Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 166 166 Chasing And Evading

Chapter 166 Chapter 166 Chasing And Evading

With a look of astonishment mixed with amazement, he watched her storm towards the herbs section- wondering what had her so cranked up.

He shrugged and continued down his path.

Meanwhile, Selina had chosen her battle ground. She decided she wasn't running anymore.


Under the sun, out in the open field, and in the eastern wing of the field, she stood under the shade of an arching tree.

Her head was bent over, the ridiculous blond wig fell across her face as she tore open the small, fist sized package in her hand. The wind blew gently along the earth, carrying with it the exotic spiced up scents of the herbs all around her.

Finally, the brown paper bag fell to the earth, and a sigh of relief came.

With both hands, she hoisted up the glass flask filled with a sparkling coruscating blue liquid- and lifted it up to her lips. It was as big a flask, and half the length of her arm, Yet, she drank it all- gurgling it all down- like it was made of nectar.

The first drops trickled down her throat, and Immediately, both her eyes flashed- twinkling like twin stars. Across her irises, strobes of light streaked through like lightning bolts- brightening from the potent power of the Icecore elixir.

With her knuckles whiteneing, Selina's fingers wrapped around the circumference of the flask, and clenched it even tighter,

Greedily, she tilted it upwards- angling the flow, and forcing it down in heavy gulps. Her throat bobbed. Gurgling noises rode on the heels of the gulping sounds. For what seemed like an eternity of bliss, she stood under the shadow of the canopy, drowning out everything else in the background- savoring the elixir's heavy taste.

Finally- the last few droplets slithered out of the flask, landing on her tongue with a noiseless thud.

Shameless relief struck out on her face. On her lower abdomen- where her stomach met her waist, a ridiculous curve formed. The lady's belly shot out in a prominent curve- screaming against her white cotton gown.

With a jagged look in her eyes, and her lustrous wig draping all over her face, Selina's hands dropped to her sides- releasing the flask- which came crashing down on the earth.

Though invisible, but very much still present, a dark swirling cloud of Yin Qi began to gather deep in her gut. Like a hurricane, like a gathering storm, it's garnering momentum crashed against the walls of her stomach- sending sharp pangs of pain rippling through her.

The initial joy vanished- gifting Selina hot, burning excruciating pain- lighting up her inner gut like hot sparks of burning embers.

The corners of her plump cheeks sank inside- so did her eyes. On her rosy face, the color practically evaporated leaving her deathly pale, and with hollow eyes, and a blurry vision.

Argghhhh. . .

A low deep, guttural groaning raged out of her voice box. Still bent over from the pain, Selina lifted up her eyes- darting back and forth with frantic wildness, searching desperately for something to lean on- knowing she wouldn't be able to get up if she fell.

The slender outline of the tree trunk caught her sight. Sighing with a grateful moan, she? forced her left foot forward- dragging it on the soil like a woman in labor.

Worrying lines crept across her face.

With a start, she realized she was already unstable from the gallon of liquid bulging in her belly. So, she ended up wobbling on her feet, and swaying like an overfed baby elephant- nearly tripping over a root on the ground.


Hot pain.

But Selina had already anticipated that.

Growling in pain, she forced herself into an upright position. and in the same breath, she reached towards a handful of green herbs, and tore them off the stalk. A sharp wave of raw excruciating pain tore through her stomach- rewarding her for the careless movements.

Ignoring the jutting pain, she quickly stuffed the herbs in her mouth- ALL OF IT.

The crude bitter taste, violently assaulted her taste buds. Her jaws worked on the green leaves- coloring her teeth with a solid green. She forced herself to swallow- and immediately- the painkilling, snowy-feeling enveloped her stomach.

This was precisely the primary reason behind her choosing this place as the battle field.

The herbs were painkillers- a quick and instant remedy.

The IceCore elixir was killing her. But her enemy was an S-ranked demon. She needed all the help she could get.

Out of nowhere- and yet, seemingly from everywhere, a cold, sarcastic, deathless voice came;

"You're getting old Selina. . ." it cackled spitefully; "Do you need a break?"

The voice was female.

And it's tone was extremely unfriendly.

At once, Selina arched her neck, and jerked her head up instinctively- throwing off her blond wig in the process, and releasing her long white mane. It shimmered unnaturally- shining like an apparition.

Flashing her eyes alarmingly, her knees buckled in fear as she dropped to a low crouch.

Again, the voice came- dripping with a rancid bitchiness, and heavy with spite;

"Come out, come out," it chanted; "Come out, come out, wherever you are. . ."

Shoulders tense, and barely breathing, Selina's anxious eyes stretched tight into narrowed slints. Her gaze tore through the sea of green and brown- flipping to and fro, desperately trying to clock her enemy's location.

"Oh darling," it teased; "Don't be such a coward, you're making this boring. . ."

Selina's face contorted in confusion as she tried to isolate the direction it was coming from.

"Come out and play will you? You're hiding like a rat, and quite frankly, it's very disappointing. . ."

Selina's face paled- and confusion set in her eyebrows. The more she listened, the more it seemed like the voice was coming from above- bearing down on her from the heavens itself!! Zero evidence pointed to it coming from behind her. It certainly wasn't coming from left or right either!

Cowering between the bushes, she lay there- half upright, half crouched, waiting, watching.

This isn't good.

She thought to herself.

Staying put was suicide. She had to get a move on.

With hot blood rushing through her ears, and heart pounding violently in her chest, she lurched forward- landing on all fours. Having lowered her altitude, she began to move forward on her hands and knees- scraping in the dirt, muddying her white gown, biting down on her whimpering lips to keep herself from making a noise.

"I'm going to fuckin' find you Selina. . .stop hiding like a bloody rat and come fight me you coward. . ."

There was a faint note of frustration.

And Selina picked up on it.

'Great. . .' she cursed; 'Just what I need. . .a frustrated, and possibly unstable murderer. . .shit. . .'

She dragged her body even closer to the ground, and continued to creep- slithering in between vines.

The herb farm was designed like a maze.

Sitting in a valley, and spread out in endless plain, were rows and rows of shrubs, plants, and trees- all in damn near perfect ridges- all equidistant to one another. Millions of blades of green leaves and colored petals dotted the entire landscape in splashes of color.

The rich smell of earth...

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