Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 172 172 Belated Nexus

Chapter 172 Chapter 172 Belated Nexus

It was so cold- it burned.

Instantly, in a forty five degree slant, and in a charging bull's posture- Nexus' heels dug even further into the earth, sprinting wistfully like a divine Olympian, and energetically picking his pace, hoping against hope that–



Something- no someone slammed right into him- forcing an instant deceleration.

For a moment, Nexus' heart stopped. A wild ache burned through his chest- spreading like flaming fire. Body shuddering, shoulders tense, he bounced backwards- staggering, feeling the impact of the hard bone that had jutted into his chest.

He lifted his eyes sharply- expecting to see a charging bull- or maybe even a fleeing young horse.

But instead, a blur of dazzling white threads blitzed through for moment. Nexus' jaw instantly dropped in surprise.

In slow motion, Nexus watched the strands of white become hair- and at the base of that white hair, a host familiar features began to come into sight- that perfect oval face, pale skin, high cheek bones- thin blue lips. .

Nexus eyes widened in shock when, momentarily, his eyes found the grey cloudy eyes. In real time, he stared in shock- unable to do anything but watch Selina fall backwards. Her voluptuous body crashed butt first into the slender corn stalks behind her.

The soft soil, along with her thick mane of long hair, cushioned her fall- protecting the base of her skull.

Gasping, and face flushed in surprise, Nexus found himself exclaiming;


No answer.

Laying there on the bare earth, Selina's chest tightened in tense contractions, forcing her busty chest to heave up and down in frantic gyrations- struggling to breathe- willing her eyes and memory to come into focus.

The collision had shaken Nexus.

However, Selina had taken the full brunt of the impact.

Upon collision, her vision had blurred instantly. The green around her melted into blackness- and in the blackness, stars danced around- teasing one another in bright flashy circles.

She felt the ground under her give away.

Loosing her balance, she vaguely remembered falling. Immediately her skull crashed into the earth, blinding flashes of light sparked in her eyes- gifting her more stars- and setting her head on fire.

"Selina?!" she heard her name- but it seemed to come from afar;

"Are you alright?" the voice came again- but male this time; "Can you speak? Talk to me!"

Her eyes settled- bringing the familiar figure of Ni Yang into focus.

Instantly, her insides churned;

"Oh no," she wailed aloud- another illusion? when did I look in her eyes damn it?!

Nexus' lower lip curved in a smirk. He said humorously;

"Gee Selina, you really that disgusted to see me?" he chaffed; "Well nice to see you to!"

He stretched out his hand to her, trying to help her up. To his surprise, she slapped him away;

"Nice job on this particular illusion girl- you must really think me stupid if you thought I was gonna fall for this one. . ."

Nexus brows furrowed even deeper- wait, what–?

And then, he connected it all in an instant- the fear in her eyes, her mentioning an illusion, the fact that she had been running- this was the mission!

"Listen to me Selina," he rasped seriously; "This is me, Ni Yang, I followed you here from True Potions. This isn't an illusion, else how would I know you're sick?"

Selina was on her feet in an instant!

"Ni Yang?! What the fuck are you doin–"

Realizing there was no time to waste, she grabbed on to his hand- urging him strongly with blazing desperate eyes;

"Come on!" her fingers dug into his wrist; "We need to move NOW!"

"Hold on, what's wrong? Why were you running? Is someone afte–"

"Please Ni Yang!" her eyes burned pleadingly; "I promise you NOW IS NOT THE TIME!"

She glanced behind her nervously- shivering like a cornered animal;

"Please," that word again; "I'll explain everything later! But for HEAVEN's sake we need to get out of here NOW!!!"

Nexus was taken aback by Selina's urgency.

This was the same woman who had nearly killed him on a whim.

And yet- here she was- shivering like a child on her first plane ride- fear licking up her eyes in curling flames. He couldn't help but wonder what, or who, had her so shook!

Selina on the other hand was not ready to explain.

If she did. She would be wasting time. And that wasted time could mean both of them getting wasted by that York girl! Standing there, gripping his hand, desperately willing him to move- she was sure of a couple of things- and one of them being, Ni Yang was no match for the York girl.

She wanted him to survive. She needed him to survive. Unwilling to waste anymore time on foolish talk, she turned around, and jerked him forward- pulling him along with her- literally forcing his hand.

The voice- sizzled through the air- lapping hoarsely- in a low croak;

"And just where do you think you're going?" she demanded.

Along with the shifting wind, and in silent steps, a blur of red streaked across the field- whistling along the earthy surface- blocking Selina's and Nexus' advance.

Glowing under the raging sun, the York girl sighed;

"Just when I thought we were over that already. . .it's already pretty darn obvious you can't defeat or outrun me. . ."

Shrugging, her slanted shoulders dropped in a dramatic heave;

". . .well, I guess you just can't help but make stupid decisions if you know you've been marked do die."

For Selina- this was the ultimate nightmare.

In powerful reverberations, pangs of childhood trauma shot through her. She stood there, breathless,and hair mangled. From her cleanly shaved pits, cold sweat dribbled down in slithering formations.

Beneath her skin, her bones quaked overtly as she trembled like a leaf. The rich smell of the earth which was supposed to be comforting, now rose up to her nostrils in putrid wisps-? reeking like the stench of death itself.

Unconsciously, as her eyes shot back and forth frantically, her feet began slide backwards- slowly inching away from the angel of death before her- and falling into Nexus' shadow- looking for protection- or its equivalent.

Nexus on the other hand immediately picked up on her overt fear- and his eyebrows curved in surprise.

Creeping behind him, and feeling the tightening grip of her palm on his wrist, he winced as he glanced at her.

'Damn. . .what happened here. . .?'

That was the jackpot question.

On her face, which normally blazed with confidence under rich, glorious locks of white hair- the shadow of terror planted itself there. Her majestic grey-cloudy eyes were now round like a cornered animal. Her chest pulsated slowly- like a dying animal as she breathed in shallow gasps- like she was afraid to make a noise.

'No,' he thought; 'This isn't fear- it's full blown terror. . .'

He wasn't wrong.

Immediately, prompted by instincts, Nexus took over;.

"It's alright. . ." he stretched out his arm, curving it around her shoulders, and bringing it to rest with a protective arc;

"I got you." he said.

The red girl's eyes gleamed- twitching manically as she diverted her gaze to the stranger- looking at him.

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