Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 200 200 You Don’t Need To

Chapter 200 Chapter 200 You Don't Need To

He paused;

". . .but as soon as my semen slips into you. . .it acts like a quickening agent. . ."

Her eyes squinted; "You mean like a catalyst?"

"Exactly. If you were a C-class mage before we made love, you'd be a–"

"B-rank." she completed it for him.

"Exaclty," he repeated again; "That's simply the basic principle of Dual Cultivation. It's like pouring magic water on a soil, and watching it germinate exponentially. My semen is the key. . ."

His words slammed into Selina- rendering her temporarily dumb.

". . .but it goes beyond restoration of mana. . ." he continued; "Its healing properties extends all the way to the physical body. . .and is capable of curing any kind of disease that may be present. . .in summary, my semen is a fixer upper. . .and it's all because of this technology called D–"

"DUAL CULTIVATION." she echoed- this time, a little louder.

Nexus nodded.

Selina's mind exploded.

And they both delved into a comfortable silence.

Being a business woman, and a pharmacist, Selina's brain raged like a doped up animal- racking away in her skull. She had so many questions.

'What's the origin of this technology?! How many people were currently in the know? Could it be commercialized? She would make big bank if–'

The thought trail died off almost immediately.

This was Ni Yang's semen. Suddenly, as she pictured it being slipped into other women, she felt a violent surge of jealously rage through her.

Adjusting her head- and stifling her emotions, she asked;

"You called it Dual Cultivation- I'm assuming the Duality means it cuts both ways?"

Nexus nodded again- "Very astute Selina, you're right once again. . ."

He was impressed with just how quick she was catching on. Her intelligence was intoxicating.

"So, basically, the more you make love, the stronger you get?"


"And the stronger the women also get?"


"All of them?"

Nexus paused- "I haven't met any exceptions."

"Oh, so there have been that much huh?"

In between the lines, faint notes of jealousy rang like chiming wind bells.

Nexus knew better than to answer that question- it was a rabbit hole. So, he did the next best thing.

With the stained white sheets rustling below his heaving body, Nexus pulled away from her. Bend his knees upwards, he flattened his palm against the bed, and slid upwards- till his back leaned on the wooden head board;

"I've got something for you. . ." he said.

Selina- gripping the duvet across her chest, bolted upright with a quickness. Her cloudy misty eyes gleamed in the dark, and her mangled white curls parted on both sides of her face- falling freely across her shoulders.

"For me?" she chirped nervously; "Where?"

"Right here. . ."

Out of nowhere- a flash of blue white light- the color of a glowing ice crystal, sliced through the darkness. For a moment, Selina's features came into view- her milky white skin glowed in the light. Her eyes went round in surprise- twinkling like a pair of Crystals on her face;

"What the–" she opened her mouth.

A magnificent sword- three feet long, four inches thick, with a dragon sculpted handle blade, shone brightly in the darkness. Its blade- no, it wasn't technically a blade- lit up the room like a Light Saber.

Instead of the rich gleaming steel of a normal sword- on the hilt of the weapon was cold, burning, frozen ice- sculptured with perfect precision to resemble an actual blade. At the tip of the weapon, it vaunted into a perfect triangular shape- glinting wickedly, and looking extremely sharp.

Selina gasped.

Her white furry eyebrows shot upwards on her face, and her low hanging jaw, dropped even lower in surprise.

"This is an Ice Dragon Sword," he announced.

In his right hand- clutching the pretty sword with a tight grip, he stretched it out- extending it to its full length.

"Do you want to hold it?"

Selina's ears rang. Her head bobbed up and down- nodding in affirmation.

"Here, careful not to touch the tip. . .it's so cold, it actually burns- plus its super sharp. . ."

Instantly, she let go of the duvet.

Between her legs, it fell with a soft plop- exposing the massive, round breasts on her chest. With glazed eyes, and a half open mouth, she she reached out to take the weapon- gingerly taking it with both hands.

A short gasp screeched out of her mouth as the marble hilt landed on her palm.

The power from the sword oozed out in unnatural waves- tapping into her natural instincts,drawing out her power and calling out to her to take a violent swing. Her lashes fluttered as she held it up.

With the curtains closed, the Ice Dragon sword screamed in the darkness- reigning with its powerful incandescent glow.

"You can feel it right?" Nexus boomed; "In the hands of a powerful mage, the rage suppressed within that sword is enough to freeze up an active volcano."

"No–" she whispered quietly- correcting him; "–it's enough to freeze it up- and destroy the mountain entirely."

Of course.

She was right.

"You like it don't you?" he asked- noting the sheer awe in her eyes

"Like it?" she echoed; "I friggin' love it!"

"Well, its yours- that's if you want it. . ."

Selina's long hair whipped in a full arc as she jerked her head towards him;

"Ni Yang. . .quit playing. . ."

He shrugged; "I mean it. . .its meant for you. . .I mean, looking at it in your hands right now, one can tell it was created for you. Plus, a powerful Ice Mage of your status needs a weapon befitting her status. . ."

He pointed to the three-foot long weapon;

". . .that right there is a perfect fit for you. With it, you can practically alter the weather with just a swing. Any regular blade that clashes with yours will automatically shatter. . .its an instrument of terror. . .it's perfect for you. . ."

In her eye sockets- a glossy mist crept across her eyeballs. She choked back a surge in her throat.

"You're giving this–" her voice cracked; "–to me???"

"It's yours Selina. I want you to have it as a token of my affection for you. . .let it be a constant reminder of what we share together. . .so even when we're apart. . ."

He said poetically;

". . .we're ALWAYS together. . ."

The tears began to flow freely. Unsure of what to say, her head kept darting from the blade, and to Ni Yang, and back to the blade again. Unbelief was plastered all over her face. The words blurted out of her mouth- gushing with emotion;

"T-t-thank you-u-u," she stammered- beaming with grateful eyes; "Thank you Ni Yang!"

It was louder this time;

"Thank you so much!" she kept bowing her head repeatedly; "No one's ever given me a gift this meaningful before. . .and it's not just the gift. . .it's you, your presence, your love. . . you're the real gift Ni Yang. . .thank you so much!"

Nexus tilted his head to the side-

"You don't need to than–"

"Oh but I do!" she yelped- dropping the sword on the bedside drawer, she turned to him; "When I first met you- I wished you were fifteen years older, I wished it so badly, I ended up with a nasty dream that night. . ."

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