the "Holy Plan". Although she knows that the men in black robes are collecting other [God's Stones] at all costs, she has never seen other companions. "

Xiaojie shook her head helplessly and responded: "As for the "Reverse Time Ceremony", the little girl has heard a few words from those men in black robes. Although it has not been mentioned before, it seems that she has something to do with the lord of the other world recently. What kind of connection? No, to be more precise, the alien lord seems to be an indispensable part of the "Reverse Time Ceremony"! "


Lei Xiao was startled, and immediately thought of the large number of missing lords from other worlds in the Kingdom of Grim.

Although he had already expected that the Black Abyss Brotherhood might be responsible for this, he did not expect that it would actually be connected to the "Reverse Time Ceremony".

"In the past, the "Reverse Time Ceremony" did not require a lord, but now it requires an alien lord to complete the "Reverse Time Ceremony"? "

Lei Xiao carefully recalled the scenes he had fought against the "rebellious disciples", and soon he suddenly understood.

I remember that at the beginning, it was not difficult to see through the exchanges and fights between the men in black robes.

At the beginning, the number of these fifth-level Shura was extremely limited, and the presence of two was already a very powerful lineup.

Later, the number of fifth-level Shura began to increase, often appearing in groups of three, four, or even seven or eight, so that some fifth-level Shura's masks did not even have time to show numbers.

This undoubtedly means that the opponent is using the "Reverse Time Ritual" to produce "Reverse Disciples" faster and faster.

"Could it be that they are using the alien lords to speed up the production of "Rebels"? How is this done? "

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao's face began to become more solemn.

Although I dont know the specific methods of the other party, what is certain is that there are obviously a large number of alien lords who have become tools in the hands of the other party.

"According to Qin Qian, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net not only includes many lords of the Xiaoshen Regiment, but also a considerable number of lord talents, who are the top priority for future development. If they can be saved, Its definitely a plus and a minus for me.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao has secretly made up his mind.

No matter what, this so-called "Reverse Time Ceremony" must be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise the enemies will only open up in greater numbers.

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao immediately asked: "Xiaojie, according to your statement, could it be that the venue of the "Reverse Time Ceremony" is also in this vast underground city? "

"Speaking to the adults, I can be sure that the little girl is in this underground city!"

Xiaojie nodded firmly and responded: "Because the things those black-robed men who occasionally come here talk about obviously happened just now."

"It seems like it's not that far from here."

After fully understanding everything, Lei Xiao immediately nodded and said: "Then let's leave this arena first."

"Sir, the confinement barrier here was also set up by a little girl, so leave it to the little girl."

Xiaojie nodded heavily and flew towards the edge of the arena.

Not long after, with a burst of magic power, the barrier covering the arena disappeared.

"Lord, we can leave here!"

Seeing this, Wu and Xiaohuan couldn't help but look excited.

But Lei Xiao still frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.


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