Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 319 319 Proposed Solutions

Chapter 319 319 Proposed Solutions

"I don't need to compare, Mary," Selina declared with a calm assertiveness that resonated through the hall.

"It is an obvious fact. Luck has nothing to do with the fact that I and my friend Madeline are increasing in power despite what many of you on this table did to us. You seized her lands, left her with nothing to fend for for years just because she lost her husband. You segregated me away from the group because I stood by her, and now you lot are trying to find an excuse to keep using her property? Shame!" Selina's voice reverberated, cutting through the oppressive atmosphere with an unyielding force.

Nexus, watching on the periphery, observed the clash of wills with keen interest. The dynamics of power and rivalry unfolded before him like a complex tapestry, each thread contributing to the intricate narrative of these influential figures. 

He understood that to navigate the treacherous waters of Castra City's aristocracy, he needed to comprehend the motivations and alliances that underpinned every exchange.

Selina, undeterred by the disdainful gazes and hushed murmurs that surrounded her, continued to challenge the established order.

The fire in her eyes illuminated a spirit unbroken by the systemic injustices perpetrated against her and Madeline. She fought not just for her own rights but for the restitution of Madeline's legacy, a legacy tarnished by the greed and malice of those gathered around the table.

Mary Kay, though momentarily shaken, regained her composure, and a sly smile played on her lips. "You speak with such passion, Selina. But do you really believe your little drugstore can stand against the might of mine? Your defiance is entertaining, but it won't change the fact that you are a mere thorn in my side."

Selina's response was swift and cutting. "Your might is built on the suffering of others, Mary. If standing against that makes me a thorn, then I am proud to be one."

Madeline remained seated, a silent observer amidst the escalating turmoil. The ornate banquet hall, adorned with gilded decorations and flickering candlelight, served as the backdrop for the unfolding drama. The air, thick with tension, seemed to vibrate with the clash of wills.

Selina, unyielding in her stance, continued her verbal assault on the assembled heads. Her words, like sharp arrows, found their mark, challenging the established order. Madeline couldn't help but marvel at Selina's audacity, the unwavering loyalty of a friend ready to face the powerful heads for her sake.

"Oh, Selina," Madeline thought, her gratitude echoing in the caverns of her mind. "You are truly a friend." The words resonated within her, a silent acknowledgment of the profound bond they shared. Selina's determination to fight for Madeline's interests stirred a mixture of emotions within her – gratitude, admiration, and a touch of sadness.

Selina's accusations cut through the air like a double-edged sword. "You all are just selfish cowards," she declared, her voice ringing with defiance. Madeline, while appreciating the sentiment, couldn't shake off the foreboding sense that this battle was already lost before it even began.

Her eyes, momentarily diverted from the verbal sparring, sought Reaves, the orchestrator of this grand charade. He sat, a silent puppeteer, observing the unfolding spectacle. Madeline studied his composed demeanor, reading the unspoken narrative etched in the lines of his face. It was evident; Reaves held the strings, and the outcome rested in his hands.

"He doesn't want to give me back my properties," Madeline surmised, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. Reaves' calculated neutrality signaled a predetermined decision. The realization settled within her – this meeting was a mere formality, a theatrical display concealing the predetermined fate of her properties.

Madeline's gaze lingered on Reaves, contemplating his motives. The aloofness and deliberate non-interference only fueled her determination. "He underestimates my abilities," she thought, a sly smirk gracing her lips. Reaves, it seemed, perceived her as a weakened figure, her long period of illness rendering her inconsequential in his eyes.

"Because I have been sick and bedridden for a long time, he must think that I have become a weakling," Madeline mused, a quiet chuckle escaping her lips. Her mind, however, was anything but feeble. The fire of determination burned within her, fueled by a desire to prove Reaves and the other heads wrong.

As Madeline rose to her feet, the grand hall hushed into a pregnant silence. Every gaze converged upon her, tension drawn tight like a bowstring. Nexus, a subtle smile playing on his lips, observed her with an air of approval. He knew she wouldn't let this affront pass unchallenged, and he was poised to support whatever strategy she had in mind.

Selina, bewildered by Madeline's decision to take charge, turned to her with a quizzical expression. The room buzzed with anticipation, and Selina, seething with residual anger, couldn't comprehend Madeline's sudden shift. Yet, a subtle smile and a silent exchange of glances reassured her—Madeline had a plan.

"Thank you, Selina," Madeline expressed with genuine gratitude, her voice carrying a calm authority that permeated the charged atmosphere. "My dear friend, let's halt the negotiations here."

"But, Madeline," Selina interjected, her fiery spirit not easily extinguished. The embers of anger still smoldered within her, fueled by the injustice they had endured. "They need to return your properties. This can't just end like this."

Madeline, maintaining her composed demeanor, gently silenced Selina. "I understand, but let us end it here. I am satisfied and content with the outcome and the solution that Reaves has suggested."

Selina, though perplexed, trusted in Madeline's judgment. A subtle tug on her arm from Nexus, a silent yet supportive gesture, convinced her to relent. She reluctantly resumed her seat, eyes still aflame but now tempered by a measure of trust.

Madeline, standing tall at the center of attention, addressed the other heads with a measured tone. "Well, fellow heads," she began, drawing their collective attention. The room's silence heightened, each head eager to hear Madeline's verdict.

"I have heard your proposed solutions, the plans to offer me the barren land," Madeline continued, her gaze sweeping across the assembly of heads. Despite their attempts to maintain an air of indifference, curiosity flickered in their eyes. Madeline, the supposed victim, appeared strangely content.

"I must express my appreciation," she declared, her words carrying a disarming sincerity. The heads exchanged puzzled glances, wondering if they had underestimated the resolve of the Russel family head.

"I am truly satisfied and happy with the outcome and the solution you have presented," Madeline acknowledged, nodding towards Reaves. His measured nod in response indicated a subtle understanding.

"The Russel family graciously accepts the offered land," she announced, catching everyone off guard. Murmurs of surprise rippled through the room. The heads, convinced that the promised land was an insignificant concession, exchanged furtive glances. In their minds, Madeline was playing the role of a naive pawn.

Reaves, his gaze fixed on Madeline, nodded in agreement. "Very well then," he declared, adopting an air of finality. "It is settled. We will transfer the designated land to the Russel family as compensation for their stolen lands."

The room, now buzzing with subdued conversations, portrayed an air of satisfaction. The heads, convinced of their victory, shared smirks and jests in corners, believing Madeline to be a weakling who had fallen for their orchestrated plan.

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