Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 389: Ceremony Preparation

Chapter 389: Ceremony Preparation

The battlefield that ends the Fourth Age

Klein was in a trance for a while. His grasp of history was very deep, but he was still shocked by the battlefield in front of him.

"The Fourth Age is the age of the gods." Klein looked at Mr. Azik.

"So the only thing that will end it is the war of the gods, the only war of dreams." Azik pointed out.

Klein immediately grasped the key and followed the spiritual guidance to see where the "Spear of Destiny" came from.

That's something Klein is already very familiar with.

A bright dreamy phosphorescence, this is the image of the "Supreme Dream" in the underworld.

In his eyes, this image was even clearer and more majestic than the holy statues Klein had seen.

"This is..."

Klein's spirituality expresses extremely high awe.

It was at this time that something seemed to become clearer in that dreamy phosphorescence, which caught Klein's eyes.

He saw lines of cause and effect one after another, seemingly endless, with the "Supreme Dream" as the center, and these cause and effects spread to all corners of the world.

This is a kind of terror in the eyes of the "karma-loving ones", which means that the "Supreme Dream" can easily control everything in this world...

Klein lowered his head in fear, and heard Mr. Azik's voice in his ears.

"After this war, the dream achievement is supreme, and the gods bow."

It turns out that this is the reason why all churches have dream beliefs. It turns out that this is the reason why Dream Sect is so special...

Klein suddenly felt that this was indeed the case.

It turns out that in the battlefield of the Fourth Age, "Dream Achievement is Supreme" and the "Spear of Destiny" also killed two emperors.

All privileges come from the most powerful and incomprehensible power.

"Then..." Klein thought of a slightly blasphemous question, "Are the 'Creator' of the Third Age and the 'Supreme Dream' of the Fifth Age equal existences?"

As far as he knew, these two were the most special, even more special than the true gods.

"Yes, you can regard the Third Age as the rule of the 'Creator', and we now live under the rule of the 'Supreme Dream'."

Azik nodded slightly, confirming Klein's idea, but then he glanced at the pierced "Underworld Emperor" and pulled Klein away from the battlefield.

"It's time for you to go back." Azik's interest was obviously not very high.

Klein nodded understandingly. This time there was no barrier, and he easily contacted Gray Fog.

"Thank you for your help." Klein bowed deeply and thanked him, and then his figure disappeared directly into the underworld.

"..." Azik left the world that was nominally his own without stopping.

"It's really dangerous!" Klein returned above the gray fog and made a summary of this trip to the underworld.

"Why would the 'Mother Tree of Desire' target me?" Klein looked at the slowly flowing gray mist. This was probably the only possibility.

"But recently I have brought the 'dream card'. That was before, when I entered the Southern Continent?" Klein had some guesses.

This made Klein feel cold in his hands and feet. Unknowingly, he took a trip to the lair of the "Mother Tree of Desire" and could not come back if he accidentally made it.

Klein made a note of this matter. Before reaching a certain level, he must avoid all places related to the "Mother Tree of Desire".

After that, he sorted out all the information he got from the battlefield.


Klein blinked, and the feeling of familiarity became more and more obvious. It was so similar to the "Hidden Emperor's" knowledge light ball!

"'Four Emperors'? Is it possible that there is also a 'Hidden Emperor' in this battlefield? Did he record what happened on the battlefield?"

"Judge... Punishment Knight... Law Mage... Chaos Hunter..."

The formula was complete until Sequence Three, but when it came to Angel, the formula began to be incomplete.

Klein thought for a while, materialized paper and pen, and wrote down the most important information.

"Sequence Zero, Judge..." He thought about the complete formula of "Red Priest" that he had obtained, and completed the "Judge" formula, "Three copies of 'Hand of Order', uniqueness."

"The 'Judge' ritual is: ...strict rules...judgment..."

There are only two keywords.

This made Klein a little curious. The ritual with only two keywords really made him have the urge to return to the underworld and enter the battlefield to see it again.

"There's no rush!" Klein suppressed the urge. "This ritual has little to do with me anyway. I don't need to take the risk to do it again, or it won't be too late to do it after I become an angel."

The most important thing now is the ritual of the "Cunning Mage".

Klein took out the real soul of the "Spirit World Predator" and said, "The materials for the 'Little Sun' should be in place soon. It's time to prepare for the ceremony."

Klein waved his hand to reveal the images of two demigods. They were originally two black shadows, but gradually the black shadows gradually became clearer and revealed their true appearance.

This can also be regarded as an application of the power of "The Blessed One of Karma". How could Klein let go of assassinating such a big Karma?

He followed the line of cause and effect and directly completed the images of the two people in their fate.

Klein looked at the figures that appeared in the gray fog and recognized them, "MI9, Qonas Kilgor, Psychological Alchemy Society, Hvin Rambis."

The two are also well-known figures in Backlund, whom Crane met as John Constantine.

At the same time, this is also the person he chooses to complete the ritual.

"Hvin Rambis..." Klein remembered that this man had attacked him twice. The first time was during the evil god's sacrifice incident, and he fell into the hands of Triss.

"That's him."

The reason why he was chosen was not only because he had attacked twice before, but also because he had to deal with Triss. Of course, it was also because he was also an "audience".

The audience was clearly mentioned in the "Cunning Mage" ritual. The two "audiences" had different references, but Klein always hoped that he could increase his hope of success.

"Then try to attract a few viewers with enough weight, and he still won't stop my murder."

Klein naturally thought of Truman.

"It wouldn't be offensive to ask him to watch a play, right?" Klein muttered, having already convinced himself.

As for the difficulty of murdering an "audience" demigod...

Klein decided to find more channels to understand the "audience" approach, which was not difficult for him.

Go to the Dream Church in the name of John Constantine, ask Arrods, and even take a look at the little angel...

As for directing murder, that wouldn't be difficult for Crane either.

The power of the "karma-loving one" is very powerful in this regard.

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