Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 865

Episode 865

‘I want to believe I heard wrong.’

If what Lee Han just heard was correct, then what Jo Woo-rin offered was…

I just picked it! here!

Jo Woo-rin innocently opened his mouth and pointed to the spot where his tooth was missing with his front paw.

For a moment, Lee Han had a vision of his name being published in the Imperial Newspaper and the Einrogard Newspaper.

-A boy from the Wardanaz family was excommunicated for seducing the royal family and extorting his flesh… Is this a fair deal or a trick caused by evil magic?

It has been rumored that the boy from the Wardanaz family has been controlling the royal family for a long time. According to the testimony of a member of the royal family, ‘It is impossible to imagine life without Wardanaz, both food, clothing, and shelter.’

The head of the Wardanaz family ignored the expression of his position on this matter. The Empire’s subjects must be wary of the Wardanaz family. What is the intention to dominate the royal family like this?


-An unnamed junior member of the Wardanaz family has developed a novel method of extracting a reagent from the dragon’s body.

It is easy to mistakenly believe that the only way to do this is by force, but this junior brainwashed the dragon into offering a reagent to him!

This is a wake-up call to the current Ainroguard wizards who rely only on magic and do not utilize wisdom.

In the future, even if wise Einroguard wizards encounter a dragon, instead of hastily attacking them, let’s try to brainwash them like this junior into thinking that they are the only ones on the dragon’s side!

‘That’s terrible.’

The most terrible thing was that I couldn’t refute that fantasy.

Honestly, I think Lee Han would have thought that way if he were an outsider.

To completely block other people’s access and take care of yourself so frugally…

…isn’t that great?

Jo Woo-rin noticed Lee Han standing still with a pale face and asked.

I picked it because I thought it was a good material, but when I got that kind of response, the dragon became very sullen.

“I was so happy I was speechless. majesty.”

okay? Then one more…

“Get one more and your heart will stop for joy. Pfft! “My heart is already half full…”

Oh no! Lee Han! I command you to stop being happy!

While Jo Woo-rin was stamping his feet and not knowing what to do, Lee Han asked the two professors for help.

‘Please help me. professor!’

When I thought about it, it seemed like there would be no point in asking Professor Boladi for help. Lee Han just asked Professor Garcia.

“…Your Highness. Wouldn’t dragon teeth be too much?”

Professor Garcia, who belatedly recovered from the shock, barely opened his mouth.

Dragon’s Tooth was traditionally a powerful magical reagent. In particular, in the field of summoning magic, its reputation was so great that it even had its own name, Dragon Soldiers.

The problem was that this reagent was too precious.

Even the dragon teeth used in dragon-type summons were rare to find 100% pure dragon teeth. Because it is so precious, the dragon’s teeth that have been handed down since ancient times are mixed in a very small amount and used together with other products.

I could understand why Lee Han felt burdened since he had given such a valuable item to a second-year student.

Moreover, isn’t Lee Han playing the role of Jo Woo-rin’s protector within Einroguard?


Jo Woo-rin became sullen.

I can’t believe that the gift I gave after putting so much thought into it was too much.

Jo Woo-rin’s eyes filled with tears when he thought that he was having a really good time at Einroguard, but that he had not been able to give even a proper gift.

Professor Garcia was embarrassed and immediately changed his words.

“two! Two is too much. One is that it is very appropriate!”


Lee Han, who was lying on his side, sighed inwardly.

Even Professor Garcia!

oh. Is one okay?

“One thing is perfectly fine. “If you’re a good student, it’s okay to carry around at least one dragon’s tooth.”


From earlier, words like ‘even if you are an average student’ or ‘if you are an average student’ were being used indiscriminately.

Lee Han gave up, sighed, and got up.

“thank you. I will write well. majesty. … But from now on, please don’t arbitrarily pull out body parts.”

Ha but Lee Han. It grows quickly…

“If you don’t want to pull it out, don’t pull it out.”

I understand!

When Lee Han spoke sternly as if telling him not to argue further, Jo Woo-rin immediately responded.

Professor Garcia was impressed when he saw that.

The dragon, which had not yet fully grown, was a troublemaker whose direction it was impossible to predict.

Who would have thought that Jo Woo-rin would follow along so well.

The problem was that he followed it so well that he even sacrificed his teeth…

“Professor Garcia.”

Professor Boladi tilted his head suggestively at Professor Garcia. Professor Garcia wondered if he was going to say something.

“Why are you doing this, Professor?”

“I think it would be best to hurry and use the dragon’s teeth.”


Professor Garcia was at a loss for words when Professor Boladi suggested that he quickly practice summoning dragon teeth before the lecture ended.

I have to do this to have 0 disciples!

The disciple doesn’t want to get a bad reputation, so he’s trying to persuade the dragon somehow, but he’s thinking to himself, ‘Hehe, I’ll have to have the disciple summon a dragon soldier.’

“professor. “Aren’t you worried about student Lee Han?”


“…I’m still in the second year, and not only do I have to walk around with a dragon, I even got a tooth from the dragon. “If this rumor spreads, what would student Lee Han do?”

Professor Boladi was lost in thought for a moment at Professor Garcia’s sincere words.

And then he answered seriously.

“I don’t think it will be any different from now.”



is it?

Professor Garcia looked down at his anger and was slightly persuaded.

Now that I think about the rumors, even if rumors like or are added…

‘…it doesn’t really feel like there’s much of a difference, right?!’

Professor Garcia was confused as to whether he had fallen for Professor Boladi’s trick.

“Professor Garcia. “Could you please stay close and watch me use that dragon’s teeth?”

“ah. yes. for a moment. “What about Delet students?”

“You’re getting some rest.”

Lee Han pointed to the dirette next to him.

As if the shock of seeing the dragon’s teeth had still not subsided, Direth was sitting on a chair with his wings fluttering.

While Lee Han was looking at the fantasy of the imperial newspaper earlier, he had already collapsed.

“ah. No… I will help you.”

“…Dirette student, please rest a little more!”

* * *

Jo Woo-rin happily argued with the skeleton golem summoned by the dragon’s teeth.

The fight was so enjoyable that during the third fight, he got hit and fell to the ground (Diret almost fell down again).

and! It was so, so much fun!

“I’m happy too.”

“Me too… ugh.”

Delet’s complexion was dark, as if he had been locked in a punishment cell for a month.

Lee Han felt sorry for no reason and apologized.

“sorry. senior.”

“It’s not your fault…”

“Stop talking and get some rest.”

Delet gestured instead of answering. Lee Han understood right away and asked.

“Dragon’s teeth?”


“Here it is. oh. “Is this something you would like to have?”

Delet shook his head vigorously, bristling the feathers of his wings. Then he glared at his junior.

“I’m sorry…”

“Jailer… I meant to do well… Because it’s a precious ingredient…”

“Dilet student. You had a hard time. “Drink some of this.”

Professor Garcia took out a potion and held it out. It was a potion that revitalized and protected the mind.

After taking a few sips, Delet seemed to have regained his energy and finally opened his mouth.

“…I think this will be the most memorable lecture of the year.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay. There was nothing I could do about it. “You said you had to take care of Your Majesty more than that, right?”


“I’ll take a shift. “Professor Garcia has plans for next time.”

Professor Garcia’s eyes turned red at the sight of Delet willingly stepping up for his junior.

Even in the dreary hell of Einrogard, sometimes a wizard with such a kind soul appears.

The true miracle of Einrogard might not be magic, but these students.

“thank you. Delet student.”

“Professor Bagrek, when do you have schedule?”

Professor Boladi opened his mouth in response to Direth’s question.


“Do you have a lecture next time?”

“…in the state.”



There was an awkward silence. Everyone except Professor Boladi felt awkward. Even Jo Woo-rin hesitated, as if he had noticed.

“…I’m so glad Professor Bagrek is with us!”

“senior. Get out now. “If it’s just me and Professor Bagrek, everything will work out.”

“…hey. Quiet.”

Delet gathered his shaking heart and silenced his junior.

Of course, I felt like I wanted to get out of it, but the moment I got out of this, Dirette wouldn’t be Direth, but someone like Professor Verdus.

“What is the next lecture?”

“〈Magic Algebra and Esoteric Geometry〉. “This is Professor Knighton’s lecture.”

“It’s an easy lecture…”

Direth was relieved when the second-year lecture came out.

And then I was shocked.

‘…I never thought it would be such a relief for a second grader to take a second grade lecture!’

algebra? geometry?

“If you’re not interested, would you mind resting in the lounge?”

Lee Han looked at Jo Woo-rin and asked.

If Jo Woo-rin didn’t show any interest, I planned to send him to the break room and let him sleep for a bit.

Then wouldn’t Lee Han and his party rest in peace?

Yes! no. Jo Woo-rin loves geometry. I especially like analytical geometry and magic dissipation planes!



Lee Han and Direth exchanged looks of shock and fear.

…You’re probably smarter than both of them, right?

* * *

“Lee Han. “You’ve been through a lot.”

“Wardanaz. cheer up.”

When Lee Han brought the dragon in, his friends offered words of comfort.

Lee Han, who protects the dragon against his greedy and evil predecessors, felt truly dedicated.

“…I don’t deserve to hear that.”


“A guy like you…!”

Not only the black turtle tower, but also the white tiger tower seemed a little moved by the same words just now.

“Ugh. Wodanaz bastard. “I never thought you would say such wonderful things.”

“I should have done it!”

Regardless of his friends’ reactions, Lee Han suffered inside. The dragon’s teeth in the reagent bag felt heavier for no reason.

“…no. “Professor, why?”

“for a moment. “Isn’t that person a 5th grade senior??”

Delet covered his burning face with both hands and sat in the very back corner of the classroom.

In comparison, Professor Boladi’s expression did not change at all. The two sat quietly with Jo Woo-rin between them. With the sound of the door opening


someone came into the classroom.

Professor Alpen…

…but it was Yukveltire. Delet instinctively lowered his posture and hid under the desk.

Jo Woo-rin asked while tilting his head.

Why are you acting like a caterpillar?

“…I dropped my quill. majesty.”

Jo Woo-rin nodded and remembered in his head, ‘Lee Han’s senior makes a lot of mistakes.’

Meanwhile, Yukbeltire opened his mouth.

“Professor Knighton was away on business. I will take charge of the lectures on your behalf. question?”

No one raised their hand. Yukveltyre nodded slightly, as if he had expected that to happen.

Then he noticed a huge dragon sitting somewhere in the back of the classroom and raised his eyebrows.

“…Your Highness Jo Woorin?”


“Could you please come forward for a moment?”

At Yukveltyre’s call, Lee Han quickly drew out his staff.

How dare you!

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