Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 364: Intelligence

Chapter 364: Intelligence

Throughout the morning, Klein was dealing with Archbishop Claude's backlog of documents that had been backlogged for more than a month.

This part of it is the funding application documents for churches across Loen, and it was actually able to be suppressed for so long.

But the strange thing is that no church in Dream Sect has ever complained about lack of money!

"This one..." Under the guidance of spirituality, Klein found what he valued most at the moment.

A set of recommendations for the implementation of the Survival Act from the Crown and major churches.

This is the benefit of his identity. Using the power of the Dream Archbishop, he can easily access such documents.

"The royal family recommends that all major churches write the right to survival into the holy scriptures..." This sentence alone made Klein's pupils shrink.

"How can it be?!"

What is the Sacred Scripture? It is the most inviolable part of the church. It even records the oracles sent down by the true God, which reflects the teachings of the true God to believers and is the foundation of preaching.

This piece of advice from the royal family is so ridiculous! Even something like the "Survival Act" that is beneficial to believers cannot be written into the church's holy books!

"The royal family may not really want to do this, but want to use this method to express a will and a firm will to implement the Survival Act."

"With such a will, the nobles and capitalists will be afraid and will not dare to cause trouble."

Klein would be happy that the poor people's right to survive has been protected, but on the other hand, this also gave him a strange sense of horror.

Paying such a high price can only show that the royal family has great intentions.

"Do you know about the other churches? For example, the Church of Night?" Klein seemed to have come into contact with some kind of high-level plan, and subconsciously wanted to rely on the big tree.

"Eh? That's not right. I am now the biggest tree of the Dream Sect in Backlund." Klein thought thoughtfully.

As long as he sits in this position, similar information will definitely come to his desk, and he also has the ability to influence the direction of the will of the entire Backlund royal family, nobles, and church.

This is a feeling that Klein has never experienced before.

"Perhaps, in this capacity, I can act more domineeringly and directly..."

"Continue." Klein sifted out the part he needed among these documents. One of the documents caught his attention because he saw a familiar name.

"Audrey Hall? Miss Justice?"

The emergence of this name was truly unexpected.

At the aristocratic banquet when Klein first joined Backlund, Klein had already recognized the early financial backer of the "Tarot Society".

"Children and Women's Rights Protection Association?" This is a project closely related to "Backlund's most dazzling gem".

Roughly speaking, this aristocratic lady will establish an association for the protection of children and women's rights on behalf of the Hall family and the Church of the Night to provide some help to women and children in the East District who are unable to work.

This is also part of the implementation of the Survival Act.

From this point of view, this law has been implemented quite well with the promotion of all parties.

It's just that this thing will definitely not be able to complete the task. Klein needs to investigate more deeply.

"Your Majesty Bishop, Miss Audrey Hall is here." Coincidentally, Klein heard the priest's report just as he was reading this document.

"This is the third time this young lady has come to our church. Before, we had to push her back because Bishop Claude was not here."

Klein was speechless, so he had better not refuse, because this noble lady represents the Hall family and the Church of the Night.

"No wonder Claude ran so fast..." Even with several priests helping to deal with the pile of documents, he was already a little tired.

Klein slowly stood up and prepared to meet this "Justice" lady.

He was familiar with this young lady. Not to mention the deal on the gray mist, even in the illusion world, Klein had been supporting her for several months.

"Hello, beautiful lady, I am John Constantine." Klein met Audrey Hall again in the reception room.

"Good day, Lord Bishop." Audrey Hall's green eyes reflected Klein's shadow, and Klein's still somewhat tired spirit was instantly awakened.

I almost forgot, this is an "audience"... Klein gracefully invited Audrey Hall to sit down and discuss the establishment of an association for the protection of children's and women's rights.

The Dream Sect, which is located in the East End and occupies an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the people of the East End, is the most suitable to do this, and Audrey Hall is the specific executor.

He seemed a little relaxed at first, but soon became nervous again, hiding his true expression... Audrey was a qualified "audience" and noticed the unnaturalness in Klein's attitude.

Like those who know me... Audrey Hall sat down gracefully and glanced lightly at the golden retriever following her.

Susie, the golden retriever, stuck out her tongue and looked at Klein. The tacit understanding between master and servant also made her enter the "audience" state.

"..." Klein was surrounded by the "audience" and always felt like he was sitting in an interrogation room.

"The project of the Rights Protection Association can start directly." Klein decided to start discussing this serious matter directly.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop, for your support." Audrey's face turned serious indeed.

This noble lady also gained a lot of growth during that evil god sacrifice incident, and needed an opportunity to realize her own value.

And this association is a great opportunity.

"There will be priests who will cooperate with your actions in the future..." Klein also wanted to end the current topic as soon as possible. After all, he really didn't want to face two "audiences."

But before he could say anything, his spirituality made him swallow his words of farewell.

"...However, the Guarantee Association is not complete. If we want to implement the Survival Act, we also need to work hard in other aspects, such as you nobles."

Klein looked at Audrey Hall and said that he needed to get more information from the noble representative.

"Yes." Audrey Hall nodded slightly.

"Because of this matter, the royal family has prepared an internal meeting with the major nobles and some famous bankers and wealthy businessmen." Audrey revealed the royal family's arrangements.

"A meeting of nobles?!" Klein immediately realized the value of this meeting. As long as he promotes this meeting, he will probably be able to complete the task!

This is the reason why his spirituality instructs him to continue to stay here despite the gazes of the two "audiences".

"As the leader of the Dream Sect, I feel that I should be deeply involved in this matter." Klein looked seriously at the noble lady opposite.

"Not just me, but other churches also need supervision." Klein directly made reasonable demands in the name of Dream Sect.

"This?" Audrey blinked, unable to react.

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