Logging 10,000 Years into the Future

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Lu Sheng tried to switch to different breathing methods, and the results he got were also  …

Golden wind, golden fire, golden lightning, and an even thicker golden colour.

“That’s pretty good …” Lu Sheng comforted himself. “This way, every time I make a move, it will have a golden glow. It will be incomparably eye-catching and cool.”

After reaching Level 4, Lu Sheng had too many things to think about; mainly research, and follow up.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had to come to the Liangcheng for the Spiritual Master Assessment, Lu Sheng would’ve locked himself away until the entrance examinations.

What could he do? Only after the Spiritual Master Assessment could he log onto the Star Web. Plus … being a spiritual master gave him bonus points for the entrance examinations.


A silhouette suddenly stopped in the middle of the road at the foot of the mountain.  A taxi came to a sudden stop. The startled taxi driver rolled down the window and cursed.

“Motherfucker, don’t run if you want to die. …”

Before he could finish cursing, he saw a handsome young man standing in front of his car with a few hundred dollar bills in his hand. He smiled, “Sir, take me to the nearest shopping centre, and this will all be yours.”

The taxi driver swallowed hard.

“Damn, get in the car!”

An hour later, Lu Sheng walked out of the shopping centre with a new pair of shoes. He tossed his old shoes into the trash can.

Then, he called out to the taxi driver, who had been waiting outside the shopping centre, “Sir, let’s go. Next stop.”

Lu Sheng opened the door and got into the taxi.

The taxi driver started the car and chatted with him through the rearview mirror.

“Young man, I’ve seen a lot of people climb mountains and lose their shoes. But you are the first one to have worn out shoes …”

Lu Sheng smiled but didn’t speak.

Ever since he encountered the chatterbox taxi driver, Lu Sheng decided that he would never speak in a taxi if he didn’t have to.

“Young man, you don’t look like a local. Are you here for a holiday?”

“Speaking of which, what kind of place is this Dongning Spiritual and Cultural Research Association you’re going to? I’ve lived in Liangcheng for a decade, and I’ve never heard of such an association. It’s a good thing we have a GPS … ”

The taxi driver tried to initiate a conversation. Sadly, Lu Sheng didn’t even give him a “hmm” in reply. Since he couldn’t get a response from Lu Sheng, he could only keep his head down and drive.

Suddenly, a fiery red sports car whizzed past from the side with a boom sound.

“What the …” The taxi driver was taken aback. He was already feeling a little depressed after being snubbed by Lu Sheng. Now, his anger suddenly flared up.

“Why are you so cocky when you’re driving a sports car? Do you own the roads?”

The taxi driver cursed and stepped on the gas pedal to catch up.

After all, he was the loudest in the car. People outside couldn’t hear him.

Lu Sheng was too lazy to care. Even if the car exploded, nothing would happen to him.

If he wanted to race, then so be it.

Next, the taxi driver began to compete with the red sports car. He didn’t want to give up.


At a traffic light, the taxi and the red sports car stopped side by side.

Lu Sheng looked through the window and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the red sports car.

She was in her twenties, with long wavy hair, mature red lips, and the look of a pure big sister. The owner of the red sports car obviously noticed that the taxi was following her.

She turned to look at the driver and then at Lu Sheng without saying anything.

After the traffic light, the taxi was still stuck behind the red sports car. The main reason was that the sports car wasn’t moving fast.

“Enough, Mister. Stop following the car. I’m in a hurry.” Lu Sheng said faintly.

“No, I stopped following the car long  back …” The driver complained and pointed to the sports car in front of him. “The car’s  going the same way as us. I’ve been following the GPS.”

Lu Sheng didn’t say anything.

Then the red sports car suddenly sped up and soon left the taxi in the dust.

About five minutes later, the flamboyant red sports car appeared in Lu Sheng’s vision again, but this time it was parked.

“See, I told you we’re going the same way.”

The driver slowed down and turned to Lu Sheng. “There are others coming here as well. Young man, you’re here.”

Lu Sheng looked out in the direction the driver was pointing. Sure enough, he saw a three-story, gray-white, old-fashioned building with the sign “Dongning Spiritual and Cultural Research Association” hanging in front of the door.

And the red sports car that the taxi had been chasing was parked in front of the building.

Lu Sheng paid the fare and got out of the car.

He heard the taxi driver muttering behind him, “What kind of association is this? Why haven’t I heard anyone mention it before …”

Lu Sheng walked straight to the association.  Just as he was about to reach the door, a figure suddenly blocked his way.

“You’re quite capable to be able to chase me all the way here …”

The lady with the long wavy hair wearing a khaki windbreaker and black leather pants looked at Lu Sheng with her arms crossed. She sized him up.

“You’re just a high school student, right? You know how to pick up girls in cars at such a young age?” the lady was amazed.

Lu Sheng tried to explain. “We were going the same way. I’m also here for business.”

Lu Sheng pointed to the association in front of him.

The big wavy beauty giggled. Looking inside, she laughed and said, “Little brother, do you know where this place is? Next time when you’re looking for an excuse, think of a proper one …”

Before the beauty could finish her sentence, she saw Lu Sheng’s eyes suddenly flash.

In an instant, it was as if a golden sun had appeared in front of her, its radiance dazzling her eyes …

When the beauty shook off the illusion, she realized that Lu Sheng had already walked past her and into the association.

“You really are here on business.”

The beauty is a bit stunned. “He’s so young, and he’s already a spiritual master? That’s something …”

At this moment, the voluptuous beauty’s impression of Lu Sheng changed greatly, and she hurriedly followed him.

Lu Sheng walked into the building with the signboard “Dongning Spiritual and Culture Research Association” and saw a table inside. A young man in his twenties was sitting in front of the table.

He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He was sitting on a chair and playing a game on his phone.

Lu Sheng walked over and knocked on the table. The young man didn’t even raise his head. “Little brother, do you know what this place is?”

This question again.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment and pulled out a leather envelope from his backpack.

“I have a letter of recommendation.”

The young man pressed the pause button and raised his head.

“Let me have a look.”

Lu Sheng handed over the letter from Dong Qingxue.

“And it’s from the military. Impressive …” The young man muttered and opened the envelope.

After a while, he looked Lu Sheng up and down in surprise. “You really are one of us. Not bad, coming to the association at the age of seventeen or eighteen. But your spiritual power seems to be very weak. I can’t feel it at all …”

Even as he said that, the young man quickly stood up and led Lu Sheng inside.

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