Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 52

Chapter 052

“Is it that dangerous?”

“There are too many dangerous monsters in these mountains. Deep inside, there must be several monsters that even the professors don’t know about. As it is spring now, there will be many monsters that will wake up as the week goes on…”

Professor Ingeldell looked at the mountain range with a worried gaze.

This magic school, Einrogard, was located in a place rich in magic, so there were no choice but to have many monsters around it.

In particular, the mountain range behind the school was a dangerous zone where all kinds of monsters could exist in Ingeldell’s eyes.

The area deep in the mountain range seemed suitable for living with powerful giant monsters such as ogres, mountain giants, trolls and wyverns…

With these monsters, even powerful monsters that normally wouldn’t live on the outskirts of the mountain range were pushed out of the center.

“No matter how energetic the students are, going into these mountains is not a wise choice. Only a crazy person would make that choice.”

“It’s not because I want to go in, but the task is to go into the mountains and get materials.”


Professor Ingeldell cleared his throat with a shy expression.

He didn’t know that it was another professor’s assignment.

“Is it? Then the story might be a bit different.”

“I don’t think the story is different…”

Strictly speaking, Professor Ingeldell was a swordsman, not a wizard.

As such, it was inevitable that there would be a difference in the way of thinking to some extent from the professors at this school.

In particular, the cool way of thinking of the professors, such as ‘Some people can die if they learn magic’, made Ingeldell frightened.

However, you cannot curse at a fellow professor in front of students just because you disagree.

Professor Ingeldell hid his inner thoughts and spoke as much as he could.

“If another professor told you to go into the mountains and get materials, he must have something on his mind.”

“Is it really so?”

Lee Han was already staring at Professor Ingeldell with eyes full of disbelief.

To see a person who had just been called ‘this is what crazy people do’ react like that as soon as he hears the professor’s name…

I strongly suspected that he was siding with me as a fellow professor.

Professor Ingeldell cleared his throat again and changed the subject.

“By the way, breathing is coming back. Great. Have you completed the cycle?”

Professor Ingeldell was delighted when Lee Han, who had been breathing heavily, suddenly spoke as if he felt at ease.

For this effect to occur, you must complete the magic circulation within your body.

“yes? Oh, this is…”

Lee Han made a shy face.

“sorry. My concentration was scattered, so I just released my mana.”

Squeezing mana from the center of the body – > concentrating the squeezed mana and circulating it to every corner of the body.

this was the fix

Just like blood, if mana flows smoothly throughout the body, the body can be strengthened without any waste.

The key here is smooth circulation that doesn’t break or stutter!

…But when Lee Han got tired because the circulation was cut off, he didn’t just circulate his mana coolly, he sent it to various parts of his body and then released it.

After all, you just have to re-squeeze your magic power.


Professor Ingeldell stared at Yihan, not understanding what this Wardanaz student was talking about.

* * *


After hearing Lee Han’s detailed explanation and what had happened while fighting the anti-magicists, Professor Ingeldell was troubled.

Originally, it was something that had to be stopped because it might cause death.

Fighting in a way that wastes mana like that. It was like spattering your own blood on the floor.

But Professor Ingeldell had a flexible mindset.

If there are a hundred swordsmen, there are a hundred swordsmen.

Considering the amount of magical power (if you can call it innate), such a waste could be one of the methods.

After thinking and thinking, Professor Ingeldell made up his mind and said,

“I am not going to tell you to ban that method. However, it would be better to focus on completing the cycle without using it as much as possible.”

“All right.”

Lee Han nodded his head obediently.

In fact, Lee Han didn’t have crazy thoughts about what kind of honor he was going to have, such as ‘hew… the most important virtue of a prosecutor is strength… even if the forbidden secret method burns my life, I will gain great strength…’.

If it’s dangerous, ‘Oh, it must be dangerous’ and don’t do it.

“And if you have that much magic power, it will be harder to complete the loop of circulation inside.”


Where did you hear the story a lot?

“So, Wodanaz will increase the amount of training.”

“…Oh oh…”

Lee Han managed to control his expression with a steely mind.

You have to pretend to be happy!

‘You can’t tea. You can’t show off.’

Professor Ingeldell, who still had a human heart compared to the professors here, was delighted with the response.

“Is that so? I was worried that you might not like it, but it turned out really well.”

“Yes… I’m so happy… As you know, I’m serious about swordsmanship…”

At Lee Han’s words, Professor Ingeldell smiled, his scarred face blooming.

“I’ve known for a long time that the Wardanaz students are serious about swordsmanship.”


“True. When you enter the mountains to find materials, I will accompany you.”

“…Didn’t Professor Thunderstruck say it would be fine as long as he thought of it?”

“yes. But I like to go for a walk.”

It was unlikely that Professor Ingeldell, who had both a prosthetic leg and a prosthetic arm, would like to take a walk in a steep mountain range, but Lee Han could only nod.

To be honest, I was seriously worried about what would come out of the mountains if Professor Ingeldell did that.

* * *


Lee Han headed to Professor Thunderwalk’s cabin.

There were all sorts of things happening today, but the chores the professor originally ordered were not to take care of those circumstances.

Of course, it could have been a little unfair from the position of Professor Wooreegeol.

I never asked him to come every day, and he said that if he was busy, he didn’t have to come.

And in fact, Lee Han also had a ulterior motive.

‘I have to dig up all possible information.’


< I'm going to be away for a while because I have work. Steal in moderation! -Thunderstep >


Lee Han was surprised to see the writing on the paper.

Well, Professor Thunderwalker is also a human being, but there was no way he would be stuck in the cabin like a crippled person every time. You should have time to teach other students and do your own work.

Lee Han nodded and removed the paper.

Then he went back to the tower and called Yoner to bring him.

“You want me to find something useful here in the cabin?”

“huh. I want to check the potions in the box I found the other day.”

A potion box that Ratford, a pro thief, stole from a wagon.

Even if he wanted to know the identity of those potions, it was difficult for a first-year student like Lee Han to find out with his naked body.

It would be of great help if we could find useful items in Professor Thunderwalker’s hut.

A student with knowledge of alchemy like Yoner would be able to recognize it even better.

‘for a moment. Isn’t this Professor Thunderwalk’s cabin?’

As he ate grilled meat the other day, Yoner quickly recognized his true identity.

‘It’ll be fine.’

But Yoner decided to just let it go.

What is this about in this crazy school?

“for a moment. what is that?”

“what? ah. A vegetable garden?”

When Yoner, who was walking in front of him, said with a surprised expression, Lee Han replied as if it was nothing.

“I’m taking care of it, but it’s still a long way off. It will take a few more months to grow.”

“…huh? You think you’ve grown up?”


This time, it was Lee Han’s turn to be puzzled. Lee Han, wondering what he was talking about, headed back.


What Yoner said was true.

‘no. what?’

Lee Han was surprised to see that the vegetables he had planted had already grown.

No matter how you think about it, you grew up too fast.

“Professor Wooreegeol must have sprayed something? You have a very quick temper.”

At Lee Han’s explanation, Yoner nodded.

I want to eat quickly, so I use a growth stimulating potion.

‘You really have a lot of appetite.’

The thunderous step, which was not in place, ended up with a false accusation.

“Now that this has happened, we should harvest. Yoner. Can I ask inside the cabin?”

“Leave it to me.”

Han Lee began to pick up vegetables with a farm tool and skillful movements.

Yoner watched as if he was bewitched for a moment by his trustworthy figure digging up potatoes without an inch of error.

A perfect move that any farmer who has been working for decades would show.

Yoner seemed to know why Professor Thunderwalker liked Lee Han.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh nothing. I’ll go and find something useful.”

While vegetables piled up in baskets, Yoner busily searched the cabin.

how long has it been

Yihan’s arms were filled with baskets of crops, and Yoner’s arms were filled with boxes containing unknown reagents and alchemy tools.

“Are you done?”


“let’s go!”

The two students of the Blue Dragon’s Tower left the cabin behind them and ran out vigorously.

On the door of the cabin, only the paper Lee Han had newly pasted was left fluttering.

< Thank you. professor. I'm leaving some of the crops I dug up, so please taste them. -Lee Han Wodanaz. >

* * *

Lee Han and Yoner greeted the morning sun with dark circles under their eyes.

It was an alchemy test in the freshman lounge, saving a night’s sleep.

“So this is the Kantus Potion?”


As a result, the potion found was as follows.

< Imperial West Wine (Delicious) >.

< Cantus Potion > – If you drink it, you can sing a beautiful song like a mermaid for a while.



When Yoner’s expression was about to turn sullen, Lee Han quickly calmed him down.

“This is a good achievement. You can’t figure it all out on the first try.”

“That’s true… but…

what’s the use of the singing potion…”


At that time, the Asan Dalcard entered the break room. Asan Dalcard was happy to see them.

“Wardanaz. Are you ready to go into the mountains today?”

“It’s just fine.”

Lee Han-do had a plan in place.

Like the other students, I start on Friday, somehow come back on Saturday, and on Sunday…

‘I use a ticket to go out and come back.’

Lee Han tried to stay calm.

It is best to keep your expectations as low as possible. It was a place where you didn’t know what traps might be there until you left.

“really. Wodanaz. Would you like to visit the black market before entering the mountains?”

“…What market?”

Lee Han was taken aback by Asan’s words.

black market?

‘What kind of school has a black market?’

No matter how much, I couldn’t believe Asan’s words…

…but there really was.

‘It’s ridiculous.’

To be precise, it was not a black market, but a small market.

The Black Turtle’s Tower new students set up a market near their tower!

At first, they gathered to barter for things they needed, but since it was more convenient than expected, it was opened periodically.

Lee Han was at a loss for words.

‘What is this school trying to teach its students?’

“Come on, place bread and eat bread! Find His Majesty the Emperor. Among the three cards is His Majesty the Emperor. Where is His Majesty the Emperor? If you get it right, you’ll double the bread… Aww, Mr. Wardanaz.”

Ratford, who had been flaunting the three cards flashily, stood up when he saw Lee Han.

When all the students who were chatting around turned their heads to look at him, Lee Han wanted to just turn around and leave.

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