Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 31: Civilization Picture Scroll

Chapter 31: Civilization Picture Scroll

This time, Truman honestly plays the role of a dreamy angel under the throne of the Creator.

Within a few months, he led missionaries to preach in many human city-states and even alien races. He showed the power of angels from time to time and left many legends in various city-states.

Saving lives and healing the wounded are all basic skills. Hunting demigod monsters, purifying city-states, spreading dreamy light and other legends showing divine power truly constitute his unique image in the Creator's Holy Book.

Correspondingly, Truman does feel that his anchor of faith has increased sharply after his status as a Dream Angel has increased, surpassing all the believers in the City of Deep Darkness.

This allows him to mobilize more of the power of the Book of Dreams, and his own condition is also excellent.

But one day, Saslier contacted him.

"Morning and harvest?" Truman looked at the letter sent to him by Saslier, with a strange expression on his face.

It hasn't been too long since the battle between the ancient gods. Truman and the mother and son had a fierce fight, and even plotted against Badheir.

This probably caused some welcome changes in Badheir's mentality.

"You want me to receive them?" Truman frowned, "Aren't you afraid that we will fight directly?"

Then he thought of something, and suddenly he wandered back to the territory and found Lilith.

In the past few months, he has often returned to the territory to feed Lilith. This vampire's taste has been cultivated and he will not touch the blood of other humans even if he is about to lose control.

Although it is not Truman's blood, it is the only blood in this world that can suppress madness.

"Did you send blood?" Lilith is still arrogant, which is the nature of the ancestor of vampires, but compared with a few months ago, she seems to be a little more popular.

"Your existence reminds me of a kind of human being who is almost parasitic in the house." Truman complained. "You never go out and ask for food."

Probably because this is the Kingdom of the Sun God, which is naturally in conflict with vampires, Lilith has never stepped out of the church built by dream believers for Truman since she came here.

"Follow me to see Omi Bella!"

Lilith's face instantly turned serious.

Truman took out a badge, which is a symbol of dreams and can be directly connected to the Book of Dreams. It is essentially the same as the divine badge he carries.

"Secret authority is not safe enough, plus this." Secret authority is enough to make Lilith invisible in fate and reality, but now she is walking directly in front of the person involved to observe, so it needs to be more secure.

"Okay!" Lilith didn't waste any time and followed Truman to a temple in the Kingdom of the Sun.

Inside are Badheir, the god of dawn, and Omibella, the goddess of harvest.

With two five-meter-tall giants standing under this large statue, the church was actually a bit cramped.

"It's you!" The morning light in Badheir's single eye trembled violently at the moment Truman walked in. There were wisps of dusk aura condensed into a giant sword, and the power of the morning light was stirring.

"Put down the sword, or you will never get what you want." Truman didn't even look at Badheir, but walked slowly to the middle and stood under the statue of the Creator.

At this moment, his dreamy twelve wings spread out, as if a brilliant divine light fell from the statue of the Creator, dotted between the twelve pure white wings.

"Are you his subordinate?!" Badheir did not put down his sword, but his fighting spirit was extremely high.

"We are not here to provoke a war." A softer voice came from Badheir, suppressing Badheir's arrogance.

"This angel, we are here for the Dusk Passage." Omi Bella was wearing a wooden armor and a battle skirt, holding a wooden staff, exuding a strong breath of life, and her voice was as gentle as possible.

He naturally recognized Truman, but he was just holding back. Being able to do this was much better than Badheir.

"Okay!" Truman didn't have the same experience as Badheir. Soldiers were generally like this, especially Badheier.

"But you should know that knowledge is priceless, it is directly equivalent to power."

"We have brought the giant family's collection over the past millennium." Omi Bella couldn't hear the emotion in her words, and she deliberately restrained herself.

"Oh? Show them all!" Truman became interested. The Sun God allowed this knowledge to be spread, but he just wanted to dig out the flesh of these ancient gods. Thinking that the giant's opening would require a sequence path. It's outrageous.

"Scroll of Civilization."

Omi Bella took out a scroll from the spiritual space. This scroll was like a condensed light and shadow. It seemed very thin, but it gave people an extremely thick feeling.

In Truman's eyes, what he saw were the various extraordinary races recorded on it. They rose from ignorance and madness, multiplied and fought driven by instinct. After countless years, they gradually gained wisdom. Start building their own civilizations.

There are giants building royal courts, elves carving palaces, and even miracle cities hanging high in the sky. The underworld is hidden deep in the spiritual world.

This is a civilization created by an extraordinary race.

And the next moment, what Truman saw was giants and dragons dominating the world, suppressing other extraordinary races, and starting the twin era.

The farther ones are too blurry to be seen clearly.

"I don't know which one this corresponds to in your potion, but I can be sure that this civilization scroll is precious." Omi Bella nodded with satisfaction when she saw Truman being calmed down.

Truman let out a breath. He was really stunned at that moment. Now that he woke up, he sighed that these ancient gods must have taken over all the high-sequence characteristics that were not available in other pathways.

This picture of civilization is the uniqueness of the "perfect person"!

It records all traces of existing civilization and also makes certain deductions about the development of future civilization!

The giant king actually resisted swallowing this uniqueness.

Of course, if the giant king swallows this thing, the conflict between non-adjacent paths will be enough to turn him into another demonic wolf of destruction.

Maybe the rest of the high-level characteristics and uniqueness of the twenty-two paths are like this? Somehow present in the vaults of the Old Gods.

These things are enough to move the ancient sun god!

"This alone is enough." Omi Bella was very confident.

"...Not enough!" But Truman shook his head firmly. These ancient gods are too rich...ah no, knowledge is priceless!

Hearing these words, the life breath in Omi Bella's single eye stagnated, and Badheir almost slashed the angel with his sword.

Needless to say, the preciousness of civilization scrolls is a first-class item in the giant's treasure house.

If they hadn't gotten enough information from the scroll and knew that their tribe would eventually become the overlord, the giant tribe wouldn't have used it in exchange for the magic potion formula.

In their opinion, this magic potion may be the last piece of the puzzle for the giant family to become one of the twins.

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