Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 237 237 Here We Go

Chapter 237 237 Here We Go

Nexus persisted; "Take a wild guess."

"I dunno," she shrugged; "Maybe they're having some kind of orgy party or something. Maybe we got lucky, or just maybe they have bigger fish than us to fry."


Confusion crept across her face; "Huh?" she asked.

Nexus turned to face her;

"They have bigger fish to fry."

She spun her head around- whipping her hair in the process;

"Unless there's a hundred platters of rare steak awaiting for them at the base of this hill, I see no other prey around that's enough to make them this excited."

Nexus' shoulders slumped again- in disappointment maybe?

He turned towards the top of the hill- craning his neck.

He really did not want to spell it out to her.

But he was sure that the A-rank wireworms were not chasing them. No. They were running- running from something. His eyes stung and he gulped. If they were running from something, then–

"Master," Stacy purred; "Please tell me what's wrong."

But Nexus said nothing.

She still thought the dreadful mana from earlier was from the wireworms. 

But it wasn't no dam wireworm. It was what they were running from. Nexus' intestines twisted- tightening in painful knots. His brain fired off- running the facts.

Wireworms were A-rank beasts. The only thing that could make them run was an S-tier monster. And if an S-class monster could make an army of A-rank beasts skip like calves, then this was no monster, this was a demon.

The kind that you just don't fuck with.

A memory flashed briefly- and he remembered the power vacuum between him and the wolves that day. This is what it felt like. Only ten times worse. And for the first time, Nexus felt like he was a prey.

Shit, he thought- so much for adventures.

Stacy glanced up nervously at the top of the hill and pointed;

"I know there's something wrong with them. And I know you know. What is it master?"

Nexus opened his mouth- to speak.

But he shut it immediately. .

There was no need. 

Right before their very eyes, a swirling dark cloud- with the width of a dragon's wind span- slowly appeared over the top. It bloomed and bloomed with a rich blackness- budding right above the hill.

Stacy gulped. Nexus' senses tingled.

The thick darkness of the blooming cloud made the pale blackness of the night sky look like happy blue. Over the cascading bodies of the tens of wireworms, it descended lower and lower- until it had covered the entire heavens over the hill with a blanket of death.

Nexus' jaw clenched

Here we go.

When the outline appeared, Nexus saw a giant octopus. 

But Stacy eyes saw a dragon sized floating head- with tentacles as long as trees stacked on trees!! But they were both right on different levels. 

Cloaked in blackness, the tentacled monster glided into the scene. And with a domineering presence, it out of the blackness- teasing the audience first with the silhouette of its outline, before stepping out of the shadows- into moonlit night.

On Stacy's face- all the color drained away.

Through her widening eyes- the reflection of the terrifying monster echoed louder and louder in her brain. From the top of the hill, just the tip of its curly tentacles could be seen. Thick spikes, as thick as human hands, screamed out against its pale silver skin.

Beneath each sharp spike was a vacuole- and these lined up the entire length of each tentacle.

"Stacy!" Nexus whispered harshly; "Slowly- I mean very slowly, begin to slid your feet backwards,"

The girl remained pinned like a statue- gazing with her neck tilted upwards- as terror and awe gripped her as one.

"STACY!" Nexus thundered.

Her eyes flickered for a brief moment.

"I SAID SLOWLY BEGIN TO RETREAT!" he whispered; "No sudden movements."

Not daring to take her eyes away from the demon, she willed her feet to move- slowly inching and inching away, backing up as slowly as she could.

But it was the most painful retreat ever.

They both watched as the creature stretched out one of its tentacle- almost lazily- and curled it around the body of a fat beefy wireworm. The poor creature wiggled and wiggled its fleshy body- fighting to escape being someone else's dinner.

But the spikes tore into its body- ripping the wireworm up from the insides- deflating its bulky form like a balloon. By the time the tentacle lifted it up- towards the mouth of the giant floating head, the wireworm was already dead- bleeding ferociously from multiple deep, stab wounds.

Both Nexus' and Stacy's eyes burned.

Again and again- they were forced to watch the demon feed on the poor wireworms.

Really, it was like watching a child eating a table filled with all kinds of chocolate. The giant octopus gorged and gorged on tons and tons of wireworms. The squishy, squeals of each poor creature rose into the air- and stayed there- filling the land with a steady supply of their torturous squeals.

"Stacy pick it up!"

Nexus' annoyance reflected in the harshness of his voice!

The bitch was staring too much and not moving fast enough!

But he couldn't blame her. In each tentacle, each wireworm looked like a cup in a human hand. Nexus ran the numbers in his head- and came up with a staggering figure;

"In case you were wondering- it's eighty feet long!" he rasped at Stacy; "Now STOP STARING like an idiot AND MOVE!!"

Nexus' estimation was only seventy percent accurate.

That was just a single tentacle. The others were way longer. And that was minus the size of its torso. When its head and body fully emerged from the clouds of darkness, Nexus gasped in surprise. 

It's greyish black torso was massive!

Looking at the army of fleeing wireworms, Nexus couldn't blame them for leaping off and hurtling down! The demon could eat a hundred wireworms- and still have space for Nexus and Stacy!

"Fuck!" Nexus cursed; "That thing over a hundred feet long- tentacles and body!!"

Beside him- Stacy's half open mouth, pale face, and speechlessness told him one thing. She had gone into shock. And he couldn't blame her.

The bottom and top lips on her mouth separated- parting slightly with an 'o.'

Along the stretch of her arm, an army of goosebumps lined up in formations- screaming against her bare skin. Her chest stiffened- struggling to perform the basic function of breathing. 

When Stacy finally managed to exhale- her breaths came out slowly- curling out of her mouth in wisps of cold condensed air.

Eyes up ahead, neck arched upwards, and her head elevated towards the top of the hill above, she watched with bulging eyes as the massive wireworms rose up from the ground- in groups six- with tentacles wrapped around them- disappearing into the round bald head of the monster above!

Stacy's mind imploded with a burst of flashing lights.

Wireworms!! Dreadfully large creatures with powerful jaws!! The same creatures she had been running away from a couple of minutes ago!

With her eyes to the sky, she watched them- like lambs for the slaughter, dying off one by one- rising up into the air- towards the monstrous head- with the powerful grip of grayish-black tentacles wrapped around them. 

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