Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1159: In the mist

Chapter 1159: In the mist

Just as the strong spectators on the mountaintop looked at the sudden fog that appeared on the siege battlefield and frowned, Lei Xiao, who was in the center of the battlefield, saw a different scene.

Except for the magic artillery fire and gunpowder smoke that were constantly billowing on the city wall in front, the sky here was still clear and clear, no different from before.

"Lord, if we continue with this fierce offensive, it seems that it won't be long before the opponent's absolute defensive barrier will collapse!"

The cavalry general Hod, who deployed all his knights in the front army, said with an excited look on his face: "As soon as the city gate opens, my subordinates will be the first to rush into the city with their troops!"

After Huo De finished speaking, several other subordinate generals on standby also nodded in agreement, looking like they were gearing up.

"Something's wrong."

Lei Xiao raised his hand slightly to signal the generals to quiet down, and frowned: "Don't you think the other party is too quiet? There is not even a little counterattack."

"What the lord said is absolutely true. According to the latest intelligence, although the main force of the Kingdom of Grim has been eliminated by us, after a series of emergency measures such as the activation of the reserve team by the new King Hall and the recruitment of veterans, the opponent's capital has been completely destroyed. The defensive strength should not be underestimated, probably at least 40 to 50 legions."

Prince Yaoguang Lawrence also raised his gray eyebrows and echoed: "Even if the combat power of these rabble is relatively weak, they are not without the power to fight back."

"So, the other party has other plans?"

Hodder reacted immediately, a look of solemnity suddenly appeared on his resolute face, and he began to be on guard subconsciously.

"Yes, the other party must be planning something."

Lei Xiao confirmed the middle-aged knight commander's idea and said thoughtfully: "But where will the other party start?"

As soon as Lei Xiao finished speaking, there were shouts of killing and explosions all around.

What followed was a steady stream of screams and fierce clashes of weapons.

"His Royal Highness, the army on the Iron Hand Islands on the west side of Huangyao City suddenly turned their guns and poured magic artillery fire towards our position!"

A middle-aged herald flew in front of Lei Xiao with a face full of panic, knelt down and reported: "The general also saw that Grim's army suddenly filed out from the west gate and was fighting with the army of the Iron Hand Islands. Join forces and attempt to surround us!"

"The Iron Hand Islands are our allies, how could they rebel before the battle begins?"

Hodder's face was full of surprise, and he could hardly believe his ears.

Before Hod could continue to speak, another young herald crawled up to Lei Xiao and reported: "His Royal Highness, the 50,000 Grim troops at the end suddenly moved toward our magician position. The charge was launched, causing heavy losses to our magicians, and the absolute defense barrier will soon be unable to hold on!"

"This is absolutely impossible! Those soldiers who surrendered have already surrendered under the inspiration of His Highness the Prince's supreme kindness. How could they launch an attack on the magician's position?"

Lawrence's old face was full of astonishment, and he blurted out: "Furthermore, with their strength and equipment, even if it is a sudden attack, how can they shake the **** troops of the magician's position? This is simply unbelievable!"

"Your Highness, I suddenly discovered a huge and powerful army behind me. Judging from the flags scattered all over the mountains and plains, it is the Temple Guard Holy Knights directly under the Temple of Light!"

This time, the person who appeared in front of Lei Xiao was a scout general whose face was filled with fear.

"What? Our large number of scout troops are spread throughout the central area of Grim, monitoring the opponent's movements from both the land and the sky at all times. There is no sign of any movement of the opponent's army, so how could it suddenly appear? "

The old face of Giant Ax General Burt was full of disbelief, and he frowned and said: "As a scout general, you should understand this better than anyone else. Why are you disturbing the morale of the army here?"

"The general doesn't know something. Although the general is also very strange, he really saw it with his own eyes!"

The scout general looked at a loss for words and had no choice but to describe what he saw with his own eyes.

Hearing the sound, just when Bert was about to ask again, he was stopped by Lei Xiao.

At this time, Lei Xiao could clearly feel it.

Although the attacking magic artillery fire was still roaring, the momentum was far less violent than it was at the beginning.

The most important thing is that, just as Bert was worried just now, our entire camp has been disturbed by these sudden and shocking changes. The morale of the army is already unstable and morale is low.

"Lord, my siege armies from all four directions, without exception, are all shrouded in the illusion barrier."

Shirley's slender body flashed forward, she stroked her chest and saluted Lei Xiao: "This is all the opponent's conspiracy. No one of our teams betrayed him."

"Is that true?"

After hearing this expected answer, Lei Xiao's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly.

Lei Xiao had already realized this in his heart when the first herald came to report.

He and Catherine have been friends of life and death for a long time. They have saved each other's lives. There is no way that Catherine will betray her before the battle. This will not be of any benefit to the Iron Hand Islands and the Vampire Clan.

Moreover, the knotweed was always by Catherine's side, so it was impossible for her to be unaware of it.

In addition, Lei Xiao immediately discovered that Nian Hua was in a disturbed state and could not connect to other subordinates.

The most important thing is that beside Lei Xiao is Shirley, who was formerly the chief priest of the Phantom Tribe. The latter had already sensed the change as soon as it happened.

It was after being reminded by the latter that Lei Xiao ordered him to check the surrounding situation and confirm the coverage of the illusion.

After hearing Shirley's report, the nervous expressions of the subordinates and generals not only did not ease, but actually became more solemn.

The opponent's illusion array was so unexpected that even our fifth-level experts didn't notice any clues, let alone other soldiers.

Surprised in his heart, Bert quickly asked: "Since what we see in this direction is the scene of betrayal and separation, what about the other directions?"

"They saw exactly the same scene as here, except we went from being the attacked to the attackers."

Shirley frowned and responded: "This illusion formation is indeed quite exquisite. It is not a single illusion, but a realm within a realm. Every direction, and even the illusions seen by the front and rear armies are completely different. That's why The current chaotic scene appears.

Hearing the sound, our generals couldn't help but take a breath of the biting air.

The current situation could not be more obvious. The other party is obviously using illusions to guide us to kill each other.

If this continues, I am afraid that in the end our soldiers, who will become increasingly panicked, will be unable to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and the result will be self-evident.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lord, if my subordinates had noticed earlier, the current situation would not be the same."

Looking at Lei Xiao's solemn look, Shirley felt guilty and added another sentence.

"It's not your fault, all this must be the trick of the man in black robe No. 1. Don't forget that that guy is not only proficient in illusion, but also has the power of anti-magic. Even the illusion magic circle is enough to trap a sixth-level expert. Being able to poke a hole shows it."

Lei Xiao nodded to Shirley and said seriously: "The top priority now is to break the opponent's conspiracy as soon as possible."

Just as Lei Xiao began to study countermeasures, there was a completely different scene in the siege army camps in other directions.

To the south of Huangyao City, all summoning legions have stopped shelling and are on guard everywhere.

"Sir Ancestor, this illusion magic circle is really too terrifying. It must have been brewing for a long time. I have no way of cracking it, and I can't find a way out of the illusion coverage area."

With a solemn look on her face, Esther shook her head helplessly at Thor and said: "All I can do is to prevent us and others from being affected by illusions as much as possible, and I can't even take into account those chaotic Grimm troops. .

"Even you can't do anything?"

Thor's resolute face was full of severity, and he shook his head slightly.

"Lord Ancestor, what should we do now?"

Abner asked with a helpless look on his face as he frowned.

"All we can do now is to preserve our vitality as much as possible and not cause any trouble to the Holy Lion Prince."

Thor responded without any hesitation: "As for what happens next, it all depends on the Holy Lion Prince."

After hearing Thor's words, the kings and the powerful people in the country nodded in agreement, and then dispersed.

In sharp contrast to the summoned legion, the surrendered legion led by Jared was already in chaos.

All the soldiers were seen with frightened faces, dancing and fighting fiercely with the air. From time to time, some soldiers covered their bodies and rolled their eyes and fainted, as if they were really killed by an invisible enemy.

"Master Paladin, those brave and fearless puppet soldiers are coming to kill you!"

A middle-aged surrender general's eyes were full of fear, and he almost crawled in front of Jared.

"This is absolutely impossible. His Royal Highness the Holy Lion Prince will never kill us."

Jared looked extremely confident and ordered: "Tell the soldiers to continue to shrink their formation. This will definitely be the trick of the opponents in the city!"

"Got the order!"

The middle-aged surrendering general gritted his teeth and carried out the order again.

Looking at the embarrassed back of the other party as he left, Jared felt mixed emotions in his heart.

With his strength, even though he couldn't see through the illusion at all, he still stubbornly chose to believe in Lei Xiao, even if it would lead to destruction.

"Your Highness, I have handed over everything to you, and I hope you can bring the dawn."

To the west of Huangyao City, there was also an extremely chaotic scene.

"Your Majesty the Queen, my left and right flanks are being fiercely attacked by Leng Yan's army! The siege troops in the north have also completely lost contact! The messengers sent out to contact us are unable to break through at all!"

The pale face of Prince Valentin of the Spirit Wand was full of confusion, and he asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty, what is going on?"

"Things couldn't be more obvious. Don't forget the fierce methods of the leader of the men in black robes."

Catherine did not hesitate at all and ordered to Valentin: "Order the soldiers to shrink their formation as much as possible. The Holy Lion Prince will definitely find a way to break this illusion. We just need to wait for the good news!"

"But it's too risky to rely on friendly forces for everything."

There was a trace of hesitation on Valentin's pale face, and he asked: "Why don't you organize elite troops to break out first? At least to protect Her Majesty the Queen from worries!"

"Do you think that since the enemy has laid a dragnet, they will give us a chance to break out?"

Catherine's tone became a little more serious, and she frowned and said: "Blindly trying to escape from the illusion will only result in falling deeper and deeper. No matter what, we will never hold back His Highness the Prince!"

"As you command!"

Seeing that Catherine was so determined, Valentin said nothing else and carried out the order without stopping.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, His Highness the Prince will be my most important ally, and no one can change this."

After Valentin left, Catherine nodded to Hu Zhi, who was looking anxious because she couldn't contact Lei Xiao. Her fair face was full of determination. UU read www.uukanshu.net

While we were in chaos below the city, the new king Hall on the city wall was laughing unscrupulously and proudly as he looked at the illusionary image displayed by Bishop Hua Pao.

"As expected of His Excellency, the Chief Cardinal of Gusta, he caused millions of troops to go into chaos at the snap of a finger!"

Hall's laughter gradually revealed a trace of sinisterness, and he said solemnly: "Although my father did not destroy the Lengyan Kingdom, the Lengyan Kingdom will be destroyed sooner or later in the hands of the Lone King! The Lone King wants to make the Lengyan Kingdom Corpses litter the land!

After saying that, Hall looked at Gusta again and said with a smile: "Of course, everything depends on His Excellency the Chief Cardinal."

"Don't worry, in order to successfully cast this "World of Killing" illusion magic circle, I, with the help of the Supreme Lord, used a half-step sixth-level illusion scroll as the base magic circle, which is enough for a sixth-level strongman Unable to detect it and trapped in it for a period of time, it is unrivaled in the human world. "

Gusta looked triumphant and said calmly: "This "Killing Realm" is even deeper than the one cast by the alien scum in the Eternal Sleep Canyon. "

"Not to mention that most of the illusion combat power of that otherworldly scum is currently concentrated in the Eternal Sleep Canyon. Even if they all come here, there is absolutely no possibility of cracking it, including that Rose King Esther."

"In other words, the scum from the other world will definitely die this time."

Gusta's turbid eyes filled with malevolence narrowed slightly, and he said with a sneer and contempt: "Don't look at these stupid guys now who are just fighting wits and courage with the illusion. After a while, they will unknowingly Killing each other, thats whats really interesting.

"Hehe, the lonely king can't wait to see that scene."

Hearing the sound, Hall's venomous face also showed a trace of jest, and he laughed fiercely.

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