Logging 10,000 Years into the Future

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

When the Level 4 Exotic Beasts and even the quasi-Level 5 Exotic Beast, the Golden-eyed Demonic Ape, had appeared, no one had any objections.

Now that the exotic beast has changed to a human, they were beginning to worry.

This also proved from one aspect how dangerous Lu Sheng was in the hearts of everyone in this room!

After hearing the opinions of the three, Yu Feiyi thought about it, and then said: “Then let the supervisors raise their vigilance and be ready to protect them at any time. Don’t let Lu Sheng break the three of them.”

“Yes, Sir.” The young officer nodded and quickly conveyed Yu Feiyi’s instructions.

The chief instructors of the three representatives looked a little better now, and sat down one after another.

But even after sitting down, they were still worried, and they stared at the screen intently, for fear of any mishap.

Dong Qingxue and Qin Shaojun were sitting there, motionless.

Their current mood? Very complicated.

They didn’t know how to describe it.

Only one word could come close—dreamlike!

It was all so dreamlike!

Dong Qingxue has secretly squeezed Qin Shaojun’s thigh more than once. If it wasn’t for Qin Shaojun grinning in pain every time, she even wondered if she was living in a dream.

He took a nap because of sleepiness, and suddenly woke up to find that he was still on the helicopter rushing to the military base.

Dong Qingxue suddenly thought of something and glanced in one direction.

She saw Shangguan Ling sitting there with a dazed expression on his face.

This guy seems to have maintained this posture and this expression for a long time.

Dong Qingxue suddenly sympathized with this guy.

Why did you have to be so sarcastic? Bringing up the bet and mentioning the Exotic Marrow. Three portions of Level 5 Exotic Marrows, even for people of their level, it would be a heavy price to pay.

However, Dong Qingxue felt that, with Shangguan Ling’s current appearance, the influence of the bet was secondary, and the most important thing was that the psychological impact being too great.

A momentary lapse had caused it all.

“Fifteen minutes.” Lu Sheng put down his hand and reminded the three people in front of him.

Xing Zhi stood up from the ground, twisted his neck slightly, and the joints of his body made a crisp sound.

“I’ve recovered 90% of my strength …” Xing Zhi stared at Lu Sheng indifferently, and said lightly: “But it is more than enough to deal with this guy.”

“80%!” Kong Qing, the long-haired girl, also stood up, and a blue electric sparks flashing in her eyes, making her look quite fetching.

Jia Haoran, who was wearing a white shirt, also opened his eyes, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and looked radiant, even his face was quite rosy.

“I’m almost at 80% too.”

Beside Jia Haoran, twenty-seven long black nails were floating, revealing their sharpness under the light, like the fangs on a poisonous snake.

The three of them had already completely wiped away the slump they had when they walked out of the passage.

The three gazed at Lu Sheng on the platform from a distance.

Jia Haoran lightly licked his slightly dry lips, looked past Lu Sheng, and landed on the corpse of the golden-eyed demon ape behind him, with a flash of light in his eyes, and smiled: “Not to mention this guy, even if that Golden-eyed Demonic Ape came back to life, and I would still have the guts to challenge it for a round!”

Xing Zhi and Kong Qing also had a look at the Golden-eyed Demonic Ape.


Of course, this was all talk. Who would be so stupid to challenge the overlord of the Level 5 beasts, the Golden-eyed Demonic Ape?

Besides, the people in the military region were not cruel enough to throw Level 5 beasts into the selection passage. Haham, it was all to scare them.

“Good.” Lu Sheng glanced at the three of them, feeling the raging fighting spirit emanating from the three of them, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

“That’s more like it. Come attack me together, and you’ll be the new Enlightened Star Generals!”

“Together?! I’m alone am enough!”

As soon as Lu Sheng finished speaking, a figure kicked the floor and rushed towards him.

Xing Zhi!

“Damn it!” Kong Qing’s whole body erupted with a circle of fine electric current, and her complexion was a little unsightly.

“He’s taking the lead again.”

However, Jia Haoran looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl, and said with a light smile: “It’s okay, if I guessed correctly, the final test should be calculated according to the time it takes to defeat the gatekeeper. Xing Zhi likes to be the first, so let him go first, just let him try the strength of the gatekeeper.”

Kong Qing was stunned, and after thinking about it, her expression immediately relaxed.

“But having said that, his strength is indeed terrifying. He should be the strongest among the three of us …” Looking at Xing Zhi’s back, Jia Haoran said with a solemn expression.

Kong Qing looked up. Xing Zhi had jumped into the air, raising his right fist high.

He was close to two meters tall, and his burly body far surpassed that of his peers, and blocked most of the light coming down from the ceiling, and only a shadow could be seen from the bottom to the top.

Xing Zhi punched Lu Sheng in the middle of the platform with a wild and wanton attitude.

At this time, he was like an ancient warlord who could carry a tripod* in ancient times.

[TN: Tripod here is used metaphorically. It signifies exceptional strength and power.]

Who looked at the world with disdain, fearing nothing!

“Defeat me!” Before the punch landed, there was a huge overflowing aura, which moved the expressions of Jia Haoran and Kong Qing behind them.

At this moment, Jia Haoran and the two suddenly felt a burst of regret.

What if Xing Zhi instantly kills the gatekeeper with one move?

The gatekeeper looked so thin, maybe he can’t even take a single punch from Xing Zhi.

Xing Zhi was a Level 4 Martial Artist!

If I had an idea earlier, I would have gone first …

The two were annoyed, and they caught a glimpse from the corner of their eyes.

Standing in the middle of the platform, Lu Sheng calmly raised a hand and shook it into a fist.

Then, lightly struck out.


A figure flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, flew tens of meters away, and flew directly into the passageway whence he had come.


There were sounds of heavy objects tumbling down the passage.

Jia Haoran and Kong Qing stood there blankly, looking at the platform in a daze.

They saw Lu Sheng looking down at the two of them quietly from above, with that calm expression still on his face.

“You two, are you going to come one by one?”

Jia Haoran was numb.

The hairs on his back stood on end, and a gust of chill air rose from his tail bone and travelled all over the body in an instant.

“This guy … defeated Xing Zhi with one punch, all in an instant?” The long-haired girl, Kong Qing, spoke with difficulty, as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened before her, so she checked with Jia Haoran again.

“How old is he, why is his strength so terrifying!”

Jia Haoran replied with a scowl on his face: “I heard that some martial artists are too ambitious when they were young, and they take supplements indiscriminately, which lead to hormonal disorders in their bodies, and their bodies stop developing early on, so even in their 30s and 40s, they would still appear to be quite young. This guy must have a similar condition. He looks like he is seventeen or eighteen years old, but he might be old enough to be our father!”

Kong Qing had a horrified expression, and murmured in disbelief: “The military is really too cunning, they deliberately found such a person to deceive us. They wanted to make us lose our edge, by making us take the challenge lightly.”

“Yes.” Jia Haoran said with a complicated expression: “After all, the selection is for the entire Eastern Region, and they’d resort to any methods to test us. But I really didn’t expect the last test to be so outrageous.”

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