Logging 10,000 Years into the Future

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

The result was …

“You have insufficient authority. You are unable to obtain medicinal formulas above Level 5!”

Hiss —

Lu Sheng took a deep breath. He was shocked.

He had thought of this possibility when he took out the Spiritual Muscles and Blood Strengthening Decoction.

The decoction’s prescription had appeared in the martial arts world 300 years ago. After ten thousand years of development, wouldn’t it have improved and become a higher tier prescription?

The result was beyond his expectations. Not only had the Spiritual Muscle and Blood Strengthening Decoction been improved, but it had also directly transformed from an ungraded supplement to a precious medicine that was above Level 5.

“That means my idea is feasible …” Lu Sheng’s brain was working at high speeds.  “As long as I publish something from ten thousand years in the future (in the present time), human civilization will have an additional ten thousand years of development in this research. It’s completely possible to push it to new heights …”

Lu Sheng looked around. The dream world was still the same as before. It seemed like nothing had changed.

“No! There are still changes …” Lu Sheng pulled up the latest news from Fireseed Repository and was surprised to find that the date on it was ten years earlier than when he first entered the dream world.

“That is to say, the Spiritual Muscle and Blood Strengthening Decoction, after ten thousand years of development, has given the entire human civilization an additional ten years of survival time. What about ‘Stellar Body Refining Technique’, ‘Natural Breathing Technique’, ‘Crystal Contemplation’, and other Level 11 supreme techniques?”

An audacious idea popped up in Lu Sheng’s mind. He even had an impulse to publish all these techniques on the Internet in one breath. But he quickly suppressed the thought and dismissed it.

“Not to mention whether publishing these techniques in the martial arts world can save the future of human civilization. Once published, it will inevitably set off a great uproar in the world. The existing order will be instantly broken, and society will inevitably be in chaos. My family and I will immediately find ourselves in the eye of the storm. God knows what will happen …”

“Moreover, if this still can’t save the future of the human race …  The final spark given to me by the future of martial arts will be completely extinguished. There will be no more hope for the future of the human race. ”

Lu Sheng’s expression was calm as he sorted out his thoughts.

“The best way is to wait until I have a certain level of strength that can control the overall situation, then I will slowly publish these techniques. The weak human race in the martial arts world needs a correct guide to develop our civilization. This guide can only be me. I don’t feel at ease letting others do it.”

Lu Sheng’s heart calmed down again.

He seemed to have found a shortcut, but this so-called shortcut was very likely to be a dead end. A dead end for him, was the dead-end for his family, and the entire martial arts civilization of the human race. Lu Sheng didn’t dare gamble. He couldn’t afford to gamble.

Ding dong —

The doorbell of the room rang. Lu Sheng opened the door and saw a waiter standing at the door with a smile on his face, holding a pure black evening dress in his hand.

“Mr. Lu, President Jiang Jinian sent someone to send you clothes. He hopes you can change into it. We will also arrange a car to send you to the banquet later.” Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

Didn’t they say it was just a casual dinner? Why did Jiang Jinian send clothes?

Thinking about it, Lu Sheng nodded, took the clothes from the waiter, and said lightly, “Okay, I got it. Tell President Jiang that I will be there on time.”

“Okay.” The waiter responded politely.

When the door was closed, the sweat on the waiter’s forehead immediately rolled down uncontrollably.

“I don’t know who this VIP is, even President Jiang Jinian has to treat him so seriously. He has called more than a dozen times in the afternoon. Speaking of which, this VIP looks so young, but why is his aura so terrifying?  Standing in front of him is like facing a beast in a zoo. His aura is even stronger than that of the provincial-level bigwigs I have received before …”

The waiter shook his head and left quickly.


A young man in the mirror was wearing a tailored black tuxedo. A dark blue bow tie was tied around the collar of his white shirt. He had fair skin, his posture was straight, and his facial features were handsome. Every movement he made exuded the aura of a rich young master.

It was Lu Sheng in his tuxedo.

“Looks good …” Lu Sheng loosened his bow tie and thought to himself.  However, compared to this, he still preferred the military uniform from the Eastern Military Region. It was more comfortable to wear.

“Whatever. If the old man wants to have fun, then let him have fun tonight. After all, I am leaving Liangcheng tomorrow …”

Lu Sheng picked up his phone and glanced at it.

He didn’t have many contacts on his phone, but he always received 999 + messages. Other than his family and a few friends, Lu Sheng rarely looked at other people’s messages.

He replied to his parents, Lu Qinghe, and He Ling Su. He told her that he had learned about the situation with the supplement and that he would most likely return to Baihe City tomorrow. He would contact her then.

Not long after he sent out the message, he received a reply.

One word – “Okay.”

At the same time, far away in Baihe City.

A certain busy woman grabbed onto her phone and angrily typed out a hundred-word complaint against a certain someone who left without a care for anything.

However, due to the certain someone’s power, these complaints were quickly deleted. She only left one word to send.


He Ling Su continued to bury herself in her work.

Lu Sheng put away his phone and stretched his body that was restrained by his suit. Then, he walked out of the room.

He was 1.85 meters tall (6.0 ft). His legs were long and his suit fit his body perfectly. When he walked, he exuded an intimidating aura. He looked like a completely different person compared to when he was in casual sportswear.

After he went down to the third floor of the hotel and arrived at the lobby, Lu Sheng saw that Xue Fei was already waiting for him.

“Lu …” Xue Fei saw him and wanted to wave. However, she quickly retracted her hand, “Mr. Lu, I am here.”

Lu Sheng walked in front of her and said calmly, “Just call me Lu Sheng. The word ‘Mr.’ doesn’t sound very nice.”

“Oh.” Xue Fei nodded. Her posture was still a bit cautious. Xue Fei had obviously dressed up meticulously for the night.

Her makeup was exquisite, and she was wearing a long red dress with a slit that extended from her thighs to her waist. She looked both elegant and beautiful.

The hotel had already arranged a car for Lu Sheng, but when they saw Lu Sheng get into Xue Fei’s sports car, they knew not to disturb them.

Xue Fei was obviously much more obedient when driving at night. She didn’t run a single red light along the way.

Twenty minutes later, the car slowly stopped at the entrance of a private manor.

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